Carbs !

hi fitness pal buddies ! I just want Wanted to know if there was anyone who had issue with going over their daily recommended carbs ! I always seem to go over , I know reducing my carbs is the obvious way of doing this but I never seem to know when's the best time to eat carbs and which are the best things to eat and eat . I'm loooking to loose about 14 lbs !


  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    How many carbs you can eat is dependent on your goals. You can adjust the allowed amount on here. Also, there is no "best time to eat carbs." Meal timing and nutrient timing are myths.
  • Yogafit28
    Yogafit28 Posts: 30 Member
    Try to get most of your carbs through fruit and veg IMO and they will not hurt you I promise lol I eat those things without counting and the weight comes off easy :) Moderate other carbs like starchy veggies and breads and pasta- even if you eat the same amount of calories in these types of carbs it will effect your body differently. Starchy veggies like sweet potatoes are the best because they fill you right up, I prefer them to breads and stuff. Hope that helps a little bit?
  • iamcallieu
    iamcallieu Posts: 17 Member
    The best time to eat carbs are with your evening meal or after a workout.