82song Member


  • Thanks guys :)
  • Definately not something to laugh at, but something to celebrate! every pound counts, and they will all add up. Congratulations!!! :)
  • Thank you all so much for taking the time to help. Most of the exercises I do are walking and cycling, occasionally zumba when I get time. I'm using paula radclife scales to measure body fat, but as I tried to do an experiement, I find that the body fat changes depending on the time of day. I've also been using an online…
  • nothing like boxing to get the frustration out!!!
  • same here!!! :)
  • wow! well done! you look fabulous!
  • Hi guys, thanks for your comments. I agree that weight loss is a complete lifestyle change. I hope that I can maintain the walking, zumba and cycling and maybe take up something else. I just dont see myself doing the exercise video every three days for a long time without going bored, but I get bored quite easily ;)
  • Thanks everyone, the tips were useful. I've added the other measurements. and well done to you all for getting closer to yuor goals! I mostly cycle everyday for 30 mins on an exercise bike, and I walk for 40min- 1hr about 4 times a week. Ive only just started using dumbells, although I'm ashamed to say I actually don'r…
  • Hi there, it took me about a month for it to settle down, but I suspected that it would take a while after my body was used to 29 years without water! it will adjust, just keep at it :)
    in Water Works Comment by 82song May 2011
  • oh my days you have 5 kids?! you look fantastic already!!! :smile:
  • Hi Guys firstly thank you all so much for taking the time to reply to me. I apologise for not getting back sooner, I was without internet for nearly a week!!! Frogle- you are right I need to start looking at the positives. Unfortunately Im one of those people who is negative, (haha even me saying that is a negative in…
    in :( Comment by 82song May 2011
  • I was the same, I hated water, and still do, and I used to drink cordial all the time. Like some on here, I started using a bottle. I Use a 1 litre one so then I just think its only 2 bottles to drink rather than 8 cups. Over a period of a month I've now gradually trained myself to drink more, so now I drink close to 2.5-3…
  • My starting weight Sunday April 17th = 68kg My weight on Saturday April 23rd = 67.3 kg My total weight lost for this week = 0.7 kg/ 1.5 lb its still something I guess! PS great thread, it was really fun and motivating to take part in this, and congratulations to all those that managed to see a difference this week!
  • starting weight from yesterday: 68kg
  • not sure if you get these in the US, but in the UK we have a yoghurt called activia- you eat one a day for about two weeks, i find its very potent!!!! also there is senakot which I presume you migh get a pharmacies or health shops. then again there's prunes and castor oil!! hope you find something!
  • I know this is probably a bit of dumb question- I have no idea what to eat my calories back in! by the end of the day although I am under my calorie limit, under my carbs limit I always seem to reach my limit for protein/ sugar somehow (i eat fruit and fibre for breakfast or a cereal bar like alpen light or special k) so…
  • fruit and fibre is brilliant, but I pick out most of the raisins as that adds a lot of sugar!
  • sounds good. I never got that eating back your exercise calories thing as people have said your calorie expenditure should exceed your calorie intake. However recently I have started to eat more regularly, and it seems to have helped. You have lost an incredible amount though, well done!!! don't forget to congratulate…
  • It's something I'm trying to change, I hate the taste of water! I also read somewhere that drinking ice coldwater isbest as the body has to burn more calories to bring the body back to 37 degrees
  • the scales moved eventually and very reluctanly!!
  • wow well done, you look great! what a difference!!! You've encouraged me to stick with the shred!!! Can I just ask (sorry if you;ve been asked this already!) did you do any other exercises aside from the dvd?
  • Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply. I'm hoping that I'm just panicking and my scales are wrong ;). I think the MIO flavour drops is this? http://drinkablereview.blogspot.com/2011/03/mio-liquid-water-enhancer.html
  • Hi there, I'm new on here :) I'm sorry that you guys are having such a hard time. I can completely sympathise with you- I've also been suffering from cluster chronic migraines since I was 8 years old, I am now 29, and the pain is atrocious. I have been under a neurologist who has tried everything amytryptine, injections to…