
82song Posts: 30 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I'm going on holiday in 3 weeks with my in laws, to meet some of their family. I've put on nearly two stone since my wedding photos, when I used to be size 10-12 and I thought I was fat. I recently did a phd and was sat on my *kitten* for 6 months coupled with stress and i put on more weight. I am absolutely dreading all the comments about how fat I am now (I have a huge stomach!!!). My sister in law always makes me feel really uncomftable as she always teases my husband about him having a pot belly when its not fatter than an ironing board, and she always does it in front of me. It might be me being sensitive, but it still feels weird. then i have my in laws commenting on how i got big....its just so embarassing that I allowed this to happen.

Also I suffer from chronic migraines so I am sick close to every day so my I often eat and lie down. Maybe I use that as an excuse but it really doesnt help me trying to lose weight.

I just feel really embarassed. I just look like a blob :(


  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    try to concentrate on the good. The 4 kg you have lost so far. I used to get migraines alot too. Not sure what caused them or what made them finally stop. I ate chocolate when I got them and they went away. Probably not the best advice since we are trying to lose weight. As far as your sister in law goes....Maybe she is just poking fun at her brother and nothing is really directed at you at all. Stress does cause us to gain weight and working on your education had to be stressful. Anyway, Today is a new day. Just do what you can to make it great today! Try to stay positive. In a few months they will be talking about how little you have become :happy:
  • missduffbug
    missduffbug Posts: 217
    Firstly - they have absolutely NO right to judge you before they have walked a mile in your shoes.
    People tease or make fun of others because they are not confident themselves. Also they try to do it to get attention but really it just makes them look stupid and like a horrible person.

    Never ever let other people dictate how you feel- I know that is really hard as I myself once had a boyfriend whose parents used to comment on how 'plump' I had become. And I just didnt need to hear it. Its none of their business as to why you have gained weight and its natural - people gain/lose weight constantly. Your body fluctuates.

    I can totally appreciate where you are coming from and I know you must be filled with dread but dont let them ruin your time away. If it really gets too much and you feel like they are bullying you or putting you down - I would just turn round and say somethng like 'I may be overweight, but at least I can lose it and change the way I look - youre stuck wuth that face forever' and walk off and calm down.
    I wouldnt usualy advise biting back but I bet that will shut them up and not mention it again!!

    Dont let them ruin your holiday...... they clearly arent worth it xxxx
  • woody7890
    woody7890 Posts: 27
    Hey, I totally understand how you feel!
    I'm only 18 years old, but all the way through my school years i was bullied for being overweight.. Some days i didn't want to see anyone, didn't want to get out of bed! I comfort ate through the tears...! :tongue:
    My sister used to pick on me for being big, every argument would end with her shouting insults, then gorging myself on any high calorie foods i could find! Then when i passed my driving test, and i put on LOADs more weight!
    Due to me being bullied at school, i have lost most of my confidence and a simple training course had me feeling sick and miserable.
    I went on the it, the person doing it totally picked out that i was lacking in confidence, so he told me i should stop living in the past. So a few days after that course, i looked at different apps for my iPod and found this. Started using it a few days later (on my normal diet) and it showed me how much crap i ate! So made a pledge to cut down on the pot noodles and pick up an apple! After 3 weeks i've lost over half a stone and feel a bit more confident! I absolutely adore my junk food and will not live on salads for the rest of my life! So i mix it up, i have rice and chicken with sweet and sour sauce on a friday night. I make my own mini pizzas and have a salad with it.
    You should research any food that might help with the migraines and incorporate them into your diet. Don't cut out ALL food..

    I know it's a bit of an essay.... :)
  • 82song
    82song Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Guys

    firstly thank you all so much for taking the time to reply to me. I apologise for not getting back sooner, I was without internet for nearly a week!!!

    Frogle- you are right I need to start looking at the positives. Unfortunately Im one of those people who is negative, (haha even me saying that is a negative in itself!!!) thats great that you found something to get rid of the headaches!!! I've tried everything that I can think of, but chocolate is defo one of the triggers for me!

    Missduff- I think you are right that maybe I do need to say something then it will stop it for good.....hopefully.

    Woody- I was really saddened to read your post. It sounds like you had a tough time, but Im glad that you are doing something that is for yourself and will hopefully build up your confidence. I too have been bullied and I wish someone had said to me when I was 18 that those things were in the past. But something I have just realised is that our past makes us who we are, instead of making the negative things part of who I am, I should have used the positives. so you at 18 can make the change earlier ;) Im sure that in years to come you would have achieved so much more than those who put you down. bullies often have lower self esteem that the person the pick on, and you are most probably a lot stronger than they or even you give yourself credit for.

    thanks everyone again :)
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