Exercise helping with stress

hey all i have a very stressful job and trying really hard to lose weight I would like to exercise when I'm mad but I get to frustrated and then dont Want to if anyone has any advice for which exercises I could do for something to help me out I would appreciate it thanks


  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    For me it's something really fast with really loud music. I go on my thigh stepper or my bike with some dance music and just pound it out. I hope you can find something that works for you!
  • crackerjack345
    crackerjack345 Posts: 129 Member
    Try to find something you love to do. I love to swim, and so I've been going to water aerobics and swimming laps. I love basketball and volleyball so I've been playing with a group of ladies at my church on Tues & Weds. I just can't STAND the treadmill, and ellipticals are evil torcher devices (for me). Now, when I'm having a bad day I look forward to my workouts and almost nothing will keep me from them. :~) Good luck in your journey!!
  • ruffledviolet
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Run! I just started couch to 5k last Sunday. It is hands down the best for stress. If you can't run, WALK. I've been walking for about 3 months on a regular basis. If you can walk outside it really helps beat the stress. I don't know if it's the fresh air or what, but just getting out of the house seems to lift my mood.
  • ruffledviolet
    or kick-boxing
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    Even if you take a walk it will help to clear your mind.
  • 82song
    82song Posts: 30 Member
    nothing like boxing to get the frustration out!!!
  • rvlashn
    rvlashn Posts: 4 Member
    I started jogging and running just for this reason. I've been diagnosed with depression since I was very young, with lots of anger issues and cardio exercise has been my savior. I love to put on loud, angry, or very fast beat music with my earbuds and run 3-4 miles. Of course, I didn't start out running that much, so if you're new to running start out slow.
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    I'd say boxing too!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Running helps to relieve my stress. OR Tae Bo. Something about punching, kicking and moving fast that helps relieve the stress too. :) Add in some Linkin Park on my IPod and I'm good to go.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    If I am in a bad mood....I RUN. If I say "I am going running" no one at my house even replies, they know better.
  • Jenn421
    Jenn421 Posts: 56
    Thanks guys I got in trouble at work for something really stupid and they tried to suspend me for it so I'm so angry and won't stop bothering me