ColdPlum Member


  • I agree with the general consensus here, that one piece of cake isn't really going to do too much. To your other point, about WHEN substantial transgressions show up on the scale; I find that my body is perfectly in sync with whatever happened two weeks ago. If I follow my plan for a week, then go crazy and am over on cals…
  • This is the perfect topic to bring up in therapy with her. Even if all you can manage is "I have a lot of feelings about what you told me in our last session, but I feel like I can't talk about them with you" and go from there. This is grist for the mill, and you have a beautiful opportunity here to choose being with these…
  • I think you look great. I'd go out with you. Why so harsh with yourself?
  • I have a very picky kid who is what we like to call a "carbaterian" Carbs all day every day. Her favorite dishes are spaghetti with butter or olive oil and bagels with butter and jam. My son loves apples dipped in honey-peanut butter, or chocolate peanut butter, and that would be a great weight-gainer. Might I recommend a…
  • Meh, I don't see the value in setting up a post to judge a woman's (or anyone's) appearance. I hope that she has an appreciation for her body, just as I have an appreciation for mine, even though she and I and everyone else looks different.
  • There is a wonderful supplement called Appecarb that helps with breaking that carb/sugar craving cycle. When you're just starting removing sugar former diet, the cravings can be pretty vicious, but after awhile its not nearly as difficult. I have found this supplement to be helpful. Its sold at my local pharmacy, but you…
  • The best quote I've heard on exercise is, "The best workout is the one you will do." My understanding is that you are wondering if dividing your workout into 2 shorter workouts has any benefit or if a single workout is best. Honestly, it makes no difference. Whatever gets you out there. There are those here that are…
  • I really love the sleep monitoring function. I have learned so much more about my waking and sleeping patterns which has helped me make a lot of changes. I had been dramatically overestimating how much sleep I was getting, and the fitbit really helped me pay attention, and even get my butt to bed earlier.
  • I'm creeping on this thread, and for those of you who use a food scale, what do you do at restaurants? This is where I really get lost, personally. I end up having to eat lunch out a lot, though its all super, super healthy stuff, usually off of a paleo food truck with meals that are 100% organic, grass-fed, all minimally…
  • If I was single and the teacher was my type, most certainly....I probably have in the past! Would you jump 30ft from a cliff to the ocean?
  • Last year someone said I was smokin! I predict that the next person has learned that they are stronger than they thought they were.
  • I'm also back after a while away, and have (still currently do) struggle with illness. I hope you're well, and I'd love to be on your cheerleading team! I'm really having motivation issues, but I'm hanging on. I think I resent all of the restrictions I've faced while healing, that I'm rebelling and shooting myself in the…
  • So, try to step away from shame being the motivator, or not only will you stay in the cycle, but you'll die a lot sooner. Shame is "I'm a sh*thead because ______". Try instead, "I'm happier when I _________, so I'll do that out of care for myself." There's so much evidence on the neurotoxicity of shame, the unstable neural…
  • Are there reasons to leave out other vegetables? How about kale? Sauteed in a touch coconut oil with garlic and red pepper flakes, Salt to taste and a spritz of lemon; truly addicting! Plus, kale is one of those superfood veggies. Peas are also a good vegetable to eat regularly. Sweet potatoes or orange squashes…
  • I'm all about support and encouragement! I'm looking for similar people to add to my friend list and would love to be in your cheering section.
  • Thank you everyone for taking the time to respond and help me along!
  • Oh my gosh you look fantastic! And you look about 10 years younger as well! How did you manage that?! Excellent work, be proud!
  • Thanks guys, you've given me some good ideas, and since its still early on Sunday, I can make some plans and preparations today. kommoodevaran, thanks for your thoughts, but the plan is totally necessary, I've got some specific health issues happening that force me to accommodate them, even though its not the most fun…
  • That's fantastic! You really look so solid now! What a difference.
  • I'm in the exact same boat! I've gained 10 pounds since January after going it on my own thinking that I didn't have to count calories. My stomach is bigger than my eyes. Care to friend and harass each other into better habits?
  • When I travel, I use a 7 minute workout fitness app. Its very intense and seems to do the trick. I wouldn't do it more than twice in a day. There are so many other workout apps and online videos, though. The possibilities are truly endless. Also, walking, jogging, climbing up and down stairs. Use your environment!
  • I have felt something similar, but it ended up that I was sensitive to gluten. I never noticed before but when I went low carb for a long stretch, I discovered that I couldn't tolerate gluten as well. I get a stomach ache after eating bread or pasta, but I've never thrown up. That's the only carb link I can think of, but…
  • Thanks so much! Coming up with that list is a really great idea. For some reason that hadn't occurred to me and, you're right, I draw a blank each mealtime and just get so frustrated. I've considered that I have to prepare ahead of time, but that as well seems so overwhelming. I think starting with the list will really…
  • It should have!!! Felt like I was having an hour and a half long panic attack!!! I stayed awake until 5:30am and had to cancel work the next day. I laid awake in bed for 7 straight hours just reliving that stupid movie and contemplating the inevitability of my own death. Fun times.
  • Oh, and regarding meds...I"m on a ton already. Without them I wouldn't be able to function!