

  • thanks everyone!! Can't wait to lose the rest!! =)
  • Honestly I do not know whether diet coke is healthy or unhealthy for you, what I did once I started dieting I just cut out any type of carbonated beverage out of my system.... my substitute? Unsweetened Iced Tea with 1 packet of sugar.... you wouldn't believe how delicious refreshing and thirst quenching it is!!! And it…
  • I know I may get shot for this, but I use those Keytones sneakers by Reebok that are supposed to help tone and sculpt your legs, my boyfriend always laughs at me cuz he's a runner as well and says that they're just a gimmick lol I guess I'll go check out a running shoe store and get some new sneakers cuz these ones are…
  • I figured that was the case thanks everyone! =)
  • Do you know where exactly I can get all this stuff? Whole Foods? Any Supermarket? Vitamin store?
  • Only problem is is that I can't work out my doctor said not too cuz I got my wisdom teeth taken out a week ago.... in fact I probably shouldn't be drinking.... but finals week is almost over and I definitely need some alcohol in my system I think I'm just going to throw caution to the wind and just have fun... I'll worry…
  • How about Rum and OJ? that's my drink of choice =)
  • one more final to go on friday!!!! I AM STOKED!!! how's everyone else doing???
  • You're telling me! My goal is to lose 50lbs by September which would make me 128lbs.... I don't think I can even remember the last time I was less than 130lbs...... EVER!!! I warned my boyfriend that once I lose this weight I'll be walking around in skimpy clothes for a while until I get used to it.... haha!
  • Thanks for the info.... I'm not sure entirely what my brother was talking about but he did say something about interval training being the way to go.... I think he was speaking along the lines that an elevated HR will burn some of your muscle... something about lactic acid? (sp) i duno..... but I did see you mention that…
  • How's everyone doing with finals?! I'm procrastinating like CRAZY!! I have a research paper due by Monday.... I have a title page... that's it lol And I caved the other night and ate eggplant parm pasta from maggianos :sad: booooo......
  • GOOD LUCK!! I'm trying to lose 50 pounds.... what is everyone's plans to lose the weight??? I've hit a plateau and I'm hoping to see new fitness and nutrition ideas!! Hope everyone reaches their goals!!!
  • My boyfriend watched this documentary on the dangers of drinking out of manufactured spring water bottles (ex: Poland Spring) and went and bought me a Brita watter bottle that has a built in filter so I can just keep refilling it with tap water. Not only does this help escape the toxins involved in both drinking tap water…
  • I work in retail and a lot of the girls there are naturally skinny and have the WORST eating habits! They constantly bring in chocolates, chips and anything and everything that's bad for you. And of course because they're such nice people they bring enough to share with the entire store *rolls eyes* They always just urge…
  • Haha they did the same on my campus they had a huge bbq in one of the parks on campus.... I just looked in the other direction and went to class early (outta sight outta mind) it didn't help when everyone from class came in with hotdogs and burgers complete TORTURE and not to mention our teacher decided to have a pizza…
  • I got my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday so it has completely ruined my sleeping patterns and eating patterns. I hardly ate anything in the morning due to pain, but once I was able to take out the gauze and loaded up on pain killers I gorged since I was starving, on yogurt(healthy) pasta(unhealthy) since it's soft and…
  • Great ideas guys!! I just got paid today and after I get out of class I'm going to go food shopping and do the whole pre-pack food portions thing. Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • My other question for you guys.... how do you find time to work out??? I work 25 to 20 hours a week and I'm a full time student.... it's nearly impossible to fit in a decent amount of gym time... I mean i manage, but then it's always a late night work out. For instance tonight I didn't go to the gym until 11:30pm and…
  • This is AWESOME!!! Finals week is here and I find myself pulling all nighters and always wanting to revert to my unhealthy eating habits. Or my friends would want to meet at the diner at 2 am to take a break from the insanity that is finals week studying.... Please keep up with the challenges I'm game And friend me…
  • WOW!! That's awesome!! How did you lose so much in 2 months?? I've been working out for more than 2 months and have only lost 16 pounds =( share your secret!! =)
  • Thanks!! I've hit a wall though I haven't lost any additional weight since I've lost the first 15....I know I just have to push it, but it's sometimes discouraging when you keep working out and not seeing any results after losing 15 pounds... *sigh*
  • ughhh i LOVE pho!! But I figured to reach my goal I'm just going to have to kick the darn thing.... let me know if you find a healthy pho!!!
  • Trying to lose 50 pounds by my birthday in September so I can finally be in a healthy weight bracket (128 lbs) according to my BMI Let's all be friends!! I'm on the 1200 calorie thingy as well, which is super tough!! I just keep telling myself to PUSH IT and continue to DO WORK!! =)
  • OMG!! I have the same problem!! I try to just go on the computer and not even think about eating and once I feel as though I'm gonna give in I grab a drink of water and brush my teeth. Usually the fact that I brushed my teeth will make me not wanna eat cuz it'll defeat the purpose of brushing (not sure if that makes sense,…
  • I'm the same way it seems like I only have two extremes... gung-ho fitness and nutrition plan or lazy blob that eats everything... it's sad I know. But this time I'm determined to stick to it!! Soooo in order to force myself to realize I need to kick my butt into gear everyday I put a bag of gym clothes in my car to remind…
  • I usually load up on edamame and ginger salad before I eat any sushi and once I finish and order sushi I just order one roll and I'm full!! The fill up on edamame and ginger salad is great cuz its healthy and low cal! And drink lots of water that's what I do!
  • I know how you feel, I'm not in the same predicament as you, but I have had a rough last couple of days and today has sent me through the roof! I literally stood in front of my fridge for 20 mins staring at a rack of BBQ ribs my mom left in there and contemplated chowing down, but I stopped myself and had a healthy snack…