SillyC2 Member


  • I wanted a pair that looked like they were made out of a firm egg crate mattress.
  • I'll tell you what.... I went to a marathon expo the day after I ran about 36 miles in the forest. I tried out a bunch of different "recovery" sandals and they all felt sooooo goooood. The one I really wanted to buy they didn't have in my size. I was driving home from a hundred miler (DNF at 75) and all I could think every…
  • Oh, that really depends for me. I HATE being thirsty..... but usually don't take water if the run is shorter than 7 miles. UNLESS I'm thirsty when I start out. If I'm thirsty and I'm like, "Oh I need to go for a run now but I also think I haven't had anything to drink in 4 hours, whoops!" I'll take a handheld out with me…
  • I'm going to mostly agree with Carson here. Wouldn't recommend starting from scratch and running a marathon in less than a year's time. Plenty of people "make it". But a lot end up injured by the wayside. I'd say 18 months from when you start running is a pretty safe goal, though. See where you're at in a year. There's a…
  • I'm an ultrarunner! I've run about 20 of these? If you're already running marathons, you can just run a 50k three weeks after a marathon and call it good. If you're looking at a road 50k, you'll prepare for that and run that no different than a marathon. Same thing, really, just five more miles. HOWEVER, if the event is a…
  • If you're running when you feel like crap physically, then don't do 7 days a week. Try yoga on your rest days instead for mental health?
  • Hey good luck at Big Cedar! I have two friends running that other than you, but doing the 100! Are those last 2 miles tough, though? If they are it makes total sense. I worked the Mile 97 aid station during the cutoff for an ultra once, and the people we had to cut off? Were not going to make it and we were genuinely…
  • I'm running in part to deal with a low-grade crazy problem. It's by far the safest thing I've ever overdone. If I quit running, I'll need to find something else to overdo. I hope it's swimming or cycling and not meth.
  • I bought an electric blanket. On Amazon, it's called a Mind & Body Electric Spa Wrap. It's like a heated bath towel. OMG - So wonderful!
  • Congratulations!
  • Oh Great! I added a bunch of you! I'm training for my first 100 and struggling with diet. Add me too!
  • I'm trying to think of all the "inaugural" races I've done.... it's been a lot. And I've volunteered at three on top of the ones I've run. They were all really good, but they were all trail races, so smaller crowd.
  • Definitely! Obviously, fitness plays a big role in how you feel, but I think also at some point, your brain stops freaking out and stops telling you that the way you're feeling is some kind of emergency. And that, my friend, is permanent. Once you're used to running long..... you're used to running long forever.
  • This depends on the weather and how well I've been hydrating! At 10 miles, I'll always carry water. Below 6, almost never. It's 6-10 where I'll make a decision based on weather and how well hydrated I am. If I haven't been drinking anything and it's under six miles, I'll just chug a bunch of water. Over six and I'll…
  • Agree with DavidMartinez2 here. So, here's where I'm at with this. I think a lot of us don't want to volunteer for a Competitor or Disney race, due to the for-profit situation. But what about a smaller, local company that is for-profit? We have a number of excellent small companies here in New England. The race directors…
  • About three months to recover? Are you getting physical therapy? I went to see a sports medicine physician at a teaching hospital. He and all his residents told me that I could run as much as I could tolerate, and that rest did NOT help with healing plantar fasciitis. I got a regimen of mostly strengthening exercises…
  • Dofflin! Cough cough..... (I'm a college professor, and a bio one too.) Isn't the act of finding those articles part of your assignment? Go see your science librarian and have that person teach you how to find these articles. That's where your tuition dollars are going. Take advantage.
  • Oh yeah - the Kip Litton saga. What a strange, strange story. Did you know you could buy West Wyoming Marathon T shirts at Cafe Press?…
  • No, if your electrolytes are high it tastes too salty and gross. Ever eat so much salty food that you're like, "Another pretzel? YUCK!" But other times you crave salt? Nuun is just an electrolyte tab for your water. It's super delicious if your electrolytes are low. Anyhow, I use drinkable electrolytes rather than salt…
  • Haha! Your avatar and screen name.... I'd guess female but wouldn't put money on it because there are men named Jesse (but they don't usually go by jess), and, well, winter clothes in the profile. Edit: Oh, just clicked on your profile and it SAYS you're female. It also says you're in Alaska so I'm wrong about those being…
  • Crappy and headachey after drinking after exercising is a great description of mild hyponatremia.
  • Next time you feel a thirst that you can't seem to quench with water, try as others have suggested, an electrolyte supplement such as Nuun. (Nuun is delicious! Unless your electrolytes are too high then it tastes like pee.) I just want to point out that most of the work Noakes uses to support his argument are from…
  • That's insane, SonicDeathMonkey! I cannot even imagine.... But I have to wonder if there wasn't a miscommunication here? While I HAVE seen people taking a bag's worth of stuff home from an aid station or post-race food station, it has always been because the volunteers were looking to get rid of it. I wonder if that's what…
  • Sammy, how fast do you run? Because if you're really fast you might not need to eat as much. But there's the rub.... the key to eating on the run is slowing down a bit so that your body has the opportunity to digest.
    in first 50K Comment by SillyC2 July 2014
  • Are you actually measuring your blood sugar during your run? I'm impressed!
  • It is an option, for sure, and I eat a ton of frozen veggies. But they don't taste anywhere near as good as fresh. They don't smell anymore and they aren't crunchy. You get a little sick of wet vegetable casserole and wet vegetable stew. [/quote] bleck. If that were my experience, I wouldn't be thrilled either. :/ [/quote]…
  • Unbelievably I'm south of the Timmies Belt. I'm in NASTY Dunkin Donuts land. Blech. I have to drive north about 40 minutes to refill my TimMug.
  • It is an option, for sure, and I eat a ton of frozen veggies. But they don't taste anywhere near as good as fresh. They don't smell anymore and they aren't crunchy. You get a little sick of wet vegetable casserole and wet vegetable stew.
  • I might as well live in Canada. We have beavers, moose, backyard hockey, and shovels for the roof here. But no kindersurprises. Edited to add - we even have poutine.