

  • I wouldn't message him. To be honest I think it would come off as a bit stalkerish and demanding. How awkward would it be if you deliberately didn't accept a FR for whatever reason and then that person messages you wanting to know why?, complete turn off IMO.
  • Wasting my life by stressing over every little thing... and clowns.
  • I quit kind of cold turkey with a little help at the beginning. I didn't want to spend all that time and money on patches so I put on 1 nicotine patch as a kind of a security blanket I guess and left that 1 patch on for a week. The first 24 hours it helped with the cravings, by the second day I knew it probably wasn't…
  • Nipped that one in the bud nicely! Success :D
  • Her questions aren't hurting anyone are they? If I see a thread that doesn't interest me, I leave. If I feel I can help, I will chime in. Simple as that :)
  • Yeah... get out of that one. It will probably end with him having to make a choice between you and his mother and you know he will most likely choose his mother right? haha, I had a boyfriend who still lived at home with his mother. Thankfully she was actually really nice and we got along reasonably well, but her constant…
  • Facebook is the devil, my friend. Not everything you see is how things really are. Try and look at it like this, while your getting jealous and having so many feels over his pics and what not, he is probably refreshing his page over and over to monitor the amount of "likes" his pics get. If they don't get as many as he…
  • Haha! :D
  • Hearing my son laughing with his friends :)
  • Hang in there Daryl :) I know that very low feeling, horrible isn't it >< You will come out the other side a much happier person and you are plenty deserving of support. Have sent you a request and look forward to following your progress :)
  • Hellboy
  • Seven Psychopaths
  • I'm Nicole, 37 from Australia. I've loved gaming for many years and i've owned most consoles, my first being the Sega Mega System, wow that was a while ago! I love Action RPG's and open world games, my favorites being Fallout 3 and Skyrim (just found out over 200 hrs of game play is missing from my HD, noooo!) I love love…
  • Xbox one here. It is a little bit more expensive than the PS4 (in my country anyway) but I think the xbox is well worth the buy. I like being able to pause or rewind with voice command and it works well nearly every time for me if I speak in a clear voice. There isn't too much in the way of games yet, but that seems to be…
  • Hi Chris. Sounds like you have a great plan! I'm finding the cravings particularly hard at the moment and hope that they will eventually disappear. I've sent you a friends request and look forward to following your journey :)
  • I've just joined up and would love to have some support or be of support to others in the same boat with this weight loss thing. I have 21kg (46 lbs) to lose to reach my goal weight. Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi there, I'm on 1200 a day so feel free to add me :) This is my second attempt on MFP, I lost the weight I wanted to last year but unfortunately fell off the wagon pretty hard and put it all back on plus more. Would love to have some support :smile: