My boyfriend's parents don't want him dating?



  • thinklivebefree
    thinklivebefree Posts: 328 Member
    Freshman? College? Which means you have about 6+ more break ups, 6+ more relationships, a few one night stands, a couple mistakes and tons of other things to worry about...Seriously freshmen aren't allowed to have vehicles and/or date seriously lol well at my school at kidding around have only been dating for a few weeks, just cut that loose now, his mother doesn't dislike you, she just wants him to focus on school! rightfully so...with that being said im sure whoever he dates is going to have to go through the same thing
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Surely there has to be an actual forum dedicated to teenage relationship drama besides MFP? I wouldn't have said anything if this were your first post on the subject, but it isn't....

    I've just been reading some really heartwarming posts for a lady who was upset by strangers when out for a walk, and thinking what wonderful people there are on this forum. Then I read this :-(
    This OP has a history and I doubt her story is even a smidgen of truth.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    It sounds like he is too dependent on her to stand up for your relationship. I do think it is possible that with time things may get better, as this was the case with me and my boyfriends mom, but you dont know how much time that will take. You wouldnt want to stick through the drama/stress to only breakup years down the road because you just cant take it anymore. Unless you think he is your soulmate it may be better to move on.

    * I have been dating my boyfriend for 7 years, it was 4 years before his mother's bitterness towards me cooled off. I would even be so bold to say she only mildly dislikes me now!:laugh:
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    Okay thanks for those who were helpful.
    He told his mother that he's going to do whatever he pleases. That's why she's going bat**** crazy. I don't think any of her kids have ever stood up to her and now he's breaking away and she's losing it. He defends our relationship.

    To you people who are so hung up on the people I've dated: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET THE **** OVER IT. Marine is gone. 22 bff is just my friend. So what if I move on quickly? Whoop dee damn doo. You're all the ones who told me to experience life. So I'm experiencing life. sue me for it. Stop being so focused on other **** and help me if you feel the need but otherwise, please keep your snide remarks to yourself. I ever addressed that my ex and the bff are out in the picture and unrelated to this in the introduction.
  • KenziesFrenzies
    KenziesFrenzies Posts: 1,014 Member
    100 to 1 odds his mom can describe him naked better than you can. Get out while you still can, his mom will make your relationship/your life a living hell.

    Seriously. This sort of behavior coming from the mother is just more crazy waiting to happen. And if she's acting like this now, she's never going to like you. Abandon ship!

    You're super young, and have just entered an atmosphere where you're around thousands of single peers, so get out of this mess now and you'll be glad for it later!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I had parents like that. The last two months of college, I had an intern to job all set and was ready to graduate and when I told my dad I had a boyfriend he freaked out.

    Anyway. The ONLY way I was even able to date was because I lived a country away and didn't tell them. Up until 23 I lied about having a boyfriend and the only way that was even possible was because I lived on my own AND they were an ocean away.

    I am just saying, it's a pain and it may be more trouble than its worth.


    I had parents like that too in my early twenties. I made it clear that I was a grown woman who respects them but runs my own life over and over, and they eventually accepted it. Tell your man to grow a pair.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    I'm in my mid-twenties and there have been many guys I have dated that have had to sneak out of their houses to come see me. It's not something that I let bother me because there is such a huge diversity of views on sex and relationships. If a guy I'm with has a different belief than his family but has to keep it secret to keep the peace at home then I can only be understanding and supportive :smile: Trying to have a serious long-term relationship would be much more difficult to maintain but you're young, have some fun and keep it from his mom :drinker:
  • KenziesFrenzies
    KenziesFrenzies Posts: 1,014 Member
    I really wish I knew about your past posts before I commented. Your mommy's are calling each other... a week into dating.


    Yes... Weirdest thing ever. (And I'm not talking about the gif.)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Think about this woman potentially being your mother-in-law. :noway:
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Surely there has to be an actual forum dedicated to teenage relationship drama besides MFP? I wouldn't have said anything if this were your first post on the subject, but it isn't....

    I've just been reading some really heartwarming posts for a lady who was upset by strangers when out for a walk, and thinking what wonderful people there are on this forum. Then I read this :-(

    Not long ago the OP (the girl who posted this) wanted to know if she should dump her current "boyfriend" (of again, 3 weeks or so) because he was going into the Marines (in several months) for her current "best friend" (who was male). This post is now involving a 3 male, also her "boyfriend". Now I did dumb stuff in college too, I'm not judging it. But really this is NOT the place for her to get advice about teenage dating drama.
  • Cirsium
    Cirsium Posts: 41 Member
    Surely there has to be an actual forum dedicated to teenage relationship drama besides MFP? I wouldn't have said anything if this were your first post on the subject, but it isn't....

    I've just been reading some really heartwarming posts for a lady who was upset by strangers when out for a walk, and thinking what wonderful people there are on this forum. Then I read this :-(
    This OP has a history and I doubt her story is even a smidgen of truth.

    A history of asking for advice that is seen as 'off topic' or something else? It just seems like there's always an attacker lurking in these forums.
  • Cirsium
    Cirsium Posts: 41 Member
    Surely there has to be an actual forum dedicated to teenage relationship drama besides MFP? I wouldn't have said anything if this were your first post on the subject, but it isn't....

    I've just been reading some really heartwarming posts for a lady who was upset by strangers when out for a walk, and thinking what wonderful people there are on this forum. Then I read this :-(

    Not long ago the OP (the girl who posted this) wanted to know if she should dump her current "boyfriend" (of again, 3 weeks or so) because he was going into the Marines (in several months) for her current "best friend" (who was male). This post is now involving a 3 male, also her "boyfriend". Now I did dumb stuff in college too, I'm not judging it. But really this is NOT the place for her to get advice about teenage dating drama.

    That's pretty patronising - why is it not? I've seen others asking life questions. I get the impression she's getting slagged of for being young, and that's really not OK.
  • bno76
    bno76 Posts: 18
    Yeah... get out of that one. It will probably end with him having to make a choice between you and his mother and you know he will most likely choose his mother right?

    haha, I had a boyfriend who still lived at home with his mother. Thankfully she was actually really nice and we got along reasonably well, but her constant mothering turned him onto this whiny manchild. Once he commented that he had a stomach ache so she lay him on the couch and rubbed his tummy for him. Ahh yes, that was an awkward half an hour...
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Surely there has to be an actual forum dedicated to teenage relationship drama besides MFP? I wouldn't have said anything if this were your first post on the subject, but it isn't....

    I've just been reading some really heartwarming posts for a lady who was upset by strangers when out for a walk, and thinking what wonderful people there are on this forum. Then I read this :-(

    Not long ago the OP (the girl who posted this) wanted to know if she should dump her current "boyfriend" (of again, 3 weeks or so) because he was going into the Marines (in several months) for her current "best friend" (who was male). This post is now involving a 3 male, also her "boyfriend". Now I did dumb stuff in college too, I'm not judging it. But really this is NOT the place for her to get advice about teenage dating drama.

    Why do you care? And yes, you are judging her.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Surely there has to be an actual forum dedicated to teenage relationship drama besides MFP? I wouldn't have said anything if this were your first post on the subject, but it isn't....

    I've just been reading some really heartwarming posts for a lady who was upset by strangers when out for a walk, and thinking what wonderful people there are on this forum. Then I read this :-(
    This OP has a history and I doubt her story is even a smidgen of truth.

    A history of asking for advice that is seen as 'off topic' or something else? It just seems like there's always an attacker lurking in these forums.

    I wouldn't call them "attackers" but I do see a lot of people who are far too concerned with criticizing OPs posts. The OP can post whatever they want (within the forum rules of course, and if they're not that's where the admins come in). Who cares if the OP changes their exercise routine and/or boyfriend every week. Critics: If you don't want to read about it then don't click on their posts. Do something more productive with your time.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Get pregnant. You will notice a HUGE change in his mom's attitude.

    Cheers, God bless! :drinker:
  • reality_girl
    reality_girl Posts: 165 Member
    Maybe it's just you they don't want him to date.
  • Cirsium
    Cirsium Posts: 41 Member
    Surely there has to be an actual forum dedicated to teenage relationship drama besides MFP? I wouldn't have said anything if this were your first post on the subject, but it isn't....

    I've just been reading some really heartwarming posts for a lady who was upset by strangers when out for a walk, and thinking what wonderful people there are on this forum. Then I read this :-(
    This OP has a history and I doubt her story is even a smidgen of truth.

    A history of asking for advice that is seen as 'off topic' or something else? It just seems like there's always an attacker lurking in these forums.

    I wouldn't call them "attackers" but I do see a lot of people who are far too concerned with criticizing OPs posts. The OP can post whatever they want (within the forum rules of course, and if they're not that's where the admins come in). Who cares if the OP changes their exercise routine and/or boyfriend every week. Critics: If you don't want to read about it then don't click on their posts. Do something more productive with your time.

    Yes! Agreed
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    I had parents like that. The last two months of college, I had an intern to job all set and was ready to graduate and when I told my dad I had a boyfriend he freaked out.

    Anyway. The ONLY way I was even able to date was because I lived a country away and didn't tell them. Up until 23 I lied about having a boyfriend and the only way that was even possible was because I lived on my own AND they were an ocean away.

    I am just saying, it's a pain and it may be more trouble than its worth.


    I had parents like that too in my early twenties. I made it clear that I was a grown woman who respects them but runs my own life over and over, and they eventually accepted it. Tell your man to grow a pair.

    :drinker: cheers to you i wish i was able to do that to my crazy folks...but i ended up ok! **twitch twitch**
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Surely there has to be an actual forum dedicated to teenage relationship drama besides MFP? I wouldn't have said anything if this were your first post on the subject, but it isn't....

    I've just been reading some really heartwarming posts for a lady who was upset by strangers when out for a walk, and thinking what wonderful people there are on this forum. Then I read this :-(
    This OP has a history and I doubt her story is even a smidgen of truth.

    A history of asking for advice that is seen as 'off topic' or something else? It just seems like there's always an attacker lurking in these forums.
    A history of posting outrageous stories about her dating life that seem very far-fetched and are always about a different guy.