

  • For this week's challenge I've chosen Circusmom, as she keeps us all going. And WOW! I can't even imagine what life would be like with 4 kids! I come from a family of 4 kids, and my Mom says there are definitely times that are just a blur and she just coped. So, I can only imagine. I find it hard with only 2! ha! Also, I…
  • I was just coming here to post my challenges. I didn't do very well this week. Weigh in: 149 loss, but no gain. Not a big surprise seeing as I didn't keep to my workouts. Cardio Challenge: 3 days - not sure how many points Strength Challenge: Lunges & Crunches - 3 days Stretch: 3 days Water: All 7 days....I'm…
  • I was just coming here to post my challenges. I didn't do very well this week. Weigh in: 149 loss, but no gain. Not a big surprise seeing as I didn't keep to my workouts. Cardio Challenge: 3 days - not sure how many points Strength Challenge: Lunges & Crunches - 3 days Stretch: 3 days Water: All 7 days....I'm…
  • Hi ladies! Just checkin' in and saying Happy Monday! I also am sorry I've been MIA this past weekend. And knowing you're all out there is motivation enough for me to come here and check in. I haven't been keeping up with the challenges so far because I ended up getting sick over the weekend. Just trying to nurse myself…
  • OK...maybe I'm totally out of the loop or something. So please help me! lol! What are the new challenges for this week, and where can I find the post for them? Secondly, how do I save the new thread for the main page of SAHMU? I found the link, but don't know how to save it to make it easier to find every time I log on…
  • Sorry it took me so late to post today's weigh in! Busy day with the kids! No weightloss this week : ( Last week: 149lbs. This week: 149lbs. At least I didn't gain. Hoping for better next week!
  • Cardio Completed - including jumping jacks = 3 PTS Strength completed = 3 PTS Food Challenge: Recipe = 1 PT Emotional Challenge = 1 PT Sleep Challenge = 4 PTS Hope that helps! It's been a bit of a rough week with not watching my eating at all and not getting in as much exercise as I'd like to. I'm going to make next week a…
  • It's been a tough weekend. This was the first anniversary of my MIL's death this past Saturday. She was taken by cancer way too young and my DH is an only child, so it's been very hard on him. We celebrated her life with a family bbq at our house on Saturday. And yesterday my FIL just came to spend time with the kids and…
  • Friday: Cardio: jumping jacks - done! - Don't know if I'll get my cardio in today, we'll see how the evening pans out. Strength: push ups - done! Sleep from Thurs. to Fri: 7 hrs.
  • Fitness Challenge: Cardio: 45 mins, including jumpin jacks - done! Strength: pushups - done!
  • Hello everyone! This is my first post for SAHMU & I'm excited to be part of this group! Here are my stats: Starting MFP weight: 154 lbs Starting SAHMU weight: 149 lbs Week 1 weight: 149 lbs Goal Weight: 140 lbs Emotional Challenge: How I handle being at this weight in my family is probably not very healthy. I just ignore…
  • I'll join Team Red if you still need someone...just saw this today. Hope it's not too late!