SAHMU Team Red (closed group)



  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Last Wednesday 163.1
    This Wednesday 162.5
    Lost .6 =/ boo was 161 but went up, suppose I could blame TOM but that feels cheap lol, will just try harder for next week.

    I always gain at least 1lbs durning TOM. I just look at it like next week there will be a bigger loss.
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    i had a 3.6lb loss this week!! woot woot!!!!!!!! i'm kinda in shock and disbelief, i mean..i worked hard but its just coming off faster than i thought it would!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    We are going to add a new rule to this challenge:
    If a member does not log in or comment on your team thread for more than 3 days, they will be replaced. Part of the journey of losing weight is having support. If a team member is going out of town or need a few personnal days please let your captain know and this will not apply to you. Everyone must weigh in on Wednesdays, if you are unable to on Wednesday please post your weight along with your points on Tuesday.

    *Team Captains-please msg the person that is not logging in and let them know, give them a chance to respond if they do not they will be disqualified.

    Please post this on your Team thread.

    We can motivate ourselves and each other to post at least every third day!! I don't want to lose anyone from our team so lets pull together on this!
  • Purplefly
    Awesome to hear Young9, keep it up!
  • Momof2gurls
    Sorry it took me so late to post today's weigh in! Busy day with the kids!

    No weightloss this week : (

    Last week: 149lbs.
    This week: 149lbs.

    At least I didn't gain. Hoping for better next week!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    WTG Young9!!! Awesome loss! :)

    Momof2gurls ~ I had no loss last week. But lost this week. As long as there's no gain, that's a victory! :)

    Okay ... I did not get in all my cardio yesterday!! ACK!! I'm over here trying to clear out clutter and organize my house. All this exercise has given me more energy to do stuff that I just did not feel like doing before. Yay! (I think! LOL!) Gonna get it all in today! So, yesterday was my "off" day. I did do my 30DS ... so I was not a total slacker! LOL!

    Have a great day Y'all! :-)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    i had a 3.6lb loss this week!! woot woot!!!!!!!! i'm kinda in shock and disbelief, i mean..i worked hard but its just coming off faster than i thought it would!
    Yeah!! That is awsome!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Okay Red Team, I've got a question for you all. Some how we ended up with 6 people on our team, Purple Team just had someone drop out and need to replace them, would anyone be willing to join Team Purple?? Please message me if you are interested. Thanks so much!
  • Purplefly
    Okay Red Team, I've got a question for you all. Some how we ended up with 6 people on our team, Purple Team just had someone drop out and need to replace them, would anyone be willing to join Team Purple?? Please message me if you are interested. Thanks so much!

    lol,woops I will go purple if you need me to... but only because I love purple obviously. Happy to be wherever Im needed.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Okay Red Team, I've got a question for you all. Some how we ended up with 6 people on our team, Purple Team just had someone drop out and need to replace them, would anyone be willing to join Team Purple?? Please message me if you are interested. Thanks so much!

    lol,woops I will go purple if you need me to... but only because I love purple obviously. Happy to be wherever Im needed.
    Only if you want to.... think about it and let me know.
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Cardio Challenge ~ Done

    Strength Challenge:
    Lunges ~ Done
    Crunches ~ Done

    Stretch Challenge ~ Done

    Water Challenge: I am at 56 oz now and it's just before 7pm est. I know I will get in over 64 oz today! :)

    I hope everyone had a great Thursday! :)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Wed:
    Strength: done
    Stretch: done
    Water: done
    For Thurs:
    Cardio: done
    Strength: rest
    Stretch: done
    Water: done
    I'm so glad this day is over!! It has been a long day! Hope eveyone else had a good day, I'm signing off for the night, till tomorrow!
  • Momof2gurls
    OK...maybe I'm totally out of the loop or something. So please help me! lol! What are the new challenges for this week, and where can I find the post for them?

    Secondly, how do I save the new thread for the main page of SAHMU? I found the link, but don't know how to save it to make it easier to find every time I log on here.

    Thanks for your help, ladies! And a HUGE HUG for winning the weightloss challenge this week! Even though I didn't contribute to that loss, I'm still excited that it was our team!

  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Week 3 (can you believe it!)

    A special thanks to Stacy (blue team) and everyone else who sends me ideas..Keep them coming.

    Cardio Challenge: 45min X 5 days this week

    Strength Challenge: Lunges 15 per day x 2 days and Crunches 50 per day X 2 days

    Stretch Challenge:
    Stretch before and after every workout this week. Here is a site that has some great stretching examples,

    Water Challenge: 64 OZ of Water a day for atleast 4 days.

    Team Challenge:
    Get to know your team: Each team member needs to read there teammates profile and make a comment on your team thread about them. Let your teammates know why they are great teammates or why they inspire you to try harder.

    I may not have posted it, sorry! I have had brain fog the last two days, don't know what's up with that?? I'm usually on top of things. Anywho here it is, and just let me add...I HATE LUNGES!!!!!:mad: :grumble: :noway: :sad: :sick: :frown:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Morning All! My lunges are done!:drinker: If I get nothing else done today, I did those dreaded lunges!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    So how is everyone doing with this weeks challenges? The only one I have a problem with is the lunges, I hate lunges!!!:sad:
    Here is part of my team challenge: Today I will talk about Redheadhen: First off, kids, cats, dogs, and chickens, Lady my hat is off to you!! I won't even let the kids get a hamster. That's just one more thing that will depend on me and I have enough dependents!! Although, it must be nice to have fresh eggs everyday!!! and I can relate to having a hubby that can eat and not gain, it's hard to see them enjoying Oreo's and not have a few with them. Ugh!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Cardio Challenge ~ Done

    Strength Challenge:
    Lunges ~ Done
    Crunches ~ Done

    Stretch Challenge ~ Done

    Water Challenge ~ Done! Riding that stupid hot riding mower for an hour and half really helped to get that H2O in today! ;)

    Team Challenge ~ Well I will do Circusmom since she did me! LOL! ;) I'm glad to see that I'm not alone with the skinny Hubby! LOL! My goal is to weigh less then mine and I'm not there yet! :blushing: Wow! 4 kids! I'm insane with just 2! And yes, I agree about keeping weight in check to keep the body healthy. I don't want to have health issues either due to weight.

    Fresh eggs are nice! And the Rooster crowing in the morning is kinda fun! LOL!

    I'm out of here for the evening too! I will check in again tomorrow! :) Happy Friday Night Y'all!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Friday:
    Cardio: done
    Lunges: done :grumble: :sick:
    Crunches: done
    Stretch: done
    Water: done
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    OK...maybe I'm totally out of the loop or something. So please help me! lol! What are the new challenges for this week, and where can I find the post for them?

    Secondly, how do I save the new thread for the main page of SAHMU? I found the link, but don't know how to save it to make it easier to find every time I log on here.

    Thanks for your help, ladies! And a HUGE HUG for winning the weightloss challenge this week! Even though I didn't contribute to that loss, I'm still excited that it was our team!


    So, you stayed the same last weight, it's better than gaining! That just means you will probably get a higher loss later, then it will be twice as exciting!!!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    I'm checking in! Today is gonna be a rest day. A day off. Been busy all day since the hubby is actually off this weekend. He has been working every weekend since Father's Day! :sick:

    Cardio Challenge ~ Off today
    Strength Challenge:
    Lunges ~ Off today
    Crunches ~ Off today

    Stretch Challenge ~ Off Today

    Water Challenge ~ Done! LOL!
    Team Challenge ~ Today I will talk about young9! :) Seems we both want to loose the weight that we have not lost since we had kids! I'm also so happy that she lost so much weight for this week's weigh-in!! Wow! That is so inspiring!! And I love the muffin top comment! LOL! I TOTALLY understand that!! :laugh:

    Okay ... I will be back on track tomorrow! Hope y'all are having a great weekend! :drinker: