SAHMU Team Red (closed group)

Starting MFP Weight
Starting SAHMU Weight
Week 1 Weight
Goal Weight

* If you have already lost weight on your journey here at MFP you are welcome to post it here.

Week 1
Exercise Challenge(7/20-7/27):
Cardio: Get out those strollers Ladies!! (if your kids are to big for a stroller, have them come along if they can keep up).
Walk 2.5- 3.0mph 4 times this week for 45 min. ( I notice alot of you are doing workout videos and if you would rather do those that is okay, just make sure it is 4 times this week to count your point)
Strength: 25 Squats a day 5 days this week

Food Challenge(7/20-7/27):
Kitchens closes at 9:30pm!

Emotional Challenge(7/20-7/27):
Post 1 reason you believe you have carried this extra weight around. (try to limit it to just one reason, something that you may need to just get out, it helps to release our emotional baggage along with our weight)

*Each Team member will recieve one point for each challenge they meet this week and your team will earn a bonus point if everyone completes there challenges.
*A Point will also be awarded to the team with the highest weightloss for the week.

Post your victories daily and please remember to add up your points for next wednesday.


  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    GO TEAM RED!! =D

    Starting MFP Weight = 169
    Starting SAHMU Weight = 167
    Week 1 Weight = 167
    Goal Weight = 145

    I can post my exercise later today. I usually work out after 6pm est.

    Emotional Challenge(7/20-7/27):
    I have not made enough of an effort to really watch what I'm eating and getting in exercise. My Husband is skinny and has that "I can eat everything and not gain an ounce" metabolism! I can't keep eating what he's eating! LOL! So ... I was maintaining my high weight by eating along with him. Not anymore!! LOL! I could blame it on quitting smoking last year .. but that's an excuse. It's all up to me on making the right choices and I haven't. But that is gonna change now! :)

    I'll catch up with y'all later! Have a great Wednesday!

    GO TEAM RED!!!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I posted my weigh-in on the other thread, but I'll post here as well:
    Starting MFP weight: 152
    Starting SAHMU: 134
    Week 1: 134
    Goal: 127 (maybe????)

    Strenght daily goal: Done!!
    Cardio : after 8pm

    Emotional Challenge: When I started to become unhappy with my weight and said something about it everyone (not my hubby) told me that I'm not in my 20's anymore and to think that I can look like I am, is crazy. After a few half hearted attemps to lose the weight I started to think that maybe they are right, I'm in my 40's and I've had 4 kids, this is just where I am in life and I need to accept it.
    Well one day after complaining about having to buy new shorts to go on vaca, cause nothing I had fit, and hearing the, "your old get over it" comment again, I lost it. Something in me remembered who I used to be and how I used to look (not to brag but I looked pretty good in my 20's), and that was it, I was set to prove eberyone wrong! I can look as good as I did! So here i am!!!
    My new motto:
    I don't want to "Look good for my age", I want to "Look good at any age"
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Team Red....Where are you????? Me & Redheadhen are all alone!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I am missing a member too, so hopefully by this evening we will have all accounted for if not we will have to change it up a little but hopefully everyone checks in.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Go team Red!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Still waiting for the rest of Team Red to show up.... come on Team Red !!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Cardio Goal: Done, 15 min at 3mph & 30 min at 4mph.
    Kitchen Goal: Done 7:00pm
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Okay ~ Kitchen closed around 7pm est. :)

    I did the 30DS which has tons of squats ... way more than 25 ... so count that as done! :)
    I did the 3 mile Walk Away the Pounds by Leslie Sanson. That super fat burning one. Killer after doing 30DS!! Super sweaty now! LOL! It took me a total of 50 mins to complete with stretching included. Count me as complete for 45 mins of walking! :)

    Wonder what happened to the others? :(
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    i'm here, i'm here! sorry, its been a super busy, long day!!

    i'm happy to report that i met my exercise challenge. i did 45 min of walking with the dog and just finished up the squats. i know my legs are not going to be happy with me in the morning! :)

    kitchen was closed at 8pm

    my emotional: i'm an emotional eater, and to fuel my emotions eat..not just food, yummy delicious fatty food :(

    that is all my goals correct?

    here is my stats

    Starting MFP Weight: 140
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 140
    Week 1 Weight
    Goal Weight 110

    a little about me:I'm 32 and I'm a SAHM to 7. we are a blended family, dh had 3, i had 3 and then we had 1 together. i also do daycare during the school year but right now is my vacation. i had a hysterectomy due to severe endometriosis and heavy bleeding a mere 7 weeks ago and before my hysterectomy i was around 130 and with the restrictions i was on coupled with my love of fatty foods i gained 10 pounds :( i'm bound and determined to get this weight off and also 20 more pounds so i can be the weight i've always dreamed of. we can do this ladies!!!
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    i'm here, i'm here! sorry, its been a super busy, long day!!

    i'm happy to report that i met my exercise challenge. i did 45 min of walking with the dog and just finished up the squats. i know my legs are not going to be happy with me in the morning! :)

    kitchen was closed at 8pm

    my emotional: i'm an emotional eater, and to fuel my emotions eat..not just food, yummy delicious fatty food :(

    that is all my goals correct?

    here is my stats

    Starting MFP Weight: 140
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 140
    Week 1 Weight
    Goal Weight 110

    a little about me:I'm 32 and I'm a SAHM to 7. we are a blended family, dh had 3, i had 3 and then we had 1 together. i also do daycare during the school year but right now is my vacation. i had a hysterectomy due to severe endometriosis and heavy bleeding a mere 7 weeks ago and before my hysterectomy i was around 130 and with the restrictions i was on coupled with my love of fatty foods i gained 10 pounds :( i'm bound and determined to get this weight off and also 20 more pounds so i can be the weight i've always dreamed of. we can do this ladies!!!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Yay!! Glad to see you!! WTG!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    i'm here, i'm here! sorry, its been a super busy, long day!!

    i'm happy to report that i met my exercise challenge. i did 45 min of walking with the dog and just finished up the squats. i know my legs are not going to be happy with me in the morning! :)

    kitchen was closed at 8pm

    my emotional: i'm an emotional eater, and to fuel my emotions eat..not just food, yummy delicious fatty food :(

    that is all my goals correct?

    here is my stats

    Starting MFP Weight: 140
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 140
    Week 1 Weight
    Goal Weight 110

    a little about me:I'm 32 and I'm a SAHM to 7. we are a blended family, dh had 3, i had 3 and then we had 1 together. i also do daycare during the school year but right now is my vacation. i had a hysterectomy due to severe endometriosis and heavy bleeding a mere 7 weeks ago and before my hysterectomy i was around 130 and with the restrictions i was on coupled with my love of fatty foods i gained 10 pounds :( i'm bound and determined to get this weight off and also 20 more pounds so i can be the weight i've always dreamed of. we can do this ladies!!!

    So glad to see you!!!! I also do home daycare, but I don't take summers off, wish I could!!!
    So it looks like we are going to need two new members for our team unless Mrshull & domesticchick show up soon.
  • beckyard
    beckyard Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, i'm now part of the red team :) My name is Becky and i'm a SAHM of 3 awesome kids (9, 5 and 4 years old). I'm starting a day late but can still catch up :)

    Starting MFP Weight: 205
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 203
    Week 1 Weight: 203
    Goal Weight: 150 (ish)

    Week 1 - Day 1 3mi completed 45 mins :)

    Food Challenge(7/20-7/27):
    Kitchens closes at 9:30pm!

    Emotional Challenge(7/20-7/27): My emotional challenge seems to be boredom eating. I tend to go to the kitchen when i'm bored. I've almost always done so and of course it's not always healthy.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi, i'm now part of the red team :) My name is Becky and i'm a SAHM of 3 awesome kids (9, 5 and 4 years old). I'm starting a day late but can still catch up :)

    Starting MFP Weight: 205
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 203
    Week 1 Weight: 203
    Goal Weight: 150 (ish)

    Week 1 - Day 1 3mi completed 45 mins :)

    Food Challenge(7/20-7/27):
    Kitchens closes at 9:30pm!

    Emotional Challenge(7/20-7/27): My emotional challenge seems to be boredom eating. I tend to go to the kitchen when i'm bored. I've almost always done so and of course it's not always healthy.

    Hi, Glad to have you!!! Here is the link for the Team banner, just remember to change the IMG to img...Go Team Red!!! Oh you can add me if you'd like.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Beckyard were you able to get your strength challenge done for today?? Let me know, so I can get it logged in. Thanks!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Cardio: 30 minutes at 3mph
    30 minutes at 4mph
    Strength: 25 squats with 15lb barbell
    Kitchen: closed at 7pm
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Hi! Thursday ~ Kitchen closed @ 8:30 ish.
    I did 28 mins of cardio, including squats, on my 7th day of 30DS. I also did 50 mins of yoga. :)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi! Thursday ~ Kitchen closed @ 8:30 ish.
    I did 28 mins of cardio, including squats, on my 7th day of 30DS. I also did 50 mins of yoga. :)
    Awsome job!!!
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    i did 45 min of mod pace walking, got my squats in and the kitchen is now closed...7:17!

    i'm just letting you gals know that i'm really busy during the day right now, my sister hired me to organize and clean her house! i'll be back home on saturday afternoon sometime (i'm staying at my parents house because i live 70 miles away) and then i'll be alot more active on here! i think posting more often will be helpful for my motivation. right now i don't need motivation..i'm too busy to snack all day, i have to remind myself!

    great job on day 2 ladies!!!
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    oh, how do i put up the red team banner? i saw someone said they posted the link but i couldn't see it? maybe i'm i'm new with myfitnesspal so i need all the help i can get!