SAHMU Team Red (closed group)



  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Okay ~ Kitchen closed at 9pm today.
    I did tons of cardio today ... L2D2 of 30DS.
    25 squats done too.!

    Tomorrow is weigh in. I'm not gonna do well. Tom came for a visit today. Ugh ... Damn TOM!! Hahahaha! Ah well ... no use getting upset over it. ;)

    I will post my recipe and emotional challenge in the am! Have a great evening y'all! :)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Tuesday:
    Cardio: 15 min at 3mph, 30 min at 4mph
    Strength: 25 squats with 31lb barbell
    Kitchen: closed at 7:30pm
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Okay ~ Kitchen closed at 9pm today.
    I did tons of cardio today ... L2D2 of 30DS.
    25 squats done too.!

    Tomorrow is weigh in. I'm not gonna do well. Tom came for a visit today. Ugh ... Damn TOM!! Hahahaha! Ah well ... no use getting upset over it. ;)

    I will post my recipe and emotional challenge in the am! Have a great evening y'all! :)

    I hear ya!! Mine is still here too! Damn it!
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    cardio:70 minutes zumba
    strength: 40 squats
    kitchen: closes at 9

    big weigh in tomorrow. i'm so nervous!!!!
  • Purplefly
    Purplefly Posts: 71
    Mornin Girls,

    Down 1.4 pounds, a teeny bit more than my average of 1 per week. I keep hoping I will have a big loss one week but am ok just puttering along. Keep up the awesome work and have a great day. Oh we(my family) don't post pictures on the internet, so Im not sure if I can follow thru on that, hope it doesnt upset anyone. I know that may seem crazy in the Facebook etc age heh but it is what it is.

  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Mornin Girls,

    Down 1.4 pounds, a teeny bit more than my average of 1 per week. I keep hoping I will have a big loss one week but am ok just puttering along. Keep up the awesome work and have a great day. Oh we(my family) don't post pictures on the internet, so Im not sure if I can follow thru on that, hope it doesnt upset anyone. I know that may seem crazy in the Facebook etc age heh but it is what it is.


    That does not bother me! I know many folks that don't post pics of themselves on the net! ;)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Mornin Girls,

    Down 1.4 pounds, a teeny bit more than my average of 1 per week. I keep hoping I will have a big loss one week but am ok just puttering along. Keep up the awesome work and have a great day. Oh we(my family) don't post pictures on the internet, so Im not sure if I can follow thru on that, hope it doesnt upset anyone. I know that may seem crazy in the Facebook etc age heh but it is what it is.


    I don't have a problem with it.
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    i'm down 3 1/2 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my first weigh in with myfitnesspal and i'm thankful i found you guys!!!!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    i'm down 3 1/2 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my first weigh in with myfitnesspal and i'm thankful i found you guys!!!!

    Holy Moly!! That is Great!! Keep up the great work!!!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    i'm down 3 1/2 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my first weigh in with myfitnesspal and i'm thankful i found you guys!!!!

    WOW!! WTG!!!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Okay ... These pics are from last week. I figure, what the hell. I go out in public at this weight so the whole world sees me, why not go ahead and post here. **sigh**




    Also ~ Stats for this week.
    Starting MFP Weight = 169
    Starting SAHMU Weight = 167
    Week 2 Weight = 167 ( I really am up to 168, but TOM is visiting. I hope that gain does not really count! )
    Goal Weight = 145

    Food Challenge(7/27-8/3):
    The recipe I'm sharing is from I made this last week and my kids LOVED it!! I actually made half the recipe and it was fine. This is a new favorite in our house and I'm making it again tonight, but adding some chicken! :) All the nutritional values are there on the link. Enjoy!

    Emotional Challenge(7/27-8/3):
    I really don't have many struggles being the weight I am with my family. My Aunt is on Weight Watchers and has lost close to 80 lbs! My Mom is watching her diet and has lost a few pounds this year. She's not on WW or MFP. But she does practice yoga and is quite active. My kids are the appropriate weight for their ages. My Hubby is the skinny one! So I guess living with him is a challenge in it's self!! He eats anything and gains nothing. AND he's healthy!! No high blood pressure, no high cholesterol, no health issues at all! Well aside from his after effects from being severely dehydrated 1 1/2 yrs ago. He still has a few light headed moments and was told he may not be right for at least 2 years. But aside from that it is a HUGE challenge to eat appropriately with him around! LOL! He is VERY supportive of me and my weight loss journey too! :)

    Okay ... there you go! I will be back later to report my exercise for the day! Have a great Wednesday y'all! :)
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Crap ... pics will not post. I even made them public. :(
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    My pics are on my profile on here. Can't figure out what I did wrong and why they are not showing. LOL!

    Okay ... Day 3 of level 2 of 30DS. There are a LOT of planks in that. Can that count as push ups? I did get all 40 jumping jacks done as well. They are in that level 2.

    I hope y'all had a great day! I'll catch up with ya later! :)
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    Starting MFP Weight = 140
    Starting SAHMU Weight = 140
    Week 2 Weight = 136.5
    Goal Weight = 110

    Food Challenge(7/27-8/3): This is the most delicious dinner EVER!!! if i'm feeling frisky i add a small pinch of mexican blend cheese on top!

    Amy's Amazing White Chicken Chili
    (Makes about 6 servings, recipe from my sister-in-law Amy, another one of the many great cooks in the Denny family.)

    4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, fat trimmed
    2 tsp. + 2 tsp. vegetable or olive oil
    1 onion, chopped
    1 tsp. minced garlic
    2 tsp. ground cumin
    2 tsp. oregano (I used Mexican oregano, but any type of oregano will work)
    1/2 - 1 tsp. ground cayenne pepper (I used a very scant 1/2 teaspoon, but I'm kind of a wimp on hot foods)
    2 cans diced green Anaheim chiles (4 oz. can; the recipe called for one 7 oz. can which I didn't have)
    4 cups chicken stock or canned chicken broth
    2 cans (15 oz.) Great Northern Beans or other white beans, with juice
    1 tsp. chicken flavor base (I was using very flavorful homemade chicken stock, so I didn't add this, but I would if I used canned chicken broth)
    Optional: 1 small bunch cilantro, chopped (about 1/2 - 3/4 cup chopped cilantro)

    Trim all visible fat and tendons from the chicken breasts, then heat 2 tsp. oil in a heavy non-stick pan, add chicken and saute until the chicken is cooked through and barely starting to brown. Remove from pan and let cool.

    While chicken is cooking, heat the other 2 teaspoons of oil in a heavy soup pot, then saute onions until they're softened and just starting to brown, about 5 minutes. Add minced garlic and saute about 1 minute more, then add the ground cumin, oregano, and ground cayenne pepper and saute a couple minutes more.

    Add canned diced green Anaheim chilis, 2 cans white beans, 4 cups chicken stock or canned chicken broth, and chicken flavor base (if using), turn to low simmer and let cook for 30 minutes.

    While the chili simmers, use your fingers or a fork to shred the chicken into bite-sized pieces. (Don't cut, because cut chicken pieces will shred apart into strings in the chili when they cook.) After the chili has simmered for 30 minutes, add the chicken and simmer 10-15 minutes more.

    If using cilantro, chop it while the chili simmers the last 10-15 minutes with the chicken added. Then add the chopped cilantro and simmer about 5 minutes more. Serve hot.

    Nutrition Facts
    Serving Size 814 g
    Amount Per Serving
    Calories from Fat
    % Daily Value*
    Total Fat
    Saturated Fat
    Total Carbohydrates
    Dietary Fiber
    Vitamin A 4% • Vitamin C 3%
    Calcium 5% • Iron 14%

    jumping jacks: i did 3 1 minute sessions. i didn't count but i know it was way over 100

    push ups: did 25. they are tough for me..but i did them!!

    Emotional Challenge(7/27-8/3):
    I handle the struggles of being the weight i am by trying to not let my children notice how much it actually hurts me. i still take them to the pool/lake and i wear a swimming suit, even though all i do is look at all the other women who are much thinner and wish i could look like them. i still take them to the playground and play with them..even if its only for 10-15 minutes.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Wednesday:
    Cardio- jumping jack -done
    Strength- push ups- done
    Emotional: My weight has never had any effect on my family life, I still do all the things I did before. I have been lucky enough that I carry a little extra weight fairly well, and I can usually hide any trouble spots if I wear the right clothes.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Recipe Challenge:

    Sunset Chicken

    ~1 whole roaster chicken, cleaned and dried
    ~6 Celestial Seasonings Almond sunset tea bags
    ~1 T evoo (optional)
    ~salt & pepper to taste (optional)
    1. Place bird in roaster pan. Add about 1/2 inch water to bottom of pan. Fold a piece of foil to fit in the bottom cavity of the bird. It should look like a small dish.
    2. Generously moisten 4 teabags and place inside the bird on the foil.
    3. Brush outside of bird with evoo and salt & pepper to taste. (I skip this part since we don't eat the skin.)
    4. Place remaining teabags in water around bird & loosely tent with foil, place in 375 oven for 1.5 to 2 hours ( based on a 5lb
    5. Last half hour remove foil so the bird will brown. ( sometimes I forget to do this part, but since we peel the skin off anyways it doesn't matter)

    We also use the drippings to make a really good gravy, it's great over rice!!

    The nutritional facts are based on five 4oz serving ( bird only, no gravy)
    Calories: 254 per 4 oz (this is if you use the evoo)
    Carbs: 0
    Fat: 18
    Protein: 23
    Fiber: 0
  • Momof2gurls
    Hello everyone! This is my first post for SAHMU & I'm excited to be part of this group!

    Here are my stats:
    Starting MFP weight: 154 lbs
    Starting SAHMU weight: 149 lbs
    Week 1 weight: 149 lbs
    Goal Weight: 140 lbs

    Emotional Challenge: How I handle being at this weight in my family is probably not very healthy. I just ignore the nay-sayers (mainly my Mom), and all of their advice. I get tired of being told that I have to do crunches and stomach exercises to get rid of my Mummy-Tummy! So I just ignore the comments and remarks and change the subject. I also avoid conversation about weight and exercising. I'd rather just not discuss it. My Mom is workout and weight obsessed! She tries to talk about it in every single conversation and brings it up constantly about how great her workout was or what her tainer told her to do, and what diet she's on, and blah, blah, blah. Growing up, I've never known my Mother not on a diet. She's ingrained in myself and my 2 sisters that looks are what matter most and she was never happy about how she looked and still isn't. So, because I'm very unconfrontational, I just ignore her comments and converstaions because I'm tired of the same issue over and over and over. She also told me that I may just have to get surgery (aka a tummy tuck) in order to look thin. Those comments hurt, and I'm the heaviest out of my sisters, so I get the brunt of it.

    Recipe Challenge:
    Easy Taco Salad
    1 lb. of extra lean ground turkey meat
    1 package of reduced sodium taco seasoning
    Kidney beans
    Shredded romain lettuce
    Shredded 2% cheddar cheese

    Follow directions on taco seasoning package to brown & season meat.
    Lay lettuce in bottom of individual bowls. Throw other ingredients into bowl. Once meat is ready, throw into bowl. Mix together. Enjoy!
    Another way of serving is laying the lettuce on the bottom, topped with the meat, then cheese, salsa, beans, tomatoes and a dollop of 5% sour cream.

    This recipe is always great after a hectic day or if you have to run the kids to sports or dance at night.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Thursday:
    Cardio: 60 min walk & jumping jacks ~ DONE
    Strength: push-ups ~ DONE
    Kitchen: closed at 6:30pm
    Lights Out: 10:30pm, I have to be up at 5:45am so that will give me just over 7hrs
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Jumping Jacks done!
    Dreaded push ups done!
    I went to bed at 10:15 and was up by 6am. So, I got about 7 1/2 hrs last night. :)
  • Momof2gurls
    Fitness Challenge:
    Cardio: 45 mins, including jumpin jacks - done!
    Strength: pushups - done!