SAHMU Team Red (closed group)



  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Monday:
    ~Cardio: done
    ~Strength: done
    ~Kitchen: 7:30pm
    ~Lights Out: 10:30 - 5:45am
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Monday's stuff
    Cardio ~ Done! :)
    Strenght ~ Done! :)
    Got all my sleep in too! :)
  • Purplefly
    Good Morning, just a little hello and how's everyone before the day gets rolling. This month should be an interesting challenge for me, we have 3 Leos in the family so its Birthday month. I am hoping to be well into the 150's come my birthday on the 17th. On the other hand I would like a treat on my bday lol. How do you deal with birthdays and holidays? Would love some feedback.

    I have been calling this my new way of eating/lifestyle change instead of a diet. I eat well 98% of the time and allow myself a teeny bit of something IF I realllly want it. It seems to help dash the cravings and I become more motivated to go another month or two before another treat. I know for myself if I call it a diet and I "fall off" I become very dissapointed in myself and am all gloom and doom. So viewing it as I eat well the majority of the time has helped me a lot.

  • Purplefly

    was puttering around with team siggies, here it is in case anyone would like to use it. :smile:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Good Morning, just a little hello and how's everyone before the day gets rolling. This month should be an interesting challenge for me, we have 3 Leos in the family so its Birthday month. I am hoping to be well into the 150's come my birthday on the 17th. On the other hand I would like a treat on my bday lol. How do you deal with birthdays and holidays? Would love some feedback.

    I have been calling this my new way of eating/lifestyle change instead of a diet. I eat well 98% of the time and allow myself a teeny bit of something IF I realllly want it. It seems to help dash the cravings and I become more motivated to go another month or two before another treat. I know for myself if I call it a diet and I "fall off" I become very dissapointed in myself and am all gloom and doom. So viewing it as I eat well the majority of the time has helped me a lot.


    It's your Birthday, enjoy it!!! ( and Happy Birthday!!!). I just had my BDay the beginning of July, we went to Japanese Steakhouse. I didn't miss out on any of it. I just ate smaller portions and boxed up the rest for lunch the next day.
    My daughters Bday party is next week end, so I will be making diet soda cupcakes for myself and anyone else who doesn't want the extra carbs and sugar. That way i can have cake with her and not feel guilty!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi All, if anyone has any challenges to post for the week that they missed please do so soon so i can tally everything up and get our weekly points total. hope everyone has a great weigh-in tomorrow!!
    By the way, what time zone is everyone in?? It always seems like I'm the first one checking-in in the mornings. I'm in Eastern Standard.
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    I got in my sleep last night! :)
    I just finished my cardio and strength for the challenge!

    I am in Maryland so ... EST as well. My kids are still home for summer break and don't even go back till the 29th! I try to check in once I get at least one cup of coffee into the bloodstream! LOL!

    I lost weight according to the scale Monday, but not today. Rawr! >.< I'm hoping to see the same weight tomorrow I saw Monday! LOL! I really hate the fluctuation that goes on with the scale. But at the same time I like to make sure I'm on track too. I have been lacking in the H2O department for a few days too. :-/
  • Purplefly
    Oh got mine all done, do I need to post that daily or is a weekly ok?

    PST here
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Oh got mine all done, do I need to post that daily or is a weekly ok?

    PST here
    Ya, know weekly should be fine, just post it early enough that I can get everything tallied up.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I got in my sleep last night! :)
    I just finished my cardio and strength for the challenge!

    I am in Maryland so ... EST as well. My kids are still home for summer break and don't even go back till the 29th! I try to check in once I get at least one cup of coffee into the bloodstream! LOL!

    I lost weight according to the scale Monday, but not today. Rawr! >.< I'm hoping to see the same weight tomorrow I saw Monday! LOL! I really hate the fluctuation that goes on with the scale. But at the same time I like to make sure I'm on track too. I have been lacking in the H2O department for a few days too. :-/

    I guess I'm just up too early, 5:45am. That's when I do my a.m. workout, it's one of the few times I have all to myself. As far as the scale goes I check it every morning (obsessive I know), I won't record a loss unless I see the lower number on the scale three mornings in a row, that way I sure it's not just a fluctuation. Drinking enough water is a MAJOR factor in my weight loss too. If I don't drink enough I'll know it the next day or so, cause there won't be any loss at all. Funny how that works.
  • beckyard
    beckyard Posts: 107 Member
    Hi All, if anyone has any challenges to post for the week that they missed please do so soon so i can tally everything up and get our weekly points total. hope everyone has a great weigh-in tomorrow!!
    By the way, what time zone is everyone in?? It always seems like I'm the first one checking-in in the mornings. I'm in Eastern Standard.

    I am eastern time as well but I don't usually check in until the evening. Here's my totals for this week:

    Cardio completed Thur, Fri, Sun, Mon, Tues (including the jumping jacks) **4PTS**
    Strength completed - 25 pushups Fri, Sun, Mon, Tues(more some days since started 30 day shred) **4PTS**
    Food Challenge ~ Recipe posted! **1PT**
    Emotional Challenge ~ posted **1PT**
    Sleep challenge ~ 5 days completed (it's summer and the kids are finally sleeping late lol). We only count the challenged 4 days right? So i'm just counting 4 points for all since it was a 4 day per week challenge (lemme know if thats to change) **4PTS**

    If I counted right, 14pts altogether. Will weigh in tomorrow :o
  • Momof2gurls
    Cardio Completed - including jumping jacks = 3 PTS
    Strength completed = 3 PTS
    Food Challenge: Recipe = 1 PT
    Emotional Challenge = 1 PT
    Sleep Challenge = 4 PTS

    Hope that helps! It's been a bit of a rough week with not watching my eating at all and not getting in as much exercise as I'd like to. I'm going to make next week a better one. I feel like I've been PMSing for a week! But no TOM yet! Just really moody/*****y and eating like crazy!
  • Purplefly
    My Weekly Tally
    Cardio Completed = 4 PTS
    Strength completed = 3 PTS
    Food Challenge: Recipe = 1 PT
    Emotional Challenge = 1 PT
    Sleep Challenge = 4 PTS

    Momof2 Im in the same boat as you, hang in there lol!
  • Purplefly
    Ah before I forget a better recipe lol since I was out of time before, I know its to late but thought Id share anyhoo.

    Chicken Quesadilla and Watermelon Salad

    1 teaspoon olive oil
    1 cup presliced mushrooms
    1/2 cup thinly sliced onion
    1/8 teaspoon salt
    1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    1 teaspoon bottled minced garlic
    1 tablespoon sherry or red wine vinegar
    2 (10-inch) fat-free flour tortillas
    1 cup shredded cooked chicken breast (about 8 ounces)
    1 cup arugula
    1/2 cup (2 ounces) shredded Gruyère cheese
    Cooking spray

    1. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add olive oil to pan; swirl to coat. Add mushrooms, sliced onion, salt, and pepper to pan; sauté 5 minutes. Stir in garlic, and sauté 30 seconds. Add vinegar; cook 30 seconds or until liquid almost evaporates.
    2. Arrange half of mushroom mixture over half of each tortilla. Top each tortilla with 1/2 cup chicken, 1/2 cup arugula, and 1/4 cup cheese; fold tortillas in half.
    3. Wipe pan clean with a paper towel. Heat pan over medium heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Add tortillas to pan. Place a heavy skillet on top of tortillas; cook 2 minutes on each side or until crisp.

    Watermelon-jicama salad: Combine 4 cups (1/2-inch) cubed seedless watermelon, 1 1/2 cups (1/2-inch) cubed peeled jicama, 1 cup chopped English cucumber, and 1/2 cup chopped red onion. Add 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 2 teaspoons sugar, and 1 teaspoon olive oil; toss well.
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    I will post my weekly too then! :)

    Cardio Completed, 4 Days
    Strength completed 4 Days
    Food Challenge: Recipe posted
    Emotional Challenge posted
    Sleep Challenge Completed 7+ hrs sleep for at least 4 Days

    We get a point for each challenge we complete. So, my total is 5. I found this on the main thread;

    "A reminder for this week

    The point System:

    Cardio Challenge: If you finished the 4 day challenge of Cardio+Jumping Jacks, you earn a point for your team.

    Strength Challenge: If you completed your 4 day Push-up Challenge, you earn a point for your team.

    Food Challenge: Submitted a Recipe on you team thread, you earn a point.

    Emotional Challenge: If you responded, you earned a point for your team.

    *Each team member can earn a total of 5 points for the week. Team Captains please post your teams totals on the SAHMU main group page by Tuesday night and I will give the results by Wednesday morning.
    *An additional point for each challenge your team completed.
    **Possible points this week: 30

    *After we weigh in Wednesday each team Captain will give me a total weight loss for the week and the team with the highest weightloss for the week will earn there extra point on Thursday. "
  • beckyard
    beckyard Posts: 107 Member
    I will post my weekly too then! :)

    Cardio Completed, 4 Days
    Strength completed 4 Days
    Food Challenge: Recipe posted
    Emotional Challenge posted
    Sleep Challenge Completed 7+ hrs sleep for at least 4 Days

    We get a point for each challenge we complete. So, my total is 5. I found this on the main thread;

    "A reminder for this week

    The point System:

    Cardio Challenge: If you finished the 4 day challenge of Cardio+Jumping Jacks, you earn a point for your team.

    Strength Challenge: If you completed your 4 day Push-up Challenge, you earn a point for your team.

    Food Challenge: Submitted a Recipe on you team thread, you earn a point.

    Emotional Challenge: If you responded, you earned a point for your team.

    *Each team member can earn a total of 5 points for the week. Team Captains please post your teams totals on the SAHMU main group page by Tuesday night and I will give the results by Wednesday morning.
    *An additional point for each challenge your team completed.
    **Possible points this week: 30

    *After we weigh in Wednesday each team Captain will give me a total weight loss for the week and the team with the highest weightloss for the week will earn there extra point on Thursday. "

    I see now thanks :)

    Well then scratch my last post. My total is also 5 :)

  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm in mountain time so um 2 hours behind you guys!

    I got 5 days of cardio including my jumping jacks.+1pt

    I did 4 days with push ups.+1pt

    I posted my recipe.+1pt

    I posted my emotional challenge.+1pt

    I always get around 9 hours of sleep (i like sleep) +1pt

    I'll post my weight in the morning!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Starting MFP Weight = 169
    Starting SAHMU Weight = 167
    Week 3 Weight = 166
    Goal Weight = 145

    My scale screwed with my head Monday. It told me I weighed 165! Ugh ... I have not seen it since. So ... I'm going with what the scale said 2 days in a row. Oh well! I am loosing a pound a week and that works! Slow ... but moving! :)
  • beckyard
    beckyard Posts: 107 Member
    Starting MFP Weight: 205
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 203
    Week 1 Weight: 203
    Goal Weight: 150 (ish)

    Current weight 202 ~ minus 1lb this week
  • Purplefly
    Last Wednesday 163.1
    This Wednesday 162.5
    Lost .6 =/ boo was 161 but went up, suppose I could blame TOM but that feels cheap lol, will just try harder for next week.