SAHMU Team Red (closed group)



  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Sat:
    Cardio: done
    Lunges: done
    Crunches: done
    Stretching: done
    Water: done

    Team challenge: Beckyard ~Her profile pic shows her running(?), I would love to be a runner, but I'm just not built for it.
    I can also relate to having a hubby who insists that you don't look like, what YOU think you look like. Damn it, man I know what I'm looking at in the mirror, and It's not what I want to see. and I'm roght there with you on teaching the kids healthy habits to grow on.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Sunday:
    Cardio: done
    Lunges: done
    Crunches: done
    Stretching: done
    Water: done

    Team Challenge: Young9, not a lot on her profile, but I can relate to feeling uncomfortable in a swim suit!! I live in the south and we can go swimming for at least 8 months of the year. And being able to enjoy all of those moments with your kids is a GREAT motivator.
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    i'm SO sorry i have been a bit MIA the last couple days. i have been SO busy in my yard. i'm counting that as my cardio for the last 3 days because i have spent the majority of the days scraping paint off my benches and digging up grass and laying a patio down with those heavy 18" square patio squares.

    i can honestly say i have not got in my lunges or crunches although i know i'm working those muscles because dang i

    i have been having no problem getting my water in, i have around 60oz each day with the heat outside!!

    circusmom: i too have a husband that is wonderful handsome man who eats everything and never gains a thing. so dang frustrating!! he eats 3 times as much as i do at meals and has a huge bowl of ice cream or cereal before bed each night and i just LOOK at his bowel of ice cream and i gain :)

    i think the fact that you are our team leader is what is most inspiring for me! i know you are here waiting for us to report and that keeps me coming back! so thanks for being our team leader!!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    i'm SO sorry i have been a bit MIA the last couple days. i have been SO busy in my yard. i'm counting that as my cardio for the last 3 days because i have spent the majority of the days scraping paint off my benches and digging up grass and laying a patio down with those heavy 18" square patio squares.

    i can honestly say i have not got in my lunges or crunches although i know i'm working those muscles because dang i

    i have been having no problem getting my water in, i have around 60oz each day with the heat outside!!

    circusmom: i too have a husband that is wonderful handsome man who eats everything and never gains a thing. so dang frustrating!! he eats 3 times as much as i do at meals and has a huge bowl of ice cream or cereal before bed each night and i just LOOK at his bowel of ice cream and i gain :)

    i think the fact that you are our team leader is what is most inspiring for me! i know you are here waiting for us to report and that keeps me coming back! so thanks for being our team leader!!

    AAGGhhhh, I hate the ice cream or cereal thing, mostly cereal, I love sweet cereals (that why I don't touch them with a ten foot pole. I'm okay as long as I don't taste them).
    And thank you, I'm just happy to be here!
  • Momof2gurls
    Hi ladies! Just checkin' in and saying Happy Monday! I also am sorry I've been MIA this past weekend. And knowing you're all out there is motivation enough for me to come here and check in. I haven't been keeping up with the challenges so far because I ended up getting sick over the weekend. Just trying to nurse myself back. Right now, it's not too bad. Just a really bad lingering headache and no matter how much Tylenol I take it just doesn't disipate! Arrrrggghhhhh! Dealing with a 9 month old who is cutting teeth and is high needs (see the main thread), and a 3 year old with this headache has been awful and frustrating. So, I'm gonna try my best to get the strength challenges in, but as for cardio, we'll see. I think the water thing will help with my headache. It's been here for 4 straight days! And although I'm over the other yuckiness, it just won't leave me. : (
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi ladies! Just checkin' in and saying Happy Monday! I also am sorry I've been MIA this past weekend. And knowing you're all out there is motivation enough for me to come here and check in. I haven't been keeping up with the challenges so far because I ended up getting sick over the weekend. Just trying to nurse myself back. Right now, it's not too bad. Just a really bad lingering headache and no matter how much Tylenol I take it just doesn't disipate! Arrrrggghhhhh! Dealing with a 9 month old who is cutting teeth and is high needs (see the main thread), and a 3 year old with this headache has been awful and frustrating. So, I'm gonna try my best to get the strength challenges in, but as for cardio, we'll see. I think the water thing will help with my headache. It's been here for 4 straight days! And although I'm over the other yuckiness, it just won't leave me. : (

    When Tylenol doesn't work I stack it with Advil. A lot of people don't know you can take up to 4 Advil at once, every eight hours. I end up having to do this every TOM, for at least the first day and a half,
    Again, hope your feeling better soon!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Happy Monday!! I was SO off my game this weekend. No challenges done but the water! Ugh. Oh well ... New day, new week!

    Cardio Challenge ~ Done

    Strength Challenge:
    Lunges ~ Done
    Crunches ~ Done

    Stretch Challenge ~ Done

    Water Challenge ~ you guessed it ... done!

    Team Challenge ~ Today I will talk about beckyard! :) Well .. there's not much on her profile on here, but I know she's doing Jillian's 30DS!! I only have 7 more days of it ... so I know what she's going through! Push through it Girl! You can do it!! :)

    Okay ... I'm off here till the morning ladies! Have a wonderful night! :)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Monday:

    Cardio: done
    Lunges: done
    Crunches: done
    Stretch: done
    Water: done

    Team Challenge: Momof2gurls, I thought I had a lot going on. You are truely inspirational, just caring for a 9 month old with health issues must be hard enough, but add in a 3yo, and a job, and trying to make time for yourself, Oh My!
    A BIG high-five to you for being here with us, trying to fit some time into your day for yourself.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi Ladies, how's your Tuesday? Mine....ugh, it's raining again!! It started Sunday night and hasn't stopped yet, this really stinks! Thank Goodness I have a really big screened in porch, the kids can still run and even ride their bikes. They need to burn off all the extra enegry!
    So anyway I'm bored, hope everyone else is enjoying their day, guess I'll haed back to the laundry, then some sewing, then a nap with the kids. It's a perfect day for a nap.
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Today was a trying Tuesday. I'm NOT happy with my scale becoming unreliable. New scale says a number I DO not like. Ugh .. Tomorrow is another day and regardless of what those scales say ... I feel better and my measurements are shrinking. That said ... let's get down to business! Haha!

    Cardio Challenge ~ Done

    Strength Challenge:
    Lunges ~ Done
    Crunches ~ Done

    Stretch Challenge ~ Done

    Water Challenge ~ Done

    Team Challenge ~ Today I will talk about Momof2gurls! Wow! You have your hands full! Just reading what you have done and gone through in the last week just about wore me out!! I understand the high needs bit to a small degree. My son was severely burned when he was 2 and had skin graft surgeries. I too live in the country and had to drive about 50 miles (one way) for doctor visits and such for about 2 years! I could not even imagine trying to fit in working out between doctor visits, therapist appointments and caring for my younger daughter!! You are truly an inspiration to me!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Okay, all my challenges are done, water done. I just don't feel like listing it. I can't wait for this day to end. It is still sprinkling!!!!
    I am done with all the rain, my front patio flooded three times today, not that it get high enough to flood the house, but come on, enough already!!!
    Will be back in the morning, have a great night everyone.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Morning Ladies,
    Here is the link to out new team page. See you on the new page!
  • Momof2gurls
    I was just coming here to post my challenges. I didn't do very well this week.

    Weigh in: 149 loss, but no gain. Not a big surprise seeing as I didn't keep to my workouts.

    Cardio Challenge: 3 days - not sure how many points
    Strength Challenge: Lunges & Crunches - 3 days
    Stretch: 3 days
    Water: All 7 days....I'm pretty good with the water thing.

    And I also want to thank all of you for giving me credit for my hectic life. My 9 month old is such a blessing (as is our 3 year old), even though we've gone through so many struggles with her. I'm looking forward to her upcoming surgery to repair her palate in November. Once it is repaired, she should be able to live life 'normally'. She is almost at 100% oral feeds, so that means we won't have to use the tube to assist in feeding her. She has come a long way that's for sure. She's a very chill baby and doing things earlier than my other daughter....she's already cruising on furniture and pushing the choo-choo train & shopping cart around the house, so I think she's going to be an early walker. Anyway, it is definitely hard to watch my eating habits & get exercise throughout all of this, so again thanks for all of your lovely comments! It makes me feel good!

    Happy Hump Day!