dwarfer22 Member


  • Years ago, had a drink at a bar, half rumplmintz, half jaggermeister. Called a dead nazi, tasted like a black licorice candy dipped in garbage. Ugh.
  • Don't know where I saw it online but I found a list of negative calorie foods. There are quite a few out there. I love me some celery but i don't think I could live on it to lose weight. Plus it has relatively little nutrition as its mostly water hence it being a neg cal food. Just made some hummus 2nite. That would be…
    in Celery Comment by dwarfer22 August 2012
  • ok i guess not many ppl out there have heard about JUDDD. It is an alternating way of eating/fasting that confuses the metablolism. It is not meant to be everyday. modified versions have a ratio of 5 days eating/ 2 days (not together) fasting. Fasting Should be 500 cals or so, eating days around 2000 so it balances out in…
  • 1: this site says you will weigh this much in this long based on the math of your calories. It says if you ate like this every day you would weigh this much. It simply calculates your calorie deficit for the day and multiplies it over 5 weeks. As a 3500 deficit equals 1 lb, it calculates how much you would lose. It is a…
  • Freeze pops. For some reason I became addicted to them last summer. I would have 2, then go back for 2 more, 2 more, 2more... when I finally started tracking how many I actually ate in a day and how many calories they were, I banned them from the house. Deep breaths.... Sweet freeze pops....:tongue:
  • That is awesome!
  • ugh. I love this site but it is hard to find peeps on here who endorse supplements like that. To be honest I don't think those pills work. I have tried many, many, MANY different app supps out there with little success. I think most of it is all in the mind. You take the pill that is supposed to supress the appetite and…
  • Great doc. I also enjoyed food inc., and fat, sick, and nearly dead. Veggies rule baby!
  • Thx for quick response. I used veg broth and it is soooo good. I was worried it was gonna be bland but it was delicious! Major yummage. Thx all!
  • I cook mostly everything in either in a bit of Pam, or a dash of olive oil, or broth. I have read all about the evils of "fake" butters out there. Eggs, Pam. Veggies, Pam. chicken, broth or Pam. Fish, Pam. Pork chops, olive oil. get creative. I do use butter when I want a bit of a treat. Real butter on a piece of whole…
  • i recently started this diet. went to the store, got a boat load of veggies, (I thought for the week), got home and juiced away. I think I will need to shop every 2-3 days to get it all in. lol. Do you know how much juice comes out of kale? like none. I couldn't help but giggle. The cucumbers and such are fine but the…
  • Used to eat mcd's 3-5 times a week,mixing breakfast and lunch, sometimes both. Saw supersize me and now I rarely eat there, or any fast food for that matter. My family only eats out maybe a cpl times a month. I searched the web, read books, and mags and got some good basic recipes. Now I discovered I love to cook and am…
  • Hummus. Or laughing cow cheese. Or whipping up some tuna or salmon salad and stuffing it on that sucker. All good. Now I am hungry.
  • Just watched a documentary that says dairy is not good. Humans do not need to consume cows milk, plus they said that it can actually leach calcium from our bones in spite of whats commonly understood by most of the country. Just watched it on Netflix. Called "fork over knife" . Good program, good information, very…
  • Does that also mean no earbuds or just the big honking plastic headphones? I can see where that might be a safety thing. Interesting post.
  • Wasa bread or melba toast topped with light cream chz and tomatoes. Or reduced sugar oatmeal w/ raisns. Or Turkey sticks and carrots. Coffee, black, 2 equal. Now I am hungry.
  • I used to hate veggies. I think they can be an aquired taste. I would say sample some here and there. Maybe try a new one each week. Make it three times in the week. Figure out what veg you will try first and get some recipies that sound yummy. Personally i go in fits and spurts. Sometimes I am all about broccoli,…
  • I ate there the other night. The stuffed tilapia with broccoli they have on special right now was very good and less than 500 cals. You can check out their website for more nutritional info.
  • Mrs. Grass soup with extra noodles. And saltines. Stomach flu, cold, whatever. It is my "comfort-me-I-am-sick" food.
  • I don't salt my eggplants but I do find that they do cook up fairly mushy. a recipe I have for them calls for them to be chopped, salted and left in a colander to let the water come out. I'm not that picky so I just chop and cook. It's up to you but I have heard that getting the water out helps.
  • Maybe you are pregnant? I thought my period was screwed up a few years back, but it turned out it was my daughter!
  • I had weigh loss surgery and I lost alot of weight. That was 4 years ago. Now, if I LOOK at food I gain weight and I battle constantly to try and lose the weight that I should have then. (I had a complication after surgery which derailed everything). Starvation mode isn't a switch that flips on and off if you don't meet…
  • It depends. 700-100 cals you are just messing your metabolism up. If you eat at least 1200 cals a day it then would depend on your starting weigh/height. Someone who is 100 lbs overweight can lose 20lbs in a few weeks safely. If you weigh 130 and are shooting for 110 it will take much longer. It's all relative. For me, I…
  • I get drunk munchies too. Only way to avoid them is to not drink. :( sorry. So, either allow extra cals for the munchies, or prepare a healthy snack ahead of time that you won't feel too guilty about eating. I like sunflower seeds in the shell. I get to munch, but it's a slow process so it doesn't hurt my totals too bad.…
  • I also suffer from binge eating. I try to not keep my trigger foods in the house. It's hard cuz i have kids and sometimes you just gotta buy the stuff. I also found that by eliminating flour, wheat, and sugar (mostly) from my diet, the cravings do go away. The first week or so of detox is hell, but after that it gets alot…
  • I remember when 5 min on a zero incline treadmill at 2.8 speed was a real toughie. lol. Just keep at it. 6 min will turn into 10, into 15, into 20... Keep it up!