dragonairis Member


  • I was trying to replace my breakfast with a smoothie because I had previously done so with the Kirkland weight loss shakes (Cans) and had really really good success. I don't feel full until lunch when I eat breakfast. I've tried tweaking a few things, but I start snacking and can't stop. This smoothie keeps me nice and…
  • Thanks everyone who gave suggestions and links!
  • It's not about being hungry. It's about wanting to die from fatigue.
  • I'm in! I'd like to try and kick off a better me!
  • Thanks everyone!! I've been keeping an eye on my fat intake lately and trying to find trigger foods. I need to drop the weight again for my kids - I'm not taking no for an answer! I'm also looking into a probiotic. I know nothing about them so if you have a favorite please share!
  • So I'm going to type this up real quick while my new LO is sleeping. :) I was scheduled to be induced Aug 3rd at 6pm. Which kinda of had me in a tizzy, as I knew that meant my son would be born on a day when a bunch of my friends had they're birthdays. I think I said that in a post before. So Thursday night I went to the…
  • So far I've only had 1 official ultrasound - they did a really quick one just to make sure he was head down, and then a BPP when his heart rate was doing weird things (they thought). That one they didn't really let me see though, and we didn't get any pictures. :( I went in this week and they scheduled me to be induced…
  • Wonderful! Grats!
  • Shoot I should have read farther! Sas - I hope you have good news when you next post!!
  • Hello ladies! Sorry I've been mia, still waiting here and grumpy about it, so I've mostly just shut down. Congrats to all who had their babies, and welcome to those joining! Sas - Sounds like your mucus plug. It doesn't have to be tinged with anything, and there can be a lot. I asked how much I was supposed to lose b/c I…
  • Changing your weight and eating habits can affect your cycle, absolutely. I went about it backwards: I wanted to affect my cycle and therefore started changing my weight. :) You might try a site (it's also a book) called Taking Charge of your Fertility. I promise I have nothing to do with the book, other than I bought it…
  • When I was using the 30 day shred, I had similar problems. I double checked to make sure my shoes were in good shape, gave good support and were tied properly. I actually had to switch shoes, and that helped a bit. I also got knee supports (the stretchy kind with the hole over the kneecap) and that REALLY helped the 2nd…
  • myice - Tell me how you felt after the yoga! I've been wanting to stretch really badly, but keep cramping up in my legs and I'm having a hard time finding really good stretching positions. Destiny - Have you heard of Mother's Milk tea? I've been given a lot of it from friends who recently had babies and they swear it works…
  • ...... Errr nevermind, whatever it was stopped after a few hours. I feel pretty silly.
  • Bru - glad to hear you dad is home. Especially for Father's Day! Kelly - 2 things on the to do list sounds doable! Mine keeps piling up but I have no motivation yet to get it done. Amanda - Congrats! Glad to hear everyone is happy and healthy now! AFM - I'm only 34w but I'm pretty sure contractions are kicking in. I wasn't…
  • I'll jump in early this week. :) Jayln - Hope those crampy pains went away. I am a FTM so I couldn't comment on them really. Ice - Baby hangs out on my right hip all the time, I know your pain. It seriously made me really worried he's lying transverse, but I've gotten over worrying about that a little. It's good to see…
  • Ah, good to know. I thought the two terms were interchangeable, thanks for the info!
  • There are definetely different opinions out there. I have heard from doctors that your body processes the vitamins in food more efficiently. Here is an article on where to get good amounts from your food: http://www.realsimple.com/health/nutrition-diet/healthy-eating/nutrients-you-need-10000001580735/index.html There is…
  • Amanda - I saw this link and thought of you :) Obviously if there's medical reasons not to, don't follow the suggestions, but maybe labor will start on it's own.... http://blogs.babycenter.com/mom_stories/05112012-is-it-possible-to-naturally-induce-labor/
  • Hope everyone had a good weekend! I'll eventually be able to catch up with everyone individually, but it sounds like everyone is keeping busy and trying to stay sane1 :) I know someone mentioned a long car ride - I just finished a 750 mile move, 12 hours in the car. DH was driving the Uhaul and I drove our car. Maybe I…
  • Hi All! Been a member of the group since April, but hadn't had internet to really be able to post. Now I'm in my 3rd trimester and have internet. :) I was feeling a little isolated - don't know anyone who is pregnant near me to hang out with, or even anyone with a new baby. None of my friends have children yet, and I'm…
  • Name: Angelica Hubby/Partner: Kyle How many kids do you have: 0 so far :) 1 on the way Due Date: July 30, 2012 Do you know the gender: Boy! Have you picked out the baby's name: Roland Pierce Where do you live: California Workouts you are doing while pregnant:Was doing a heck of a lot of walking, but have been lazing about…
  • Hello ladies! Just coming over from Fit for Future Families. I haven't had a chance to read through much of this month's post, but as soon as I have a minute I will. If there's a certain way to introduce myself, then I missed it will be glad to fill in more info later. Just thought I would post so I don't lose you guys. :)
  • Need your opinion ladies - This morning I did my normal routine: temp, get up, bathroom, weigh in. I weigh in every day but only record here once a week. I'm not really upset by seeing the numbers fluctuate, they are usually pretty steady. But this morning I had to look at the scale for at least a minute before I could…
  • Luki - I've heard that switching from olive oil to coconut oil will help with LDL levels. Also I think flaxseed is a good way to add fat and fiber to your diet - I just add a spoonful to my smoothie in the morning.
  • I'm saving this for later - after I move this is going into effect!
  • I have one suggestion - take the soda out of your diet. You can do it a little gradually if you have to, by switching to clear soda (sprite or 7-up, Mt. Dew doesn't count!) and then switching to diet and then to tea and water. I know that for some it's a hard switch, but my husband and I both made that change a few years a…
  • Awww, I don't have DVR. :( It would be great to watch while I'm packing. I'm sure they'll have re runs somewhere, right? Pam - In TCOYF, they say a 'normal cycle' is anywhere between 28 to 35 days, so at least someone says your normal, yeah? Jagri - Welcome! 10lbs is a great start! ATC - Awesome way to start a morning! If…
  • Keep the lists coming, I'm loving reading them! Kah, I should have thought of the prenatals - I'm so bad at taking them! I guess not putting them on the list tells you how bad I am at thinking of them. :) Pam - Eczema sucks! And I know you've been drinking that distilled water - it's for getting rid of toxins? Let us know…
  • Morning all! This is a good idea - I'm loving seeing everyone's list. 1. Spiritual Growth - Prayer is big for me, but I feel like I ask for a lot and don't give my share back. I need to relearn how to trust and give thanks for what I have. 2. Food Overhaul - I'm looking into so many ideas right now for what kinds of food…