3rd Trimester



  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry I've been MIA lately, but my sister and her family and my grandma have been in town so I've been busy spending time with them. Still pregnant!!!! 40 weeks PLUS 4 days! I'm pretty adamant on not getting induced this time around, and just letting baby come when she's ready. So we'll see what happens. My sister road trips out here every summer from NC and she had planned her trip this year around baby being here on the 24th and had planned on starting her trip home TODAY! But she said she's staying until baby gets here so she's had to rearrange her plans. I feel kind of bad. But I'm loving the time I get to spend with her, and that Olivia gets to spend with her cousins. But go figure, isn't it just my luck that after worrying so much about going into labor alone and not having anyone to watch Olivia, I would go past my due date and have everyone around just twiddling their thumbs waiting for baby :laugh: Hope you're all doing great!

  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Morning ladies,
    Well I've been up since 2.30am with cramps every 10-30 mins so nothing regular happening as yet. Hubby up with me as he's ultra excited, I'm trying to keep him and myself calm at the same time!
    Have a great Sunday xox
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Morning ladies,
    Well I've been up since 2.30am with cramps every 10-30 mins so nothing regular happening as yet. Hubby up with me as he's ultra excited, I'm trying to keep him and myself calm at the same time!
    Have a great Sunday xox

    Hope everything is going great!
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    Hello ladies! Sorry I've been mia, still waiting here and grumpy about it, so I've mostly just shut down. Congrats to all who had their babies, and welcome to those joining!

    Sas - Sounds like your mucus plug. It doesn't have to be tinged with anything, and there can be a lot. I asked how much I was supposed to lose b/c I thought there was something wrong when I lost mine, lol. It's kind of a lot!

    AFM - They swept my membranes last week and told me I should go any time. Still waiting! Lost the plug which means progress but I have absolutely no contractions. I've had about 3 this whole 9 months. They said if I make it to my appointment this week (Tuesday) they'll schedule an induction. I think my face was protesting b/c the Dr. smiled and said she didn't think I would make it that far and they don't like to let people go beyond 41w. Tuesday would mark 40 for them. Le sigh. MIL is and L&D nurse veteran, and I told her I was worried about the Pitocin making it difficult to go unmedicated, which is what I'm trying for. She said it is always started low and that I probably just need a little push, so that makes me feel better. Basically I just need to wait. And try to be less grumpy.
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    Shoot I should have read farther! Sas - I hope you have good news when you next post!!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi all

    Hope you are getting on ok sas and little Ava is nearly here.

    Nothing much happening here really. I have 2 weeks to go until due date but guess I will be late. I see the midwife on Wednesday so hopefully all is still well.

    Last week was my first week off work and ate way too much so decided I would record again this week and see how I do. Also aim to walk dogs each day and do pilates x 3 this week.

    sugar - think you were asking baout freezer meals. I have made lasagne, mexican lasagne, meatballs in tomato pasta sauce and chicken curry. They are all cooked so I well remove from freezer in morning and then reheat in microwave or oven at supper time and serve with rice, pasta etc. For lunch we will just have sandwiches and soup (ive frozen some bacon, lentil and veg soup too). I cant really fit much more in the freezer (its only small) but it will keep us going for the first week.

    Catch you later

    Helen 38 weeks
    Up 32lb
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Well this is officially the END of my pregnancy as I gave birth to the most precious gift in the world at 7.50pm last night, little Ava Jane. This is how it all went….
    2.30am I woke up with what I thought was food poisoning type of tummy ache so I went to the loo. 5 trips and number s’s later and I was convinced it was food poisoning although it wasn’t runny. By 7am I started to have a bloody show so I knew it was the start of things and so at 7.30am I began timing my contractions and put on my TENS machine. 6 minutes, 9 minutes, 15 minutes, 5 minutes…. This went on all day long, all over the place and most of them lasting between 1 and 1½ mins in length. We went for two walks to town and back and I was contracting all the time. We took Emma to the train station at 5.30pm and by this time I thought I was just being super pain intolerant so James called the labour suite and they said I should go in. When we got there we parked the car up in the car park and walked all the way into the labour suite, contractions now every 3-4 minutes and KILLING me. I went in there and asked for an epidural straight away so the midwife said she’d give me an internal to check my progress as I was way to calm. James was telling her about me being a ‘tough cookie’ and she commented ‘yeah she is, she’s fully dilated’! WHAT???????!!!!! As I type this at 4pm on Monday 30th I’m still in shock that it all happened to fast! From this point shifts changed and our new midwife came in and at 7pm broke my waters and with that I got the urge to push. 4 REALLY GOOD pushes later with immense swearing and grunting, screaming to James that I just couldn’t do it anymore and I was told to stop pushing as her head was crowning. THE RING OF FIRE!!!!!! Oh my God! Never before have I felt such immense pain and I had to hold her there until I was told to push again. This is the only time the midwife gave me gas and air to suck on so that I wouldn’t push. With the next contraction her head came out and to my utter amazement James looked down at her. The next contraction after that I pushed her body out as the midwife pulled at her shoulders.
    She gave her a very quick wipe down, cut her cord and put her straight onto my chest, skin to skin with a towel over her body. Still in total complete shock we stared at our beautiful daughter in complete awe. The midwife gave me an injection to speed up the placenta and she delivered that more or less straight away. I wish I hadn’t looked down at this point….ewwwww! 
    We were left to soak up our new daughter for a long time, there was no pressure to rush around. Ava had a few goes at breast feeding and although I knew she wasn’t latched on really well she gave it her best shot. We were brought in tea and toast which tasted amazing! The midwife eventually came back and weighed Ava – 8lbs 3oz! She looks so tiny!
    After a while I had a quick shower and we dressed Ava. Midwife asked us if we’d like to have an early discharge and we said absolutely so by 10.30pm we were all packed up in the car and on the way home! We put Ava in one of her new sleeping bags but we felt like she wasn’t warm enough so I picked her up and put her to my chest so she could feel my heartbeat and she had a wonderful 4 hours sleep. I think I got an hours sleep at the most but I’m running off complete adrenaline and it’s the best feeling in the WORLD. I love you Ava Jane….hiccups and all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Yay congratulations!!!
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Amazing!!! Congratulations!
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    Wonderful! Grats!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Yay! Congrats! =) Being a mom is the hardest job, yet the most rewarding!

    AFM: I only have 7 days before my little man is here! Can't believe Tuesday is the big day & that I'll have Logan in my arms! I was worried about getting everything done, but it looks like it's all going to get done in time. The downstairs is almost spotless, just have to sweep/mop the kitchen & dust the livingroom. The carpet lady is coming in less than an hour to do the carpets and couches. Hopefully she can get all the stairs out from my 2yr old =P... Upstairs is pretty much done too, just have to spend some time on the bedroom moving stuff around to make room for the bassinet etc. Getting so excited!!

    This group is getting quiet. Where'd everyone go? How's everyone feeling?
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Have my 3rd Trimester ultrasound tomorrow. Just got my results back from the glucose and iron tests and I am negative for gestational diabetes and anemia!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Have my 3rd Trimester ultrasound tomorrow. Just got my results back from the glucose and iron tests and I am negative for gestational diabetes and anemia!

    That's great news! =) ... Are you excited for the ultrasound ... 5th or 6th ultrasound on Thursday. I love getting all the 3d pictures. Might have to buy a new scrapbook before Logan gets here cause I wont have any room left =P
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    aww congrats, sas!!!!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Have my 3rd Trimester ultrasound tomorrow. Just got my results back from the glucose and iron tests and I am negative for gestational diabetes and anemia!

    That's great news! =) ... Are you excited for the ultrasound ... 5th or 6th ultrasound on Thursday. I love getting all the 3d pictures. Might have to buy a new scrapbook before Logan gets here cause I wont have any room left =P

    I love them! I bought a frame for the wall that has spots for 1st 2nd and 3rd trimester ultrasounds. This will be my 3rd "official" one although I've done two others with a 3D/4D place for the gender determination and the 3D scan. Not sure how many they do in the 3rd trimester, I think it depends on each person's individual situation?
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Have my 3rd Trimester ultrasound tomorrow. Just got my results back from the glucose and iron tests and I am negative for gestational diabetes and anemia!

    That's great news! =) ... Are you excited for the ultrasound ... 5th or 6th ultrasound on Thursday. I love getting all the 3d pictures. Might have to buy a new scrapbook before Logan gets here cause I wont have any room left =P

    I love them! I bought a frame for the wall that has spots for 1st 2nd and 3rd trimester ultrasounds. This will be my 3rd "official" one although I've done two others with a 3D/4D place for the gender determination and the 3D scan. Not sure how many they do in the 3rd trimester, I think it depends on each person's individual situation?

    My last pregnancy I just got one down at 18 weeks to find out baby's gender..... But I ended up with complications at the end so they're more cautious this time. I'm at a different hospital now and they typically do one at 6weeks for everyone, then at 18/20 for the gender... when I got my 18wk one done my placenta was low so they wanted to do another a month or two after to see if it moved up. I've had another one sense just to check measurements, and I'll get one Thursday to check measurements again. The last two aren't typical, but they're doing them because they need to keep a close eye on me and baby because of last pregnancy... Does your hospital typically do a 1st 2nd 3rd trimester ultrasound for everyone?
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Congrats Sas - sounds a great labour (yet very painful), well done. Glad Ava settling in.

    Faughorn - good work on your tests. We dont have any glocose test etc here (just urine at each midwife visit + bloods x 3 throughout pregnancy). We have a scan at 12 & 20 weeks and thats it unless any problems. Im wanting to put my pics in a frame today.

    I have my 38 week appointment so they will check my BP, urine, measure my bump and listen to baby. Hopefully all will be well.

    My plans for today are to walk dogs, do a bit of washing and ironing and finish the baby room. I started to feel like I was doing it too soon (i know Im due in 2 weeks) but thought I might tempt fate! Think my brain playing tricks on me. Have you all sorted your baby rooms?

    Up 32lbs
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    myice - The ultrasound place is separate from the hospital here, my OBGYN and the US techs determine how many we'll get, never sure when my next one is until they finish each appointment :)

    helen - We have our nursery painted and the window treatments up. Still need to move the furniture in, do a deep clean, and then add the final decorations which we'll get at the showers. So much to do and so little time!
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    my ice - our u/s clinics here are also seperate but you need a requisition form from your doctor to get one. For whatever reason I've had lots of u/s considering I'm low risk and they've been unconcerned about me for the most part. I had a dating scan at 8 weeks even though I told them I knew EXACTLY when I conceived, one at 21 weeks then another one at 23 weeks because they were remeasuring something. My ob/gyn does one in the third tri so I got one at 29 weeks. I had also booked a 3d one at 28 weeks long before I knew I was going to get all these other ones. Now I have one scheduled for tomorrow because she thought he was breach at the last appointment. Most women here get two otherwise, one at 12 and one at 20ish weeks.

    helen- we've got the nursery 75% done. It's done just enough to make me feel somewhat prepared. I have to get the baseboards back on, curtains back up and the crib is still in the garage but our house is so small that I"m leaving the single bed in there for now just for a few months until all the visitors have come through. My sister made an IKEA run last week so she'll bring my new dresser up in two weekends and then I can put all the little clothes away! I'm excited to do that. Right now I've got 6 bags of random baby clothes that were given to us just sitting on the floor. I should really go through them and sort them by age but I've become quite preoccupied watching the Olympics!

    I'm feeling a lot of pressure to get the rest of the house purged and cleaned but I just don't have time. I'm at work all day and have some committments in the evenings not to mention just wanting to sit with my legs up for a bit! Maybe the baby will be late and I'll get some time to do that seeing that I start my mat leave that week.

    I finally had to take my wedding band off yesterday. I haven't been able to wear my engagement ring for quite some time but yesterday I lubed up my finger and got the band off. ugh! it was tight!!!!

    I've cried every single day watching the Olympics :laugh: nothing like being overly hormonal and watching all these athletes achieve their dreams. Good thing nobody sees me cheering and crying I look like an idiot.
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Helon- I finished my nursery, with the exception that I need to find an area rug, pom-poms to hang as decoration, and I need to wash & fold all the baby's clothes. I'm hoping to get that done this weekend. I also want to start packing my hospital bag and install the carseat this weekend. I like to be prepared early lol

    AFM- I'm slowly trying to put together a list of what I'll need to put in my hospital bag. I keep worrying that I'm going to forget something or pack something that I don't need, since this is my first time I'm clueless as to what I'll need lol I'm also going to attempt to install the carseat myself since no one in my area does that (not even the fire/police dept) so I'll be faithfully reading the manual and pray that I do it right so when my baby gets here they let me take her home from the hospital.

    On a side note- I have been absolutely RAVENOUS!!! My baby is sitting low and has apparently already dropped into my pelvis so she's not interfering with my eating abilities... although I wish she would. I am always hungry lately, I swear she must be going through some sort of growth spurt! Which is fine, as long as she's healthy, but I was trying to slow down my weight gain a bit. Oh well.

    34.5 weeks, up 27 pounds