3rd Trimester



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Had my 38wk doc appt this morning.. :/ Blah. Well, I'm 90% thinned out but we went back in progress.. back to a 1cm from the 2-3cm last week. :/ However, Nick will be home tomorrow for the weekend, which is perfect timing for my birthday on Saturday, but I don't think Miranda will make her appearence this weekend...
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I had my ob appt today and another ultrasound. The dr said that baby measuring 6lb 1oz so far! It's so strange how he has such chubby cheeks for only being 6lbs! Even thought we always seem to get 3d pictures I still don't know what he'll really look like once he's here.

    When I'm sleeping at night I'll wake up with the WORSE leg cramps, anyone else getting these?? They're so painful! Good news is I'm only waking up 1 maybe 2x at night to pee now. Guess it's a good thing I stopped drinking 2 bottles of water in the middle of the night whenever I wake up. =P I get much more sleep this way.

    Only 5 more days!!!
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    So far I've only had 1 official ultrasound - they did a really quick one just to make sure he was head down, and then a BPP when his heart rate was doing weird things (they thought). That one they didn't really let me see though, and we didn't get any pictures. :(

    I went in this week and they scheduled me to be induced tomorrow at 6p, but didn't tell me. L&D was super nice when I called in about it. I find that L&D is usually waaaay nicer than the actual clinics I end up at.

    I was disappointed to find out it was for 6p, because that probably means I won't actually have LO until August 4th, and 2 friends already have that birthday. (I seriously flipped out.) DH has been helping me work through it. I know that is so petty and trivial of me, but I am still a bit peeved. I also feel upset at my body for not starting naturally, and myself for not walking more, and medical science for making me have a date I don't want for my son. Basically I'm just in bother and probably need to go take a walk. :)
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    welllllll......had another u/s this afternoon.....good news is my boy is now head down bad news is....he has a big head! ugh. the tech said he is measuring almost a week ahead and at 7 lbs. yikes. The doctor didn't seem too concerned, he said measurements at this stage are always tough to accurately determine. Glad he's healthy....hope he's not HUGE!

    myice- i get leg cramps all the time, even pre-pregnancy. They suck. I've heard dehydration and low potassium causes them, I don't know.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Sugar- Don't worry, putting in a carseat is super easy =)... As for the list I was told: clothes, toiletries, pjs, something to keep you buys like a book/movies, slippers/shoes, camera, phones. And for the baby, clothes, blanket, carseat, nuk, diaper bag..... Be worned about your weight =P I was just told yesterday that the last month baby can gain 1lb to 1.5lbs a week! I was shocked! I thought was was only 0.5lbs a week, boy was I off!

    Bru- Don't worry. Your lil girl will come when she's ready =) She's just giving you extra time to do the things you need to get done & the things you forgot to do that you'll think of still lol... I'm still remembering things I haven't done yet, woops!

    Dragon- The scheduled you without tell you???? Did they just let you know last minute or what? That's horrible!... Hey, that means you'll be induced in 2 1/2 hrs if you're in my timezone! Good luck girl! I hope everything goes smoothly for you! Don't be upset hun, child birth is suppose to be something the woman does naturally but I only made it to 32wks with my 1st boy because of complications. I was so mad at myself for not doing something that I should have been able to do but couldn't. Took time, but I just had to realize, it's not something you did wrong, sometimes things just happen and our bodies need help =)... Once you hold your little baby in your arms you wont even care about the birthday anymore, you'll just be happy that you have him =)

    mpederson- Don't worry about the size of his head. I've been told that no matter how small or big your baby is you still dilate to 10cm! Wish my 1st i had problems and they needed an emergency c-section and I told them I wanted to try to be induced first because if he's going to be tiny then i wouldn't have to hurt so bad, they said you dilate to 10 either way. Funny how our bodies work.... The part of my leg that cramps up horrible while sleeping is the back of my shin. It just kills me when it gets SUPER tight. I think that wakes me up more than having to pee does =P

    AFM- Only 4 days left! I can't believe I'll be having my baby Tuesday already! Wow time went fast. Which is funny that I'm saying that since I had my 1st at 32weeks and now that I'm almost 37 you'd think time would have seemed to drag even longer! But I can't believe this pregnancy is almost over. I'm going to miss feeling him move inside me, but it's okay because holding him in my arms and getting to see his sweet face will make me even happier. I can't wait for our 2yr old to meet him too! He doesn't fully get the concept, so I think he'll be pretty shocked to have a new addition to the family! =-D Still have a few things to do before the big day, cleaning a few rooms in the house still, bring up the baby stuff, and pack the hospital bag... Seeing as I'm getting a c-section I'm really NOT looking forward to the healing process, but getting to meet my new little man will be all worth it =)

    Good luck girls! You're all on homestretch now! You can do this! Not much time left, enjoy it while it lasts =)
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Hello Ladies! I can now officially join you- will be 28 weeks tomorrow with my second child- another daughter!! Although all along, I've thought it was a boy- so we shall see!

    I'm 28 weeks tomorrow and up about 18/19 lbs. Trying to keep my weight under control this pregnancy- with my first daughter, I gained 40! She turned 2 last Sunday and we are celebrating her birthday tomorrow night...in the middle of trying to get our house ready for our guests.

    Anyway- congrats to those of you who are "almost there"!! I know the 3rd trimester tends to drag on so it musts be exciting to be in the home stretch. Looking forward to getting to "know" you all better!

    p.s. Sugar- I actually overpacked for the hospital with my daughter. You really don't need that much- comfy clothes for you, toiletries, an outfit for baby, and some stuff to keep you occupied (games/movies) if you have a long labor. Plus your phone & camera!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi all

    I had my 38 week app last week and all looking good. I measure ave and baby heart beat good. So was BP etc. I go back at 40 weeks unless something happens before then - but I doubt it.

    Ive had a busy week, doing housework and pottering about. I plan on a quieter one this week. My neice is coming round tomorrow (age 15) to help do a few jobs.

    I will catch up with everyone tomorrow.

    Myice - wow - not long left at all! Pleased all gone well.

    Helen 38 + 5
    Up 32lb (but will weigh again in a few days :-/
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    This time tomorrow I'll be getting my c-section. I'm pretty nervous, but it's not the first time so I know I'll be okay.
    The house is almost ready for baby Logan, but I still have to clean the boys room & the bathroom. Right now I'm thankful for a small house =P

    I'm a little annoyed with myself. I use to weight 209, but then I got preg with my first son and got up to 270 at delivery. I joined mfp at 233 after having him, and got down to 188.6. I got preg again and now I'm at 239.4!... So that means I weight more now than i did when I started MFP =(... Hopefully after having Logan I'll lose a few more lbs than I'm expecting so I can at least be under my mfp starting weight. It's going to be really hard finding the energy, motivation, and time (with 2 kids) to get back into working out and eating right... It's going to be weird going from eating over 2,000 calories to eating 1,200 again too LOL
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi all

    My Ice - Good luck - Hope all is going well and Logan is on his way.

    Not much to report here, had a bit of a 'show' today - no other symptoms though, so will see if anything progresses. Ive managed to fit the car seat base today and will have another practice tonight and get my boyfriend to check it is done ok.

    Going to go and get a little snack - apple & satsuma I think.

    Check in again later to see if anyone about.

    Helen 39 weeks
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Hi ladies- I'm joining you in the third tri. :) I'm 28 weeks 1 day and up 20 lbs.

    I can't believe I'm finally in the home stretch... so close yet so far away. I've been on a mission to get the nursery finished but for some reason I can't get DH motivated to even get started! He has a deadline (two weeks) before I threatened to hire someone to do it.

    I think that's my biggest concern right now- getting my husband on the same page. We had a long talk last night and he seemed to understand my concerns but we'll see if his actions change at all. Anyone else have this come up? I'm sure it's normal but I'm just a little overwhelmed...

    I look forward to keeping up with you all and sharing our experiences :)
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    My Ice- I hope everything is going well with your c-section!! Congratulations!

    AFM- this past weekend I got the carseat installed, the baby's clothes washed, folded, and put away, and started gathering items for my hospital bag. Yesterday morning I was experiencing shooting pains across my stomach and down my back (possible contractions?) and diarhhea all morning. I had an appt with my OB and she said that I'm not dialated yet, but that my cervix has softened. She also seemed concerned about the baby's growth. I'm a little over 35 weeks, but the doc was measuring the baby at 33 weeks with the tape measure. So she sent me for yet another sonogram.

    The sonogram tech said that the baby is measuring at 34 weeks, and is about 5 pounds, and she's growing she's just smaller. She said that the baby will probably gain a 1/2 pound a week and I'll probably deliver a 7.5 pound baby at most if I make it until 40 weeks. I don't care if she's small, I just want her to be HEALTHY. So the tech told me not to stress about it, because she could tell that the doctor had gotten me stressed out. The baby's heartbeat is still strong at 131, my blood pressure is great, etc. So now... the waiting game lol

    35 weeks, 4 days - up 28 pounds
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    my ice - good luck and congrats!!!
    and thanks for the words of encouragement.....what a terrible thing to say to a pregnant lady....your baby has a big head. I'm sure they all feel big on the way out. I'm not too concerned about it I just felt almost embarrassed plus I had to see a different doctor this week as mine is on holidays and he kind of made me feel like well guess you HAVE to get an epidural now.

    Becky - my husband and I ARE NOT on the same page, sometimes I think we're not even in the same book. My doula and i are thank goodness, she's got my back. I am just getting over a slight mental breakdown today because I left the house angry at him and then stewed about all these house things he SAID he was going to do but I knew he wouldn't do and I'd end up doing after work myself. Then I got bombarded at work and just felt overwhelmed and felt the tears well up. I have three full weeks of work left and my replacement isn't here until next wednesday. I just gotta make it through till next week then the pressure will be off.....at work anyways.

    Helen - sounds like things are on the move! so exciting!

    sugarbaby - that sucks your dr got you worked up for nothing! I've had conflicting information from the u/s techs and doctors as well. I have no idea why i've been to so many u/s but i almost wish i hadn't because it's made me think about things that maybe aren't a big deal. Sounds like you're doing all the right things though, she'll be perfect!

    So I was with my almost three year old nephew this weekend and I asked him where is cousin Kaleb is, he poked my belly and said, he's in your shirt! then he put on a tshirt with a little monster on it and said "look I have a baby Kaleb in my shirt too!" That made my entire weekend. Sometimes kids can be sooooo cute.

    High five for me - after tonight's swim I'll have swam 100,000 metres since I got pregnant. :) (62.14 miles) I'm celebrating by having icecream cake with my girlfriends tomorrow.

    36w 4 d
    + 38 lbs (of all head apparently)
  • EliseMarie24
    EliseMarie24 Posts: 49 Member
    Melissa - sometimes I wish our hubbys could go through half of what we go through just so they can understand where we are coming from & what needs to be done. There are a couple things that still need to be done at my house for the baby that I just can't do so it will sit there til he does it. :). Work is tough. I was able to leave about 2 1/2 weeks ago because of some crazy changes there that were getting really bad & causing a lot of unnecessary stress. If I wasn't pregnant I probably would have just delt with it a bit longer while looking for another job. I hope that it all gets straighten out for you though without causing too much stress.

    I hope everything continues to go well for the rest of you ladies! :)
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    Hello everyone! How are you all feeling? I have to say, despite the onslaught of typical 3rd trimester symptoms I'm feeling pretty great lately. As of tomorrow we'll be 37 weeks (full term, yay!) and we have just about everything done and/or scheduled. I'm especially excited because I got a phone call yesterday that we are getting a doula student from John Hopkins for FREE! I didn't find out and apply for the program until about a month ago, so I'm feeling very fortunate that we were still able to get one. We meet her tomorrow evening, and I'm so psyched that it's falling into place. Hoping that she'll help calm my hubby during the labor/delivery b/c I honestly don't think he really knows what's going to happen. And it will be great for me to have the extra support, along with the hubby and my mom.

    The nursery is almost finished, but we still need a rocking chair and I'm so picky about what I want :-) But I figure it's not the end of the world if I don't have one right away, there are plenty of places in the house to sit and nurse the baby once he's here.

    We packed the bag for the hospital yesterday and it's actually not too stuffed. But there are a bunch of last minute items that we can't really pack until we leave (cell phones, laptop, makeup, etc), so we'll see what we end up with. I'm always the type that would rather be prepared so I usually over rather than under pack.

    Installed the carseat the other day too! It was sooo easy (although the hubby did it, not me, lol). We have an inspection set up for Saturday to make sure it all checks out and then we should be ready to bring the LO home. I'm so excited to meet him!! Hope you all are doing well!

    36 wks, 6 days
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    hey ladies

    i can't believe it's been a month since i checked in! i'm breastfeeding so cradling my baby by with one hand so no capitals, lol. Congrats on all the babies, loving the birth stories and exciting progress! i am doing great, recovering from my c section and have already lost 20 f the 25lbs i gained. starting to go on walks with the baby and light weights, will add in jillian michaels, etc after i'm cleared at my 6 week appt.

    hope all is well!
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Good to hear from you! It's been quiet on here since you left :)

    That's great your recovery and feeding is going well, congrats on the weight loss.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Just got back from my appt....I'm still a +1 station and 90%, then he said I'm a 2-3cm, but doing a bishops score he said 3-4cm..so wth?! LOL! AND, I was able to have him do a membrane sweep :D However, worst case scenario, I have an induction scheduled for the 21st. Come on baby!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Okay, sorry it took a few days but here's my story!

    I had a scheduled c-section at 11:30am on 8/7/12, and had to stop eating and drinking 8hrs before (3:30am). I actually stopped eating at 11:30pm instead of 3:30am because I was tired and figured I'd be sleeping most of the time anyway.

    We had to be at the hospital 2hrs before the surgery to prep, so we got there at 9:30. Right before 11:30 the dr called to say the OR was backed up, and then when they started to catch up three trauma patients came it. I didn't end up getting my c-section until 4:30pm (16hrs of no eating). My ob felt so bad that I had to go so long without eating (even though it wasn't her fault) that she actually bought us 2 large stuffed crust pizzas, 2 bags of garlic bread, and 1 box cinnastix. It was super sweet of her, especially since it wasn't even her fault my surgery had to get pushed back.

    My last c-section was bad news, it was an emergancy one, so there wasn't a lot of time to wait between the numbing to kick in before they started to cut me open, i puked during the c-section, and twice after, and was in so much pain I didn't really move for 2 days after..... THIS c-section was awesome! I didn't feel a thing! I didn't get sick during or after, almost NO bleeding at all, and I actually got discharged from the hospital after only 2 days because the highest my pain level was, at most, was a 2.

    The first night I kept my son in the nursery, but had him brought back to my room for all of the feedings. And the 2nd night I kept him in the nursery again but I did the feeds then too. When I walked into the nursery one of the nurses looked and me when I walked up to my son's crib and she said, "ohhhH! So you have the good baby!" lol Apparently all the other babies kept crying and mine didn't fuss once! I'm so lucky to have a baby that isn't fussy. He'll make a few noises to let me know he's hungry, but he doesn't cry or anything. Also, the 2nd night in the nursery he slept 5 1/2 hrs straight! =)

    Well, I'm home now! So happy to be home with my husband and 2yr old and have our little perfect family together. As soon as we got home my husband fed and put our infant to sleep, and it was already our 2yr old's nap time, so I got to take a nap while the boys did. And later on my husband decided to watch the two boys so I could take a nap on the couch too. He's really a great helpmate! Love my husband! Also, my 2yr old loves his baby brother, he'll say "tickle tickle" and try to tickle his feet, likes throwing out the diapers, and handing me the bottle etc =)

    Well, I wish all of you girls the best! =) Stay strong! You're almost there!
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    :smile: Awesome story!!!! Thanks for sharing!

    Big congrats to you and your newly expanded family. Wishing you a speedy recovery and thanks for all your helpful advice on this board throughout your pregancy :smile:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I had a little cramping Thursday after my sweep but they died down by bed. Lost a little of my MP Friday night and I've had slight bleeding on and off since last night around 10:30. Called the hospital at 530a and they said to keep an eye on it since I'm not heavily bleeding or having any contractions. Still slightly bleeding, and still no contractions. Due date is this Tuesday so we'll see what happens..