3rd Trimester



  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    So I'm going to type this up real quick while my new LO is sleeping. :)

    I was scheduled to be induced Aug 3rd at 6pm. Which kinda of had me in a tizzy, as I knew that meant my son would be born on a day when a bunch of my friends had they're birthdays. I think I said that in a post before. So Thursday night I went to the bathroom and noticed some bleeding and got really concerned. I was also having a lot of pain in my stomach and back that wasn't going away. So I told DH to throw everything in the car, we were going in.

    As soon as we got to the hospital, the pain subsided. And then came back. Contractions! I went from none to 1 every 5 minutes. They were so backed up at the hospital, it was crazy. We got there at 8pm and they didn't get me into triage until 12:30am. I was walking the halls the whole time. Once we got to triage they put me in a bed and it was downhill from there for a while. Turns out DS was OP and putting me in a bed was a bad idea. It made my back cramp up. I asked for an epidural when I realized the pain was getting away from me, but they were so busy I had to wait. Sometime around 3am, they moved me to an actual L&D room. I asked again for my epidural, and they said I could no longer get it since I couldn't sit still from the pain.

    Well, after the shift changed to day shift, things got better! The doctor and my nurse got me an epidural around 11, and by 1 I was ready to push. Roland Pierce was born at 2:53p on the 3rd (just like I wanted! Not the 4th!). We joke that He was OP so that he wouldn't come out with a messed up face, since he didn't end up with the bruising or smushing that can happen. Now I am just trying to settle into life with a newborn. For instance, right now he is sleeping, and I feel a little bad letting him just be in his bassinet. Aren't I supposed to watch him at all times? :) Weird I know, but I have feelings like that. I find myself at war between logic and heart a lot of the time now. Poor DH sees me in tears a lot. I guess it's just a waiting game with the hormones.

    Good luck to everyone still waiting to deliver!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Now I am just trying to settle into life with a newborn. For instance, right now he is sleeping, and I feel a little bad letting him just be in his bassinet. Aren't I supposed to watch him at all times? :) Weird I know, but I have feelings like that. I find myself at war between logic and heart a lot of the time now. Poor DH sees me in tears a lot. I guess it's just a waiting game with the hormones.

    Good luck to everyone still waiting to deliver!

    Dragonaris- I remember feeling like that after my daughter was born...but you'll drive yourself crazy if you think that. Seriously- ENJOY the times you can rest. Nap when he naps. Babies need to learn how to self-soothe even at a young age. Just wanted to encourage you- completely understand where you're coming from- but you're a better mother if you rest/relax/take care of yourself too!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    myice - Glad to hear this c-section was better than the last! I can't imagine how it must have felt when they started your first c-section before the numbing kicked in!!

    I'm 29 weeks now, so I'm overdue to move over to the 3rd trimester board. I was home on vacation for the last two weeks and didn't log at all and didn't get as much exercise as I'd hoped. Needless to say the number on the scale went up way more than I had anticipated or would have liked! I'm hoping some is water weight as I felt puffy and bloated while I was home, and the scale was down 2lbs yesterday morning. Since entering the 3rd tri I've had a couple of new pregnancy firsts. I had my first "sniss" (sneeze/p!ss), luckily it wasn't much and I was at my parents' house so I was able to change my underwear right away! I guess that's what I get for being lazy and waiting for the closest bathroom to free up instead of going to use one on a different floor! I've also started getting heartburn/acid reflux once in a while. It's only been bad enough to eat two Tums so far, hopefully I won't need too many of them.

    Had a good vacation at home. MIL only really got on my nerves once, which was awesome and a miracle! There were some little things that bugged me a bit, but nothing worth getting into a debate over. Aside from advising her she should respect BIL/SIL's parenting decisions after she griped about something they said, the only time I spoke up was when she wouldn't stop insisting DH and I have cake after lunch, even though we'd already said many times we were going out for ice cream that afternoon. I jokingly asked if she was trying to make us fat, and she stopped.

    My mom held a baby shower for me while I was home. It went well, but I always hate the gift opening part. I don't like having everybody focusing on me! Luckily most people gave us small items as we had to fly back and forth, but all of those small items sure add up! I had a whole suitcase full! I left behind some items for my parents to bring when they visit in Nov, like the larger size clothes, and some small items that baby won't need right away. Between DH and I we fit all of our stuff in our suitcases, but just barely!

    Can't believe there's only 11 weeks to go, and so much left to do!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Congrats to all the new mommies and babies!!! Today's my due date.. no labor signs yet, aside from losing my MP on Friday. Either way, this day next week, I'll be holding her :noway: :heart: :cry:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    congrats dragonairis and myiceisonfire! Draonairis, I've totally been there with the uncertainty of it all, parenting is a new adventure! We have a nice group that could sustain well on the after baby group but I hear it's been quiet and I can't even find it. Maybe we should start a thread on this group and sticky it so it can be an easier transition??? What do you ladies think?
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    jls- so happy to hear the trip was a success. MIL's can be tricky! I don't have to see mine until Sept 7- then not until the birth. Not too shabby!

    My hubby FINALLY decided to paint the nursery. I think he realized I'm not joking around about getting the entire room completed by Labor Day weekend. We're booked every weekend in September. I'll post pics once it's completed.

    Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good: tired, back still hurts but I've just grown accustomed to it now, and really hungry all the time (but I can't eat a lot). Lots of movement from the little one. My mom got to see my alien belly movements- it was awesome :)
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Well I had big plans on the weekend, my family and friends were up for my baby shower on Sunday afternoon and then I had tickets to go see Mamma Mia! with my best friend that evening......also planned on being at work for two more full weeks.....then the baby came!

    Kaleb Zennon John made a fast and furious appearance Sunday morning. I woke up that morning at 1 am when my water broke in bed. At the time I thought I peed myself but it just kept coming and coming so I woke my mom up and we decided to pack a hospital bag. I hadn't gotten around to any of that yet since I wasn't due until the end of August. Contractions were mild so I didn't bother going to the hospital right away and probably would've stayed home longer but my mother and sister urged me to goin the morning as they both had fast labours. We piled in the car, I texted my friends and said sorry for missing my baby shower and went to the hospital.

    Once we were there I sat in assessment for 20minutes, still not in any real pain, they checked to see if my water had actually broke and the answer was "yes your water broke because we can see his hair!" I was at 6 cm there, walked myself down the hallway to labour and delivery, got there and was at 9! next contraction brought on the the uncontrollable urge to push so the nurse had to go find some help. Half hour later he was out :) Total hospital time one hour.....good thing my sister and mother told me to go when I did, other wise I would've had him in my living room.

    wejust got home :)
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    MP - congratulations!

    I just hit 30 weeks today, only 7 more to full term and 10 weeks until my due date!

    Have come down with an icky chest cold, in-taking a lot of juice and Vitamin C today and trying to avoid medicine unless I can't help it although I took a Tylenol last night to help me sleep. I hate being sick normally and the pregnancy just makes it more difficult to deal with since my go-to OTC cold meds are off the table.
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    MP: What a great story, and congratulations! Please send some labor/delivery luck my way :-) Your baby boy is absolutely precious.
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Mp- CONGRATS!! Wow that sounds like a pregnant woman’s dream as far as a labor/delivery experience! I’m truly jealous because I feel like for some reason I am going to have a difficult labor, because I’ve never had the best of luck lol But we’ll see!

    AFM- I had an appointment this morning, baby girl is consistently measuring 2 weeks behind, they think she’ll probably be 6-7 pounds at birth at most. The heartbeat is at 140 which is good, and she’s very active at all times of the day. HOWEVER, they are thinking of sending me to yet ANOTHER ultrasound next week to measure my amniotic fluid, etc and if it is low then they may induce me. My doctor actually said “I think we may induce you a week ahead of your due date either way”. Which left me confused as to why, but they know best I guess. So within the next 2 weeks I could potentially have my baby girl (EEK!!!)

    36 weeks, 5 days : up 28 pounds
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    congrats dragonairis and myiceisonfire! Draonairis, I've totally been there with the uncertainty of it all, parenting is a new adventure! We have a nice group that could sustain well on the after baby group but I hear it's been quiet and I can't even find it. Maybe we should start a thread on this group and sticky it so it can be an easier transition??? What do you ladies think?

    Maybe we should do a "4th trimester group" ?
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    MP- congrats! That sounds like such an eventful weekend!!! (to say the very least!!) Beautiful baby pic! And I love the idea of a 4th trimester group. I would join that after delivery!

    xo- that's exciting! I'm interested to see why they want to induce as well. I'm sure they know what they're talking about

    Faug- I hope you feel better. I've been struggling with back pain and spend my nights wishing I could take pain meds! Lots of fluids and rest- if you can.

    My mom is visiting this weekend to help me organize two closets in my house. Every time I open the nursery closet, I look at my well organized purses and dresses, luggage, board games and house decorations then close the doors. I just can't seem to move it out of there. I need some help and someone who isn't biased about what to keep and what to get rid of... my mom is perfect for that. We're also getting our nails done and I am really needing some time with my mom. I can't wait until she gets here. :)
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Thanks Becky, started running a fever last night and fighting that with Tylenol. It's a bit better during the day but nighttime was rough. Barely slept last night.

    I really want to get things organized but since I can't carry too much weight it's hard to get it going at any kind of real speed!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    I'm super late on posting this, but here's my birth story!

    On 7/30 I went in for my 41 week check up. The Dr checked me and I was dilated 4cm but was my cervix was still really thick. He checked baby's heart rate with his little handheld device and after looking for a while, he found it up pretty high. He sent me in for an ultrasound because he though baby might have turned (she had been head down for about a month). Luckily, that wasn't the case, she was just sitting in a weird position. So he sent me home with orders to get a non-stress test and another ultrasound the next day since I was now 41 weeks so they have to monitor baby more closely. Around 7:30 that night I had a lot of bloody mucous. I walked my dog with my dad and was having back contractions every few minutes, but by the time I got home they weren't regular, but I still had a lot of the bloody mucous. I called the OB dept and they said just to watch it, and watch for contractions. So I went to bed but woke up around 1:40am (7/31) because I could hear Olivia on the monitor. Before I could fall asleep I had a contraction. So I laid in bed and I kept having them, about every 8 minutes for an hour. They got pretty painful so I woke up DH and told him it was time to go to the hospital. My grandma had been staying with us so she was there for Olivia. The OB dept was so busy, it was kind of ridiculous. Anyways, the nurse checked me and I was @ 5cm around 3 am but my contractions were coming regularly, every 4 mins. Then... they stopped. I wanted an epidural right when I got there (lol) but I had to have a full bag of fluids first. Since they were so busy I didn't get the epi until 8:30am! Since the contractions slowed they put me on pitocin. So I tried to nap and relax after the epi but wasn't very successful. When I was in labor with Olivia and this time, the epidural did ease some of the pain, but I could still feel pressure when I was having contractions.

    Finally at 1:30p I told the nurse I felt like I needed to push. She checked me and I was 9cm. She said she would get my Dr and be right back. Well.... Just my luck, another patient was ready to push at the same time, and that's where my Dr was. At 1:40p the urge to push and the pressure was unbearable. But with no Dr and no nurse (she was helping the Dr) I felt like I couldn't do anything but wait. Even with the epi the pressure was so so so strong. I was in tears by the time the Dr came in (@2pm). So really quickly they got everything ready and after 10 quick minutes of pushing Quinn Martha was here. (I pushed for 15 mins with Olivia and everyone thought that was really quick, so I beat my record :wink: ). When the Dr first showed her to us, my husband and I just looked at each other in shock- she had bright red hair and a really light complexion!

    She seemed perfectly healthy so we got to leave the hospital on time (We had to spend a week in there with Olivia), but when we went back for a weight check a couple days later she had lost a significant amount. So we had to keep taking her back so they could check it. I was only breastfeeding but since her weight had gotten so low they told me I had to supplement with formula.

    Yesterday I took Quinn in for her 2 week check up and her weight was still really low. So her Dr is having us supplement with a lot of formula, almost as though she's not getting anything from me. I got a Medela supplemental nursing system from Amazon so she still hasn't got a bottle, but I don't know how long that will last. Its so frustrating because I feel like I'm doing everything in my power to build my milk supply and nothing is helping. So I'm having a hard time in seeing the point of nursing anymore. I know that's a terrible attitude. Olivia is trying to adjust to being a big sister. She can be really sweet at times, and other times she wants nothing to do with her sissy. Quinn is a good baby though, especially considering the fact that I've basically been starving her for the past two weeks.:ohwell:

    Congrats to all the other Mom's who have delivered and good luck to those still waiting!

    Melissa (cutmd)- I couldn't find the mommy group either, so I ended up messaging heathercrist1 and asked for an invitation to the group. But I've yet to post there at all :laugh:

  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    Just thought I'd check in. I'm due today and no baby. She's already much later than my first was. Been really busy with the construction on the house and moving everything around. At least we finally got everything finished and settled in. Maybe she's not being stubborn, just cooperative so we could get stuff done.

    Just looking forward to not being pregnant anymore, and getting back to running and working out. I've been eating a lot of crap lately and I'm ready to quit that.

    Sorry I won't be able to catch up on everyone's posts. Congrats on all the new babies!

    40 weeks today
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    <----I am issuing a notice for EVICTION. Tenant will have 16 hours in which she can either gather her belongings and promptly vacate the premises, or wait until the final day. After which she will be removed from the property.

    Tenant is being evicted due to breech of contract and destruction of property. Expansions only to the FRONT of the house, within reasonable limits, were discussed. Not only have these limits been exceeded, but additions to the back of the house were also made. Remodeling and gutting of the home was never approved, nor was changing the initial layout and base structure. Due to the damage by the Tenant, the foundation has been compromised, and the structural integrity of the house is questionable. Due to property damage, there are now leaks in both the upper AND lower levels of the home.

    The landlord has received numerous complaints about nightly disturbances as well. After 16hours that she doesn’t comply with the notice will result in immediate and forceful removal at Landlord’s discretion.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    ^ :laugh:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    <----I am issuing a notice for EVICTION. Tenant will have 16 hours in which she can either gather her belongings and promptly vacate the premises, or wait until the final day. After which she will be removed from the property.

    Tenant is being evicted due to breech of contract and destruction of property. Expansions only to the FRONT of the house, within reasonable limits, were discussed. Not only have these limits been exceeded, but additions to the back of the house were also made. Remodeling and gutting of the home was never approved, nor was changing the initial layout and base structure. Due to the damage by the Tenant, the foundation has been compromised, and the structural integrity of the house is questionable. Due to property damage, there are now leaks in both the upper AND lower levels of the home.

    The landlord has received numerous complaints about nightly disturbances as well. After 16hours that she doesn’t comply with the notice will result in immediate and forceful removal at Landlord’s discretion.

    freaking hilarious! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I have to be at the hospital in 9hrs to start my induction. I'm a mess of emotions right now. I'll post a birth story when we get to leave the hospital, hopefully on Thursday, but anything is possible! Good luck to all the ladies in waiting!!!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    <----I am issuing a notice for EVICTION. Tenant will have 16 hours in which she can either gather her belongings and promptly vacate the premises, or wait until the final day. After which she will be removed from the property.

    Tenant is being evicted due to breech of contract and destruction of property. Expansions only to the FRONT of the house, within reasonable limits, were discussed. Not only have these limits been exceeded, but additions to the back of the house were also made. Remodeling and gutting of the home was never approved, nor was changing the initial layout and base structure. Due to the damage by the Tenant, the foundation has been compromised, and the structural integrity of the house is questionable. Due to property damage, there are now leaks in both the upper AND lower levels of the home.

    The landlord has received numerous complaints about nightly disturbances as well. After 16hours that she doesn’t comply with the notice will result in immediate and forceful removal at Landlord’s discretion.

    freaking hilarious! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    LOVE IT!

    Good luck Brunette! I hope she comes sooner rather than later- otherwise can't wait to hear your birth story :)