3rd Trimester



  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    I know... I know... I've been MIA for quite some time! Sorry ladies... I guess I just switched gears a few weeks ago, got crazy busy at work, and have dropped the MFP ball a bit. Got a few minutes to surf the web and found myself on here catching up... From reading your posts from the last few weeks, I'm so impressed with all the great things you have been doing. Truly an amazing group of moms and moms-to-be! Congrats to those who have welcomed new little ones, and welcome to those who are just starting the 3rd Tri! :smile:

    So... I'm still hanging in there. I'm officially "well-done" at this point. My due date according to my LMP was Monday (5/28) OR according to the 20-week scan's estimate was last Friday (5/25). Either way you look at it... this little guy is so cozy and does not want to come out! :grumble: I've been feeling wimpy contractions about every 10 min since last Tuesday, but other than that no real developments. I had to go to the hospital last week for a UTI (I guess that can be pretty common once everything gets all cramped up in there) which sucked... and have been 1cm dilated for the past week. I'm starting to think he might decide to just stay in there, and I'll just stay pregnant forever. Pretty funny though... I underestimated how frustrating it is to go past your due date! You get all ready and excited and then it just turns into this exhausting, waiting game. Everywhere you turn someone's asking if you've "had the baby yet?" or commenting on how "you're still here?!" Last week I would politely chuckle and say "Nope... we're still waiting... but he'll be here soon!" Now I have to hold back from screaming... "NO BABY! THERE IS NO BABY! STOP ASKING!!!" Lol. :laugh: :laugh: I never thought I'd be begging for labor pains to begin... but I am! :smile: Bring 'em on!

    A few things that I thought would be good to share...

    1- A few weeks ago I stocked up on food and I feel so good about it! I took a whole day and devoted it to cooking and freezing meals and shopping for tons of soups, cereal, pasta, frozen veggies, etc. that will make the weeks after baby easier and nutritious. I made several slow-cooker meals (some of you will remember the ones that Rayna shared before Mason was born?), three lasagnas, three meatloaves, some breakfast casseroles, and a few other smaller meals that will be easy to take out, thaw, and then cook. My kitchen/fridge is stocked and it feels good to know we'll have easy, healthy options to eat when we're caring for Quin without calling for delivery.

    2- I sprayed a bunch of Always Infinity pads with witch hazel mixed with a little water and froze them in the freezer. When they had frozen, I stacked the pads and put them in a ziploc bag that I'm keeping in the freezer for some after-birth relief. It was so easy and I'm looking forward to using my ice pads after I get home from the hospital.

    3- I've done a lot of breast pump research and have decided to purchase the Ameda Purely Yours model. One thing I did not realize is the difference between open and closed breast pump systems. The closed systems (like Ameda) have a barrier system that keeps any milk particulates from getting into the pump motor or tubing = easier cleaning and safer. The open systems (like Medela) don't have the same system in place and there's a chance that milk can get in the tubing from time to time, etc. This is not a big deal as long as you always clean the system well and are the only user of the breast pump... however, from doing the reading you should never share an open system breast pump.... even with a new tubing set, etc. the open system design makes it so that you risk contaminating milk! Just thought I'd share that knowledge since I had no clue about that before!

    Well, ladies... I hope Quin decides to make his grand entrance soon. I'll stop by quickly to let you know when he does and how it went. Keep up all the great work and support!!!!!!!! Best wishes,

    (+32 lbs)
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm officially made it into the third trimester, by all charts now I think. I'm 28 Weeks today. Going in tomorrow for my glucose test (yuck), and to get blood drawn to make my Rhogam shot. Then going into the lab at the hospital Saturday to get it injected. My DD was polite enough to have A- Blood like me, so I didn't get another at her birth. Hopefully this little girl will do the same.

    Having some bad pains off and on still. And having some blood spotting today (Although I'm pretty sure this is from the mysterious kidney stones and not from the baby). I'm anxious to see how my urine test goes tomorrow, see if the protein, blood and white blood cells are all still high or not.

    Feeling a lot more run down lately, but I've been getting lots of exercise chasing my 18 month old around the yard in the 90+ degree heat. Getting anxious for this baby a lot earlier than last time. I think that's a bad sign, LOL.

    Hope you're all doing well.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hey all :) Weekend with hubby was great but went too quickly, especially with everyone pulling us every direction. Most of our one on one time was spent asleep. Otherwise it was great to be with him. Still waiting for my glucose test results. Hoping it follows the rest of my last appt and goes with flying colors. Miss Miranda is super active now, keeping me up or waking me up every night :) Wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to be up at 4am for work!

    Anyway, I'm hoping to surprise visit DH Father's Day weekend once I get his address and I mapquest it :) He won't come home for another visit til July :( So I'm hoping to be able to visit him in June unless doc tells me no more driving or long rides.
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Melissa- Stress in with the hormones is never good. Hopefully DH and you are able to work it though and relax a little as it comes closer to baby time. You're doing great with the exercise, keep it up!

    Brunette- I'm a little jealous of the glucose flavour options. Lemon lime sounds much more appealing then orange, although I dislike orange so anything would have been better I think ;). That sounds like a fun plan to surprise your DH!

    Jalyn- I'm glad you had fun canoeing. You are not fat you're pregnant. My husband reminds me that constantly because I often beat myself up over it. My husband actually told me last week he was very proud of how well I was doing because he thought I would likely balloon while pregnant(he followed it up by saying he sure would if he had the excuse to eat whatever he wanted.) So that made me smile. It's all worth it in the end when we get to hold our LO in our arms! I planted potatoes, beets, squash, kohlrabi, green onions, yellow beans, peas and carrots

    Kristi- Glad for the update, I was wondering what happened to you! I know what you mean of being tired of constantly being asked when baby is coming or if she's here yet. IF I knew then you would have known by now when she was arriving but I'm not psychic so STOP ASKING!! haha. Hopefully baby Quin makes his appearance ASAP.

    Amber- Welcome!

    AFM- Well the last few days I've been doing a lot more activity trying to help Evie make an appearance. It seems to be counter progressive though, the more I work out(walk, hills, lunges, squats, bouncing on exercise ball) the fewer and farther in between contractions are getting. I really tried to not let myself get excited when the Dr told me at my last prenatal he didn't think I would make my due date but it didn't work! I go for a few days with huge pressure in my bottom followed by a day where I'm remarkably comfortable. She's teasing me and I don't like it ;). I sure hope that when I have my appointment on Friday my internal shows some progress because I may burst into tears if I haven't changed since 36 weeks.

    I had a lovely pregnancy brain moment the other day. While sitting on my exercise ball bouncing at the computer I decided my feet were cold and turned on the space heater.... Note to self: Large rubber ball + space heater = bad news. I soon found myself sitting on the floor as I melted a hole in the side of the ball x(. I will be glad when my intelligence level returns to normal again, sheesh!

    On a different note I went out and bought my husband's "Welcome to Fatherhood" present, which will be a joint Father's Day present. I got him a new big screen TV which is now "hiding" in our spare room. I sure hope he doesn't get an urge to go in there for something because it's impossible to hide and sitting in plain view if he opens the door.

    Well I hope everyone is doing well!
    39W6D(+28 lbs)
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Myice – Welcome! Fingers crossed your placenta has moved and that you don’t end up with pre-eclampisa again. Try not to worry too much about your weight gain until you see your doc again. Have you had any swelling at all?

    Sarah - Woohoo for finishing work! Did you guys get all moved in to the new place? Eeeew, milk! I’ve never been a fan of milk. As far as cow’s milk, I’ll drink chocolate milk but that’s it! I have almond milk on my cereal in the morning!

    Helen – How was your week off? You definitely picked a glorious week to take off didn’t you?! Why do you get worked up on arrival at the midwife? Are you nervous that something is going to be wrong? As far as iron rich foods, a lot of cereals are fortified with iron (at least they are over here), so depending on which one I eat for brekkie, one serving can give me about 60% of the daily recommended allowance, plus with the rest of the food I eat and my prenatal vitamin, I’m always over on iron. I’m still not super organized for baby. We don’t have much to buy, but we have yet to pull everything out from when DS was little to check what we still need. I love both the names you have picked! I’m pretty sure we’ve decided on two names, just can’t decide the order to put them in! May have to wait until little dude arrives to see which name suits him better!

    Amanda – How’s the cold? Feeling any better? Did doc end up stripping your membranes? No problem about the confusion! At first I giggled, but then I thought “Oh my gosh, this lady must think I’m a terrible person waiting to quit smoking until I’m 32 weeks preggo!” Lol! Other half is still going strong though! I’m so proud of him, but he’s more proud of himself which is awesome, because it seems like he’ll stick with it this time! Sorry, I couldn’t help but giggle at your pregnancy brain moment! Sounds like something I would do! Hopefully Miss. Evie will make her appearance soon!

    Amy – Hooray on hubby coming home for the weekend! I’m glad you had a great time. I’m sure your glucose test went fine if you haven’t heard anything by now!

    Melissa – Cute baby bump! Little man is definitely growing! I feel like my belly is getting bigger by the day, and my skin feels stretched to capacity already! You’ll definitely bounce back after delivery! Sorry to hear about you and hubby’s arguments, but glad to hear things are better. Do men not know not to mess with pregnant ladies?! How did your appointment go?

    Becca - So sorry to hear about all the pain you’ve been having :( My back has been hurting quite a bit lately too. It’ll all be worth it in the end though! Have you finished school yet down there?

    Jayln – So glad you’re having a good time with your hubby! How much longer until he is home? Don’t get discouraged, you’ll lose the weight in no time, Miss Crossfit!

    Kristi – Come on stubborn little Quin!! DS was late too, so I know how frustrating it can be!! Has your doc mentioned anything about inducing? Sorry to hear about the UTI as well, I can’t imagine that can be fun on top of being about to pop at any moment! I love how prepared you are though! Good call on the witch hazel pads, they will be so nice and soothing! If you tear or have an episiotomy you’ll probably get epifoam in the hospital, if not get some Dermaplast! Make sure you take the peri bottle home with you too!

    Amber – Welcome! Sorry to hear about the pain and the kidney stones, I hope it passes soon

    AFM – Spent the long weekend in Nashville visiting siblings as OH and I each have a sister who live up there. We had a great time hanging out and visiting with them. My sister only moved up there about 6 or 7 months ago, and she still comes down quite frequently, but we hadn’t seen OH’s sister in about 9 months, and she has had another kid since then, so we finally had got to meet our sweet little niece! She is such a sweet and good baby, and DS LOVED her!!! He’s going to be a fantastic big brother! I got a call from the docs office last week about my blood work, and they decided to send me to a perinatal specialist just to be on the safe side, so I saw them today and everything was fine! You could tell they were kinda like “Why did your doc send you?” but both the ultrasound tech and doc were super nice, and at least we got to see little dude again, and what a little chunker he is! DS was 6lb 9oz at birth, they said baby is already 6lb2oz and I have 6 weeks to go! YIKES!!! I know there’s a margin of error, but still! His cheeks, and arms and hands on the ultrasound were so chubby, so I’m pretty sure he is going to chunky monkey! He is still breech too, so hopefully he will turn on his own and SOON!!!

    Hope you’re all having a great week!
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Sorry I have been MIA...I have caught up on everyone but it's late so I don't have the time to reply to everyone.

    Sounds like most of you are hanging in there...
    And that Amanda and Kristi can go anyday now...wahoo...I know what's like going past the due date...it's like you just want the baby out but realize to get it out there will be pain..it's a crazy position to be in...so I am praying all goes well with you ladies!

    Anyway, I will try to address everyone else next time i signon...I have actually been keeping up with everyone just haven't had the time to post and the long weekend came and it was busy and then I got a lazy day which I throughly enjoyed.

    My mom, grandma and sis came into town last weekend and mulched, weeded and planted my front yard...it looks so great. And it was so awesome to not have to do it all myself. I finally also got my veggie box in the ground and stuff planted...turns out some of the plants I started in door got pot rot so I had to replant them when I moved everything outside but that was two weeks ago and lots of the items I planted are sprouting so I am super excited.

    Work has been crazy and with the nanny gone I have been on Ben duty by day and working late into the nights...it has really been exhausting...not to mention sleep has been something I have been struggling with...can't wait until she comes back...she only works 3 days but some how having her here just to get an extra hour of a nap or something done makes the world of difference not to mention my wonderful son has decided he's over nap time and lately I don't have the patience to fight him to put him down...so I have been just letting him go without which makes him a little rebel...sigh...

    As for the baby within...had my 36 week appt last week and there was no progression I was still all closed up...tomorrow morning I have another appointment so we shall see. I keep feeling like the baby will come early but besides the fact that the baby has decended there are no signs to support my feeling so we will see. Otherwise things are well...have been having a few BH but nothing major. I need to get the rest of the baby clothes packed away will try to tackle that this weekend but otherwise I was able to setup the place the baby will sleep in our room a few weeks ago. What I have yet to do and someone reminded me today is pack a bag for the hospital...honestly I need to get on it.
    Seeing Amanda's list makes me thing of some other things I need to prep so I will hopefully tackle some of those things this weekend as well...we shall see...I guess my motivation only really kicks in if I am dilated if I am not then part of me feels like there is time...

    Anyway...I need to sleep as my little one will be up early and I have a doc appt tomorrow in the am.
    Hope everyone is doing well...

    Kelley 37wk
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    sas – thanks! Starting to get embarrassed by the belly size!

    helenmelon – thank you too for the bump compliment! Hope you are taking your iron and drinking your water to help with that pulse. I still have a lot to do for baby, including moving and setting up a nursery, my shower is next week. I like Isaac Michael and Hannah. My vote for iron is red meat and dark green leafy veggies.

    brunettewife – yay on hubby coming early and the great appointment. That glucose test made me very thirsty, seemed like flat sugary soda but I had the orange. Hope you can make the trip down to see your dad!

    MrsJax – so sorry to hear about the pubic and back pain but glad to hear the heartburn is improved. Sometimes walking does help. I hope your baby turns too, she’s running out of time

    myiceis on fire – so sorry to hear about the weight gain! Are you puffy/retaining water? Any headache? You should get an appointment or at least your BP checked asap. If it is okay then just focus on eating healthy from here on out and getting in your exercise, that’s all you can do! I also agree with Helen, I retain water easily as well

    Jalyn – How wonderful you got to hang with hubby! Sorry about the pic ‘incident”, you did make me LOL though, you sound like me. Never ask a man that kind of question! Your body probably just needs a little extra and I have no doubt you’ll lose it! Just keep thinking “I’m not fat I’m pregnant”. They can look similar but they are not! Things are better with my DH now and I do remember your struggles with your DH’s southern roots. I hope something gives, either you learn to love it or he learns to compromise

    Kristi – Jeez, I thought you were off breastfeeding since you disappeared, lol! Sounds like you’ve done a great job preparing for him though! Are you jogging and whatnot to try to shake him out? I keep thinking when my time comes a little plyo will do it but I’ll probably be in your boat instead! Thanks for the tips, crossing my fingers for a bday announcement!

    amberwebb – Glad to hear you are trucking along. It’s rare to spot with kidney stones unless you mean remnants of urine and there would have to be a lot of blood in your urine for that. Please consider calling your OB. Hope your tests go well!

    Amanda – thanks for the encouragement. Hope your LO comes soon! I LOLed at the space heater + exercise ball story! I like the father’s day present for DH, mine also wants a big screen tv so I might steal the idea!

    Emily – so glad you had fun in Nashville! Cute that your DS is so loving! I can’t imagine much better than to have the perinatal specialist wondering why you are there and getting a free US. I’m still trying to figure out how your LO is so robust and you have such tiny weight gain. Don’t think it’s fair. :tongue:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    AFM - I don't know what happened, DH and I talked and he admitted to being stressed about various things and was sorry he's been cranky and I acknowledged I've been sensitive and we have been pretty good since other than some occasional reminders. My big stomach is giving me trouble - unwanted attention, awkwardness in getting around, and poor appetite. I gained like 0.3lbs in 4 weeks at my OB appt but the midwife subbing for my OB didn't seem to notice. Actually, she didn't seem like she bothered with my chart at all. I'll be glad to go back to my usual doctor, but my schedule is such that I can't see her until June 14th. Oh well.

    Things are coming together. My move is set, packing is started, my mom is coming to help that weekend in addition to movers, and the paperwork is done. I also got my kid-friendly car, an X3 SUV. It's really luxurious and I love it. My mom's retirement and shower are next week, DH and I are thinking to drive there and back (maybe in my new suv, but I dunno about the miles :grumble: ). But that way we can talk and transport the gifts. Working out is getting more challenging and I am proud of myself for continuing to do it regularly. This week food is really unappealing (still choking some down for the LO of course) but strangely I gained weight during an informal check. We'll see what it is on Friday. DH is talking about going to Philly the week after the shower, according to Murphy's law the baby would come then so we are debating whether that is wise!

    Better hit the hay if I am to have hope of working out before my shift tomorrow :ohwell: What's funny/cute/annoying is that DH can't seem to resist playing with the baby at night through my tummy! I love that they are interacting but it wakes me up! DH also wants another 3D ultrasound to "see the baby again". I told him soon enough! :tongue:

    34wk 5 days
    +22ish lbs
  • mrs_deg1983
    mrs_deg1983 Posts: 157
    lol with my first it was the first time i ever packed so light.

    back pack for mommy and daddy

    -2 full changes of cloths for daddy.-
    -1 pillow and sheet
    -bathroom stuff

    -1 going home jogging suit for me
    `-1 bra
    -1 underwear
    -my bathroom stuff
    - pads

    baby bag

    - coming home cloths
    - 2 blankets

    ps. as much as hospital charges for you to lay in their bed i cleaned the diapers that they put in the cart every time they brought her in to me. Ended up going home with 2 free pkg of diapers lol almost 30 to 40 new born diapers. lol
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    Great to log on and lots to read up on etc.

    Jalyner – 5 weeks left will fly by. Glad you got to visit your husband. Good work on canoeing – I’d prob tip the boat! Lol You defo not fat – but pregnant (that’s what my OH told me the other day when I was moaning). You will soon be able to burn off the extra pounds so I wouldn’t worry about that,

    Kristi – I wondered if you had had the baby. Hope little Quin arrives soon. I love you cooking and preparing – Im defo going to do that when I finish for maternity leave (3/4 weeks before due date). And love your ice packs idea – how long do you use one for? 1 hour at a time? I’m not going to buy a breast pump and each of my friends have only managed to feed for a few weeks and then had problems and ended up going formula (on advice from midwife/health visitor).

    Amber – welcome to 3rd Tri. We don’t have a glucose test here (Uk) – not sure why but we have bloods, urine checked and BP etc. (We also don’t get weighed after the very first ‘booking appointment’).

    Bru – Like the sound of your planned surprise visit. Hope you are ok to travel – how far is is it? Do you drive there?

    Amanda – Love the name Evie. I hope you show some progress at your appointment. LOL at rubber ball. You weigh gain seems great. I’m already up 25lb at 29 weeks.

    Emily – Yes enjoyed my week off, it was the hottest it’s been here is ages (prob years!) it was about 28/30 C. Before I was pregnant I always had raised BP and pulse in the docs but fine at home. So I was expecting it really. I don’t feel worried about the baby – but I do worry BP and pulse will be high!! (which obviously doesn’t help!), I’m taking it myself each day and been fine so hopefully be ok next appointment. Best to be double checked though and after 20 mins at hospital it was normal. Im mainly have cornflakes or Weetabix for breakie so will check the packet. Hope baby turns – think you still have plenty of time.

    Kelley – sounds like you been very busy – but glad you had some help and I’m sure nice to catch up with girls in the family. Yes defo get your hospital bag packed. When do you finish work? Or just working as long as poss?

    Melissa – Yep, I’m taking iron tablets and eating beef and plenty spinach and broccoli. I defo feel I have a bit more energy but not sure if that’s because the weather is a bit cooler too. I’m getting all my water so no worries there. Sounds like you are nearly ready to move? Is it far from where you are now? Your workouts are fab, you should defo be proud.
    Oh – how cute your OH playing with baby at night. My OH tells me not to encourage movement after 10pm as baby should be asleep – not sure if it makes any difference but I want to be asleep too so following his advice.

    Goals for this week:
    Walk 45/60 mins x 5 (with dogs)
    Prenatal pilates DVD (50 mins) x 2

    I have been slacking the last few weeks as been tired but thought it was the heat but thinking it could have been a mixture of heat and low iron as feeling like got much more energy after a week of iron tablets (it is also cooler mind).

    Catch up again later
    29 + 1
    (up 25lb)
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    Brunette-Sounds like a nice plan to go visit. My doc's always bugging me about stopping every 60-90 minutes on long drives. To be honest I rarely do, but I'm usually a passenger and turned around half the drive tending to my 18 month old.

    Amanda-Hope you get to see your LO soon. I have serious issues with pregnant brain, I don't even feel bad about it anymore. I just laugh at myself. You should see the things I've put in the refrigerator.

    Emily-Glad everything with the specialist went well. My DD was 6lbs 6oz when she was born, hoping for another one about that size.

    Kelley- I was so worried about packing my hospital bag with my first, but honestly I didn't use more than half of what I packed. I'm thinking this time I won't bother with most of the stuff and just make sure I have deodorant. LOL

    Melissa- I can't imagine trying to move amongst all this baby stuff. We are putting on an addition and that's enough trouble for me.

    AFM-had my 28 week appointment this morning, that went pretty well. Got everything set up for my Rhogam shot tomorrow. Talked to the doc about the pains and spotting and such. I had also woken up this morning feeling like my stomach had moved and gotten smaller. I shrank almost two inches. The baby as already turned head down and dropped, which they think is where the few drops of blood came from. It was a very sudden shift. It hurts more due to the pressure, but my stomach feels better, it's got more room. I'm not dehydrated anymore, and I'm not showing anymore protein, blood and such in my urine sample. If nothing is wrong with my glucose test, I won't hear from them until my next appointment. The interesting news is that they think the baby may come fairly early. I guess we'll see. They're supposed to have my new addition done before the baby comes, but they assumed she wouldn't be here until August 22.
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Hey All,
    It's been a bit since I've put out any updates... had a busy long weekend and have a little more done in preparation for the baby. Still feel like I have a bunch to do... but I just have to remember it's not the end of the world if it's not done before she's born.
    Had my first check today and it was positive! Dr. said her head is "very low" and I'm 1 cm dilated. She gave me a big thumbs up for planning on a VBAC. I'm excited and nervous... it's what I wanted but definately curious on how this will go since I was scheduled to be induced last time.
    It's good to hear that your DH admitted to his stress and apologized... gives me hope. My husband has been really on edge and it's taking a toll on me and the kids... plus I dont' feel like I have anyone to go to for my fears and much needed support.

    On the work front the stress level has just increased. In the last week I found out that my boss and another one of my managerial peers have put in their 2 weeks... so much for having someone to sub in for me on my 12 week maternity leave. It's just going to be that much more scrambling to get ready to be out... plus I'm disappointed that I'm going to miss out on the opportunity of possible promotion to that next level... not that I would've had much of a chance but I'd have the chance to prove myself.

    Well ladies, I hope you're all doing well and having fun preparing for the new additions!

    36 weeks... and counting!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Helen- Thank you for your advice. I now I'm under my max pregnancy weight again. PHEW! I've been eating rice for breakfast with some cinnamon and brown sugar, and bpj for lunch, and a potato for dinner, with snacks throughout the day. Been drinking a lot of water too. =) Hope more water weight comes off. But I've VERY please to see the scale going down.

    Jalyner- I'm right there with you on the weight and how you feel. But if you're husband's right about how much you love to workout and excise, then I'm sure the weight will come right back off. Only thing will have to be finding the motivation to workout while being sleep deprived =P That one I haven't figured out yet... I've made a mistake of asking my husband a question I wish I NEVER would have, I just think at least he was honest? … But if that other person wasn't pregnant, then you know it's
    okay for him to say yes because your weight will come right off, and it's not fat, it's baby and placent, and blood etc that makes the extra weight.

    Kmreynolds11- Exciting you're so close to your due date! Any day now =D I think the cooking and freezer is an awesome idea. All the girls in my family are pregnant right now due June 28, July 28, and me August 28th, and they're all freezing meals. What an awesome idea. Or even just putting meat and vegis in one bag and freezing it, throw it all in a crockpot when you want it. Yummo!

    Amberwebb79- I really hope that all goes well with you. And that the bleeding stops. Did all of your tests go well? …....I'm happy to hear that all went well with your appointment and there's an explanation for the blood. Guess baby's ready to come when you're ready =) I'd wait a few weeks though =P lo jk

    Bru- I'm surprised they said no long drives for you? That's odd, I've never been told that, and I have to go on a 7hr drive to St. Louis soon too. I was told I could as long as I take enough breaks to pee and stretch. … Logan's like an alarm clock, always kicks a lot around 10:30pm. Which is usually when I want to go to bed. So I know how you feel there =P lol

    Batgirlrox- I know how the pregnancy brain works. I've actually started to stutter a lot while talking to my husband because I can't think of what i'm going to say next. Psh, hope it goes away soon after baby's born. =P Can't remember anything he tells me either, I swear I ask him what he's told me 2x already. What an awesome present for your husband, I'm sure he'll be crazy excited about that!

    Eejieweejie- I haven't had any swelling. Kinda wish I did because then I'd know for sure it's a lot of water weight. =P But it's starting to come off now, so that's good. I hope baby turns soon for you so there's no complications at all. And good to know that they other drs even wondered why you were sent to them, that must have been a relief!

    Cutmd- I have an appointment on the 7th to get another ultrasound, so they'll be my blood pressure them. But I guess I should get it checked at walmart or somewhere else sometime before then, just to be on the same side. I was having some crazy high sodium days for a while there, but I've drank a lot of water and watched my calories since. Also lowed my calorie good on top of that. So the scale's started going doing. Went from 227 to 222.8! I'm glad things are getting better for you at home =) I love that he's starting to “play with baby” too! =) My hubby keeps gently shaking mine a lil to play with mine too hehe.

    AFM- My max goal weight for this pregnancy was suppose to be 224.6lbs! I went all the way up to 227, and today I was down to 222.8 =D I've been eating rice for breakfast with some sugar and cinnamon, and then pbj for lunch, and potato for dinner. All lower sodium foods, plus i bought flavored water packets and been getting my water in. Also, I went horse back riding yesterday, which really works your legs when you ride dressage (english), so I think that definitely helped to burn some calories. Wish the weather would warm up some so I can start going back on my walks again. Can't wait for my ultrasound appointment on the 7th. I hope my placenta moved up because I'd prefer not to have another c section, but at least that would mean I'd have baby 1 week earlier (less time to wait to meet the little guy) & hubby would know the exact date, which would be convenient since we own a business in a different state, so he'd for sure be home when i go into labor. ... I don't want the c section, but I'm just trying to look at the positive and prepare myself in case that's the news after the ultrasound.
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member

    I sprayed a bunch of Always Infinity pads with witch hazel mixed with a little water and froze them in the freezer. When they had frozen, I stacked the pads and put them in a ziploc bag that I'm keeping in the freezer for some after-birth relief. It was so easy and I'm looking forward to using my ice pads after I get home from the hospital.

    What a GREAT idea!! I'm so going to do this!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    So I have 4 5x7 picture frames two with pink scrapbook paper, two with the same pattern in green. I was going to leave them as is for Miranda's nursery, but then I thought about writing a quote on them. I thinking of one of the following quotes.. 'I Made A Wish & You Came True', 'And though she be but little, she is fierce' , 'Dream Big, Never Give Up, Love Your Family, Keep The Faith', 'Such a big Miracle in such a little girl' and 'First we had each other, then we had you, now we have everything'. I'm still looking for a few more to choose from, but for now, which do you think? Or do any of you have any quotes you really like?
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    Hi All!
    Been a member of the group since April, but hadn't had internet to really be able to post. Now I'm in my 3rd trimester and have internet. :) I was feeling a little isolated - don't know anyone who is pregnant near me to hang out with, or even anyone with a new baby. None of my friends have children yet, and I'm feeling more and more left out. Then I remembered this board! So I'm jumping on to say hello. :) Anyway, I'm 32 weeks currently, and just waiting on pretty much everything. No showers yet, and we just moved, so we're getting the job/living situation under control still. A great deal of hurry up and wait going on. I've put on a great deal of weight throughout my pregnancy, though after doing some investigating, I found out my mother also put on a ton of weight when she was expecting as well. Just trying to eat well, and get back into my exercise, as moving kind of interfered with getting all of that done. Well, that's me, so I'll jump in later to keep up with everyone!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Nevermind my last post.. I went with 'At first we had each other' It turned out cute but I'm not sure if I will be putting the frames on the wall or not..
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Emily- My cold actually only lasted about a week, which was a pleasant surprise. It usually takes me a lot longer to get over them. Sounds like baby is going to be closer to the 9 pound mark, you're just doing too good of a job feeding him! My sister had her son 6 weeks premature and he was over 7 pounds I can't imagine how big he would have been if he was full term. Still to this day he is the most solid kid I know!

    Melissa- I figured since it would be the last time for a year I would have some extra money from my last pay check I would splurge. I'm glad you and DH could have a talk and acknowledge each others feelings so you could come to a common ground. Glad the move and vehicle situation is coming together!

    Amber- Oh I know about the whole fridge/pantry escapade. I've let more then one carton of eggs go bad because I put them away in the pantry and not the fridge. I'm glad baby flipped for you and hopefully the pains and spotting stop soon.

    Ice- I am repeatedly asking DH the same question over and over again. He jokes that I must just not like his answer and will subconsciously keep asking until I hear what I want. Hope your placenta has moved up for you!

    AFM- Well still no baby. On Wednesday evening I was feeling pretty crampy so I decided to go crazy with the squats and exercise ball bouncing. In 1.5 hours I did a total of 225 squats and was bouncing on my ball constantly in between. Needless to say all that accomplished was an inability to walk normally for the next 3 days.

    I had my 40 week check on Friday. On the bright side my cervix is very soft and dilated to 1 cm so the Dr. was able to strip my membranes. On the down side he said it's still very high and posterior which makes it hard for baby to put enough pressure on it to dilate. Hopefully it gets the memo and moves soon. Yesterday I was incredibly uncomfortable with pressure in my bottom. I couldn't even sit for more then 10 minutes on my exercise ball without agony. I was excited again that something might be happening but no such luck. Today back to much less pressure...ugh.

    The company I work for is going through a transition to be run by the government. We all have a meeting on Thursday where we need to sign letters of intent to work for them after the official transition date of Oct 1. So I've decided this will likely when I will be in the hospital and unable to attend. I sure would love if she made her appearance say tomorrow so we could be home and have a day before having to go out to this meeting.

    Has anyone read the Baby Wise book on sleeping and feeding patterns( I forget the actual name of it.)? I have started reading it after a suggestion from a co-worker. She said her baby(and multiple of her friends babies) were sleeping through the night by 6 weeks old. The studies done in the book have a 98% success rate of sleeping through the night by week 12. So far it seems like a rather simple process so I think I'm going to try it. No harm in trying, if it doesn't work I'm no farther behind then I would have been not trying it.

    Well I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.
    (+30lbs yuck)
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    Having lots of issues these past few days. Cramping and lots of pressure pushing down. I have no idea what this crazy child thinks she's doing to me. My entire digestive tract is out of whack. It's like my body wants to purge everything I eat as fast as it can. Been nauseated and throwing up a bit again. Lost a few pounds over the weekend too. Between all this and the lower back pain, it feels just like the days before I went into labor with my first. Its certainly way too early for this one to get here. The doctor has made my appointments for frequent so they can keep an eye on me.

    Got my Rhogam shot on Saturday with no problems, since all this crap started before the shot.

    More construction going on at the house today on the addition and the new heating and cooling system. This means very loud inside and outside work both going on. Hope my 18 month old deals with it okay, and this baby cooperates, since I'm supposed to be resting.

    Up 25.2 lbs
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Hello! I jump over to this board this week which means I have no idea where the time went and I now feel totally unprepared. I'm going to have to start making some "to do" lists from all the great ideas on here. So far I've had a great pregnancy, can't complain. Only this past week did I start to experience heart burn and some achiness in my hips during sleep. I DO wish we had air conditioning now that's for sure. I found it unnecessary before because we really only need it maybe two to three months out of the year so it hasn't been a priority but now.......I'm cookin' ! We've got a 3D ultrasound booked at the end of the week, I'm pretty pumped about that. Have a great week!