will2lose72 Member


  • You need to heal...new mindset, time, maybe a new relationship or even just friendship, realizing the important lessons you have learned, focus on YOU - definitely not him. He will get his for sure, you don't need to wait around for it to happen or even know that it does. Just a suggestion to let go...go to your favorite…
  • I make a marinade with orange juice, rice wine vinegar, soy sauce, brown sugar or honey, fresh ginger if I have it (if not, ground ginger spice). Marinate for 30min to an hour, then bake at 400 in the oven for 15 minutes, broil for 5 minutes or until it reaches the temp you prefer. The best way to grill it is on a wood…
  • Because....food. yep
  • I have a GE one with a retractable cord. I don't know why more small appliances do not come with retractable cords. It also has the removable teflon coated insert for easy cleaning and has low, high, and warm settings and you can set the amount of time. They usually have these at Walmart and aren't high end expensive.
  • Dole has some newer chopped salad kits, the sunflower crunch (constantly sold out!) is crazy good. I'm not sure if the cost per serving is justifiable but you could make your own for less I am sure. It has kale, green and red cabbage, romaine lettuce, carrots, sunflower seeds, a very small amount of bacon and green onions…
  • I really have no idea on your poll...but maybe you and your friend should invest in an ice cream/cupcake place called "Lick It, Bite It, or Both!" We have one in Austin!
  • 10% smaller than I think. Great site, though I do wish they had the ladies hold their hands differently.
  • This a good site with free workout videos... http://hasfit.com/
  • I think it's terrific to also see your perspective of how MFP motivates you. I hope that each meal gets easier for you and that you find many ways to quiet that monster! Hugs!
  • I'd say don't do it to yourself! You are better off not knowing how good they are, LOL! But if you do, they have the cinnamon ones that are at least whole grain.
  • Get the Peach one next time...it mixes better. I don't generally like Peach flavored anything, but honestly like it in that case.
  • I like Spark and Catalyst and should be taking Joint Promotion more than I do. The number of pills in the challenge is overwhelming and keeps me from doing it. It works if you work it and can be a good jump start to get you moving in the right direction. Good luck!
  • Just finished 5 weeks of T25 Alpha and enjoyed it (did I just type that?:wink:) It does have jumping but there is a modifier that is still a very good workout. I was doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution before but just couldn't stay motivated to do it for some reason. There are always challenge groups going on with just…
  • My apologies as that is not quite what I meant and I realize that's how I worded it and wish I hadn't! I would certainly not take away the effort anyone puts forth to live a healthy life!
  • It's a mindset. Why is this logging activity "not normal" to you? Why is what you were doing before - not logging, over eating, "normal"? I know there are people out there with high functioning metabolisms that can eat what they want, listen to their bodies, and do just fine. But not sure that's the norm? Otherwise,…
  • Get a sharpie. Go to a lake or river area. Grab up some dry river rocks nearby. Write things on the rocks that you want to release...could be general like fear, anger, depression, sadness, or you could be super specific and actually write the name of your ex. Anyway when you feel like you've written enough, pick one up,…
  • I am fairly sure I will have to work on the mindset too when I get to my goal weight. Heck, should probably start now! Have you taken pics of yourself? Do you feel the same way when you see yourself in a picture? Maybe you could compare your before and after pics which might help you to visibly see the difference.
  • So you are digging Adam Levine's new do? Awesome!
  • It's family so you want to give them some credibility, but at the end of the day you have to do what's best for you! You look terrific! I think your family has issues to make such hurtful comments both before and now and you should likely set some boundaries with them and ask them to keep their comments to themselves.…
  • Greek yogurt and protein cereal (love Fiber One protein). Add frozen fruit to this in the morning and it's thawed by lunch!
  • Wait. Wut? Then I got to this and now I can't quit giggling! Thanks for the laughs!
  • Yes..was 50lbs over. I repeated two weeks but eventually did the 20 min run. I did only the time based so I wasn't running very far. I am a slow runner. Just get out there and keep pushing yourself with each run. Rest days are important so don't try to finish the program early...just my take!
  • Smaller goals, one change at a time...and realize the year will go by whether you start this journey or not. Do you want to be right where you are now in one year? You can do this...just get started!
  • The next hour will go by whether you go to the gym or not. Do you want to be sitting there in an hour still thinking you should go to the gym...heck no, GO! You'll feel great when it's done and you don't have to think about it anymore today.
  • Well, if you decide to get a new chest strap, check to see if your current watch and/or your phone is compatible with the H7 strap. It has the newer bluetooth technology. I ended up buying a Polar loop because the strap doesn't work with my phone and so far it's been great. The loop is honestly nothing more than a…
  • I am sure you die hard Whovians probably are aware of all things Thinkgeek, but just in case: http://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/doctorwho/?icpg=logo_doctorwho
  • Don't even watch but still find this awesome and may just buy one too!
  • PB2...pb flavor for less calories. Works well in smoothies.
  • I wish MFP would do the tab options on the food entries. One tab for MFP/Barcode scanned entries and another tab for member submitted. That way we could use the most accurate entries whenever possible, then resort to a user submitted entry if necessary. I typically don't add my own food entries but if I do I precede it…
  • HEB, Target, Walmart and Sam's. Rarely at Randall's and Whole Foods. I shop at all of the first 3 main ones (Sam's maybe once a month or less) because that's what it takes to find everything we like. HEB is to the point that products don't get shelf space unless they are HEB brand. It's seriously like they could move the…