Not to sound disgusting, but(t) ...



  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
  • Miley is that you????? :huh:
  • trisha986
    trisha986 Posts: 139
    If you're trying to pick someone up, you might have better luck in the LGBT group. I'm not judging, I'm a member. Just thought that's where you were going with this...


  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    i do want to defend the OP for a quick sec though.

    nothing about his avatar or pics makes me think anorexia. please don't hyperinflate the issue. maybe it's just a shape thing? it's weird though, and weird thing to post about....but he doesn't look anorexic to me.

    now if his practices are cause for concern that's another story.

    I just want to make sure those who've only lived their lives overweight don't get the wrong impression on whether his overall physique appears too thin on his avatar. to me, it doesn't. i mean it's not all buff or anything but it's not lookign emaciated. also anorexia is actually a condition that can look many different ways, to my knowledge there is not a static "look". correct me in PM's if I'm wrong. I'm just learing about it and mean no harm, this is jusst my understanding, and I don't like the feelign teh boy is being body shamed for his form which might behealthy on someone practicing healthy things.

    His food diary lists 600 calories consumed yesterday. That ain't healthy at all. Just sayin
  • soberlicious
    soberlicious Posts: 121 Member


    ^ yeah, this. what the hell is a crack gap? aren't our butt cheeks supposed to touch?? ease of sitting on a toilet and all that jazz....?
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I know someone who has something similar... he is a paraplegic and his cheeks have literally atrophied away.

    Get a grip OP.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
  • soberlicious
    soberlicious Posts: 121 Member
    btw, how tall are you? your goal weight is 120....:ohwell:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    i do want to defend the OP for a quick sec though.

    nothing about his avatar or pics makes me think anorexia. please don't hyperinflate the issue. maybe it's just a shape thing? it's weird though, and weird thing to post about....but he doesn't look anorexic to me.

    now if his practices are cause for concern that's another story.

    I just want to make sure those who've only lived their lives overweight don't get the wrong impression on whether his overall physique appears too thin on his avatar. to me, it doesn't. i mean it's not all buff or anything but it's not lookign emaciated. also anorexia is actually a condition that can look many different ways, to my knowledge there is not a static "look". correct me in PM's if I'm wrong. I'm just learing about it and mean no harm, this is jusst my understanding, and I don't like the feelign teh boy is being body shamed for his form which might behealthy on someone practicing healthy things.

    Oh, I agree. He should not be body shamed. It was more because of a combination of factors of his goals and calories.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member



    ya'll welcome.

    I'll bet she's wearing the butt bra!
  • Kejeco1970
    Kejeco1970 Posts: 14 Member
    Okay... so she measured it for you?

    Are you sure you didn't give HER the "stink eye"?

  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    bumping this thread for whenever I get hungry...lost my appetite after reading
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    How tall are you? Have we found out how tall the OP is? If it turns out he's like 5'2".... 120 isn't all that weird at all.

    Now the butt gap? That's a bit unusual. OP, you really do have some unusual fitness goals, and you know this, yes? Was your last goal really to be the world's fattest fruitarian?
  • soberlicious
    soberlicious Posts: 121 Member
    How tall are you? Have we found out how tall the OP is? If it turns out he's like 5'2".... 120 isn't all that weird at all.

    Now the butt gap? That's a bit unusual. OP, you really do have some unusual fitness goals, and you know this, yes? Was your last goal really to be the world's fattest fruitarian?

    fruits have feelings!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    How tall are you? Have we found out how tall the OP is? If it turns out he's like 5'2".... 120 isn't all that weird at all.

    Now the butt gap? That's a bit unusual. OP, you really do have some unusual fitness goals, and you know this, yes? Was your last goal really to be the world's fattest fruitarian?

    fruits have feelings!

    Don't talk about Richard Simmons that way!
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    Best scenario - this is silly joke. A person couldn't really think a sane person would respond to: Were you excited, too? Did you celebrate?

    Lots of accomplishments that have been listed on MFP are worth celebrating and here are some things I read on MFP that made me want to cheer people on:

    - losing weight and going to the doctor and finding out your health stats are all within the "good range" and you are likely to see your kids grow up
    - running your first 5k
    - being able to "play" with your children
    - mastering all the "Zumba" moves
    - moving on to advanced "Insanity" after being barely able to walk a block last year

    WTF - Crack gap is not an accomplishment for anyone, anywhere.
  • Apocalypz
    Apocalypz Posts: 155 Member
    Oh good heavens all, let's not get so riled. The calorie deficit whilst eating regular foods to see if I could reach my min BMI is simply an experiment. I'm 1.7m or ... 5'8". I wasn't looking to achieve a crack gap (still makes me laugh), but it appeared a day or so ago. Because of this, I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this. Thus, the post.

    The level of "accomplishment" certainly wasn't meant to be taken seriously, of course. I was/am, however, wondering if others had this same oddity. Some have shared that they've seen this. Makes me feel better, and thank you to those. As well, thank you to those who've taken it in stride and been good sports. For the rest ... my oh my ... do take a breather. :smile:
  • mombie2six
    mombie2six Posts: 157 Member
    Just when you think you've heard it all.... :/
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Kinda like that guy who was really excited because he finally had armpits. Before the "pit" area had been filled with fat. Gotta take your victories where you can. :smile:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    see if I could reach my min BMI

  • geturgoat
    geturgoat Posts: 19 Member
    I bet the savings on toilet paper is amazing!
  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
  • pmr545
    pmr545 Posts: 51 Member
    Great Stuff! Now that's funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I mentioned this thread to my boyfriend, and his first thought was you could dominate "silent but deadly"...
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    Apocalypz, you're hilarious!

    But hey - you're in the UK, right? I wouldn't know where to send you since I'm in the US..... but have you heard of "Citizen Scientist" programs? These are when universities or government agencies "deputize" regular folks to help them in data collection. It's usually stuff about the environmental sciences or civil engineering (like traffic flow) - I think you'd really enjoy something like that.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    Why would you not want a butt?

    I suffer from severe flat butt and work tremendously hard to GET a butt.

    I don't understand :(

    Yep I am right there with you, since I lost 37lbs I lost my butt too, now trying to get one back lol
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    heartily lul'd
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    Congratulations, you have achieved something few people besides anorexic girls achieve.

    Boy, get yourself under a bar and do some squats.

    I'd cry if my butt cheeks didn't touch.

    too drafty- and my squats would suck.

    It does beg the questions of bathing suits...could be awkward. Worse, a thong! :noway:

    I would think all the bathing suits would become thongs as the exposed culo would grab on to any material floating around near it.

    Exposed culo.

    That is all.
  • TexasDarling09
    TexasDarling09 Posts: 210 Member



    ya'll welcome.


    1: I agree with this lady ^... 2: I hate you with all of me for those first three pictures. My badonkadonk can donate to the cause, if needed....
  • Apple31415
    Apple31415 Posts: 98 Member
    Two things to be wary of in life: 1. crack 2. gaps
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