Advocare - 24 Day Challenge - Judge Free Comments

Good morning,

First and foremost, I know that everyone is not going to agree with my decision to try the Advocare 24 Day Challenge. Therefore, this post isn't for you. I personally know of people who have achieved amazing results with this challenge and it has given them even more motivation to continue on their journey to be healthier.

I'm using this challenge to feel better and to increase my motivation to continue losing weight.

That being said, I would like to find people on MFP who are also beginning their challenge that I can follow along with. A little positive motivation from people with the same goals goes a long way. I mean, isn't that the purpose of MFP anyway? To track calories and to receive motivation from people doing the same?

Again, please don't tell me that I've wasted my money. I'll be the judge of that in 24 days. Please don't tell me that diet and exercise are the key to losing - I know that. That's why I joined MFP. I do all of that. But, it is nice to have a "plan" spelled out for me to follow. I like that. It keeps me on track.

Thank you for your encouraging words and please feel free to FR me if you're currently doing the challenge or are curious about it.

Have a wonderful Sunday - I'm off to the gym. :happy:


  • AshlyRamos
    AshlyRamos Posts: 76 Member
    Bump. :)
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    I started the 24-day challenge in mid-January. I lost 25 pounds in early 2011 and started creeping up in 2013. By the time I started the challenge, I had gained 10 of the 25 pounds I lost back.

    I did the challenge faithfully and didn't see any immediate results. In fact, it took about 12-14 days before I saw any real improvement. By the time the 24th day rolled around, I had lost about 6 pounds, I had kicked a caffeine habit and had noticeably greater energy levels.

    I have continued with my morning Spark, the MMS packets and the meal replacement shake and have lost 20 pounds in a little over 4 months. Advocare is not for everyone, to be sure. But its working in my case and that's good enough for me.

    Good luck!
  • AshlyRamos
    AshlyRamos Posts: 76 Member
    I started the 24-day challenge in mid-January. I lost 25 pounds in early 2011 and started creeping up in 2013. By the time I started the challenge, I had gained 10 of the 25 pounds I lost back.

    I did the challenge faithfully and didn't see any immediate results. In fact, it took about 12-14 days before I saw any real improvement. By the time the 24th day rolled around, I had lost about 6 pounds, I had kicked a caffeine habit and had noticeably greater energy levels.

    I have continued with my morning Spark, the MMS packets and the meal replacement shake and have lost 20 pounds in a little over 4 months. Advocare is not for everyone, to be sure. But its working in my case and that's good enough for me.

    Good luck!

    Thanks so much for the reply. This is the end of my first day. The only downside so far are the pills. I hate taking pills, but had to down 6 before going to bed tonight.
  • RioMike
    RioMike Posts: 14 Member
    As far as taking the pills, the floating capsules go down best with your head down, since they float into position best. And of course, if you tilt back on the solid pills, those go down best that way.

    Warm water works better with me than cold water. Also, a thicker drink (if you can have it) is easier to get the pills down than just water. The easiest for me is with a smoothie if I am taking that at the time.
  • Rancerox
    Rancerox Posts: 28 Member
    This is not an endorsement, just my experience with the Challenge.

    This is what got me started on my healthy journey. i was 300 pounds in early March and that was enough for me. A friend lost weight using this and recommended it to me. I had nothing to lose as I felt nothing else was working. I lost 25 pounds during the challenge. That was all I needed to motivate me to lose more.

    The best part of it for me, was actually learning how to not only eat right, but also to enjoy it.

    God, my wife, family, and friends, have been there for it all. Now I'm down about 45 pounds overall and counting.

    Best of luck to you and hope all goes well.

    Oh yeah, the fiber drink? Citrusy lawn mulch.....yum.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    No judgment here, my sister-in-law is a distributor, though she had fallen off the wagon for quite a while. She is about halfway through the challenge and is doing very well. Not sure the exact number she's lost but she has dropped a dress size or two. I'd be happy to try it out if the products were in my budget, which frankly they are not even close... but I'm sure going to cheer her on. :drinker:

    Tracking and moving more seems to be working ok for me, even if I'm not losing as fast as she.

    Good luck!!
  • cwal1980
    cwal1980 Posts: 7 Member
    I just started the challenge this morning. A friend of mine recently became a distributor and I agreed to attend a little get together at her house to help her launch into it (she's had amazing results). Little did I know I'd be the only one to show up - so, I agreed to do the challenge. It is quite expensive so I know I'll stick to it faithfully (if it involves a lot of money - I'm less likely to cheat and go rogue). I hope you have great success. I'll be interested to see where I am in 24 days.
  • roni79
    roni79 Posts: 12 Member
    Day 2 and loving it! Loads of energy and always full.

    I hate fad diets and I think motivation, self control and accountability get you where you need to be. My Chiropractor sells this product in her office (they don't push it there - they do a group challenge once in while that there is a flyer for but that is it - I had to actually go out of my way and inquire). I lost a ton of weight awhile back and gained a lot back so i needed an extra push to get me on my way again. Spending the money was the shove i needed.

    I am on day 2 - have not been hungry one time. I think it is actually hard to consume all the darn food you are supposed to eat!!! Now its really about clean eating and taking the right supplements during the cleanse phase. For me, I could have 100% done this alone with cheaper supplements but not by that much and without online ordering and headaches. Also, supplements are a gamble to purchase as not much is regulated closely. I did loads of research online on this before I spent the money. I concluded that the Advocare supplements are actually one of the highest regarded supplements you can buy. Between getting what you pay for in good quality supplements and the ease of having a program to tell you EXACTLY what to eat and when, its worth it.

    Really, when you are moving to a clean eating lifestyle it is HARD to find your way. Trying to manage the ins and outs of that and add on a cleanse with supplements and managing an exercise program and most people would give up pretty early in. Thats where the convenience of a program like this comes in. I wouldn't want to peddle the stuff or anything but I really think it can give you the tools you need to get started on a better eating style.

    I figure I average 11.25 a day on this with the products I chose. If i wasn't on it I would spend 13-16 a day on coffee, dinner out, happy hour meals and drinks, and snacks so I'm happy so far!
  • amgilman87
    amgilman87 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi there! I tried this once before but only for about 2 weeks and fell off the bandwagon due to 32hrs of school/week and 30hrs of work/week. I didn't give myself enough time to prepare. I just ordered my 2nd round and have left overs from the last challenge so it may turn into a 30ish day challenge for me. I think I should be getting the box in time to start this weekend. Would love to help motivate each other!

    Oh and I know multiple people who did this challenge and all lost 10-17lbs!!!! I'm excited to stay on track this time! I don't think I will be counting calories as I get too obsessive with it, but will definitely be eating clean!
  • will2lose72
    will2lose72 Posts: 128 Member

    Thanks so much for the reply. This is the end of my first day. The only downside so far are the pills. I hate taking pills, but had to down 6 before going to bed tonight.

    I like Spark and Catalyst and should be taking Joint Promotion more than I do. The number of pills in the challenge is overwhelming and keeps me from doing it. It works if you work it and can be a good jump start to get you moving in the right direction. Good luck!
  • will2lose72
    will2lose72 Posts: 128 Member
    This is not an endorsement, just my experience with the Challenge.

    This is what got me started on my healthy journey. i was 300 pounds in early March and that was enough for me. A friend lost weight using this and recommended it to me. I had nothing to lose as I felt nothing else was working. I lost 25 pounds during the challenge. That was all I needed to motivate me to lose more.

    The best part of it for me, was actually learning how to not only eat right, but also to enjoy it.

    God, my wife, family, and friends, have been there for it all. Now I'm down about 45 pounds overall and counting.

    Best of luck to you and hope all goes well.

    Oh yeah, the fiber drink? Citrusy lawn mulch.....yum.

    Get the Peach one next mixes better. I don't generally like Peach flavored anything, but honestly like it in that case.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    The best part of it for me, was actually learning how to not only eat right, but also to enjoy it.

    This statement makes me curious. How does it help you learn to eat right? That seems to be the reason why this program doesn't work for a lot of people. You end up replacing a lot of cooking and prepping with grab and go advocare products. What happens when you quit the program? The only things that are that convenient is fast food and other things that got many people here in the first place, so you have to learn to pre cook/prep etc anyway. I'm not being negative just curious. Congrats on your weight loss!

    The money spent as a motivator, the kickstart, etc all make sense as reasons to me. I wish you luck!
  • AshlyRamos
    AshlyRamos Posts: 76 Member
    The best part of it for me, was actually learning how to not only eat right, but also to enjoy it.

    This statement makes me curious. How does it help you learn to eat right? That seems to be the reason why this program doesn't work for a lot of people. You end up replacing a lot of cooking and prepping with grab and go advocare products. What happens when you quit the program? The only things that are that convenient is fast food and other things that got many people here in the first place, so you have to learn to pre cook/prep etc anyway. I'm not being negative just curious. Congrats on your weight loss!

    The money spent as a motivator, the kickstart, etc all make sense as reasons to me. I wish you luck!

    I haven't bought any "grab and go products" so it's actually helping me with which foods to pair together for maximum results. I'll have a shake for breakfast during the last portion of the challenge, other than that, I'm eating clean foods. Today is that start of Day 3 and I'm doing well. I'm down 2.8lbs as of this morning and that's (TMI Warning) with my visitor coming to visit today. I'm feeling very motivated to continue.

    P.S. I agree with the post above regarding the peach flavored fiber drink - I LOVE it! Yum!!
  • AshlyRamos
    AshlyRamos Posts: 76 Member
    Oh yeah, the fiber drink? Citrusy lawn mulch.....yum.

    Congrats on your progress. Just FYI: The Peaches and Cream fiber drink is delish. Yep, delish! lol
  • Rancerox
    Rancerox Posts: 28 Member
    The best part of it for me, was actually learning how to not only eat right, but also to enjoy it.

    This statement makes me curious. How does it help you learn to eat right? That seems to be the reason why this program doesn't work for a lot of people. You end up replacing a lot of cooking and prepping with grab and go advocare products. What happens when you quit the program? The only things that are that convenient is fast food and other things that got many people here in the first place, so you have to learn to pre cook/prep etc anyway. I'm not being negative just curious. Congrats on your weight loss!

    The money spent as a motivator, the kickstart, etc all make sense as reasons to me. I wish you luck!

    I looked over the 24-day challenge booklet that came with the program and saw examples of the foods I should be eating, such as different types of complex carbs and proteins. This led me to research other types of foods and recipes (well, actually my wife, heh). I mean, I never knew what quinoa was, much less how to pronounce it. Now, I really enjoy it.

    With the exception of some meal replacement shakes, the 24-day stuff is only supplements; no food. You still have to buy and prepare your own groceries. This kinda threw me off at first, given the price, but I had already tried Nutrisystem and Medifast and neither worked for me, so I figured what's one more program. Once we started buying healthy foods, quit eating fast food or conveniency food, our grocery bill actually went down over time. That suprised me as well, but I think it was also because we ate less. My wife didn't do the program but lost 7 pounds just through supporting me. While we eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, greens and lean meats, I'm still not going to eat anything I don't like. Celery...shudder...I just cannot stand celery. I've tried too. It's just not for me.

    Once I finished the challenge, I did buy another 14-day supplement program, but that was a waste of my money, imo. Now all I use is their Spark and a few of their supplements.

    To be honest, if I had just applied myself more, found the proper foods and recipes, ate right and exercised, I probably wouldn't have even needed Advocare. Of course, I probably wouldn't have weighed 300 pounds either, heh.

    Advocare was a good start for me. For others, it may be one of the many other types of programs.

    I'm going to do another cleanse later in July and I will try the peaches and cream this time around.
  • AshlyRamos
    AshlyRamos Posts: 76 Member
    I just want to take a moment to thank everyone for their input. Although I may have not responded individually - I have read through all of the posts. :)
  • I've just started my 24 day Challenge 3 days ago. I am making better choices along with following the regime and am down 4 lbs! The best part is I am not drinking any coffee with cream with Splenda, don't miss it with the Spark and no withdrawal headaches! I've always been reluctant on diets, new fads, etc., but I have seen several HUGE success stories within my circle of family and friends this past year and thought I can do this! And, I am!! I am not hungry, don't miss anything and feel very good. It may not be for everyone, but I for one am happy with the Advocare Program!
  • nwoww
    nwoww Posts: 15 Member
    No judgment here either. I am a rep for advocare, but only for my personal discount. I don't actually sell to anyone. Although I can't really do the 24 day challenge as is because of breastfeeding, I am able to use some of their other products. I love the Spark and catalyst! I'm doing my best to eat clean, workout, and lose this large amount of baby weight I still have left. Good luck to you in your challenge!
  • nuisance59
    nuisance59 Posts: 1
    I have a hard time losing weight as I have an underactive thyroid. My daughter in law, my son, and my daughter were doing this. At first I thought it was just another fad diet. I've tried them all! Boy was I wrong! My daughter in law gave me some spark to try and I liked it. I thought I'd try the 24 day challenge. I didn't exercise right away with the last challenge. I had to get into a routine with my work schedule. I gave up coffee and soda (I drank 3-6 cans of diet coke a day). Before I started the challenge, I was eating the right foods, I just wasn't eating enough of them. After talking to my coach, I found that I needed to eat more, especially protein. My energy level has soared! My fingernails are growing again! In 3 months, I've lost 15 lbs and 12 inches. I am getting ready to start my 2nd 24 day challenge. I will continue to use advocare supplements as this is the best I've felt in years! Good luck!!!
  • abeau10
    abeau10 Posts: 1
    I just started mine 6 days ago and feel lighter all around. The catalyst give me more motivation to get through a whole workout and not stop. It's easy to follow and helping me to control my portions. It is expensive but I am loving it so far. I can tell I have lost inches and I am down 3.5 lbs on Day 6. I was at a serious plateau and needed this glad I got it!!
  • 22dream
    22dream Posts: 60 Member
    Mine is coming may 28th i will be starting then
  • AshlyRamos
    AshlyRamos Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you all for such motivational posts! I'm down 6lbs as of Day #9 (today).

    I cheated yesterday... I had a couple things that weren't "clean" yesterday at a cookout. However, I was wayyyy under my calorie allowance. I went hiking yesterday and burned 1530 calories on the hike alone, according to my HRM. I did well with eating clean all day and have since the challenge started so I don't feel too guilty for having a few chips and a tiny bit of potato salad yesterday. I'm back on track 100% today.

    I'm also thinking about becoming an distributor for the discount alone. I love these products.

    I've noticed I sweat a lot more at the gym when I use the catalyst. I'm also slightly addicted to Spark. :) It give me an amazing amount of energy without feeling jittery. I have a low tolerance for caffeine so energy drinks always made me feel like I was going to spaz out.

    If you're doing the challenge, please send me a FR and let me know you are doing so because of this post. Please. :)

    Good luck to everyone!
  • AshlyRamos
    AshlyRamos Posts: 76 Member
    Mine is coming may 28th i will be starting then

    Good luck. You'll love it.
  • jessicamzavala
    jessicamzavala Posts: 4 Member
    This is the results I had previously from using Advocare. I was 173 at 5'4 when I started and went all the way down to 158 with Advocare last year. Of course I did gain it back once I started school (plus more unfortunately) and became a stress eater. So here I am again, ready to kick fat's butt again and keep it off. I just started the 24 day challenge a week ago and I went from 189 on the scale to 183 already.
  • roni79
    roni79 Posts: 12 Member
    Same, didn't do anything for the grab and go stuff though i may get the breakfast shakes 'cause its hard for me to eat breakfast. (even though this program has me waking up with an appetite for once - i just cant eat right away without being grossed out in the morning).

    Im learning how to combine the best food options and how to get creative without butter, salt and condiments when prepping meals. Down 12.5lbs in 13 days!!!! Not hungry EVER except a little some nights if the workouts I did were crazy hard that night.

    its allll about the prep.
  • roni79
    roni79 Posts: 12 Member
    Done! 15lbs and 13inches gone. I want to keep going but I hate the meal plan. I need more options on I can't go on. I liked the cleanse eating plan way better with more healthy carbs and fruit in the day. My stomach needs the fruit too I feel. I lost all of my weight in cleanse phase but four pounds. Suggestions?
  • Rancerox
    Rancerox Posts: 28 Member
    Congratulations! I maintained most of the same food choices post-Advocare that I had during the 24-day Challenge. I'm still working on cutting weight, so during the week, I replace most of my breakfast and lunch's with meal replacement shakes. Dinner is still a healthy choice as are the snacks.

    I also kept up with their Catalyst and Thermo as they work for me.

    If you like the food you ate during the cleanse, I would just maintain that menu. Most of our food we eat is the same stuff we ate during the challenge and both my wife and I continue to lose the bad weight.

    Good luck to you.

    Disclaimer: Again, this is what worked for me. Your results may vary.
  • anewjaci
    anewjaci Posts: 3
    My husband and I are starting this on Monday. We got our package yesterday and we're a little overwhelmed by the amount of things to do. I'm a visual person, so I've created a spreadsheet to help plan out our meals for each phase. We are using WW for meals too, started two weeks ago on that, and my brother-in-law is our coach. I've found a few sites with recipes and tips, but would love any kind of suggestions anyone might have that helped them in their 24 days.
  • Rancerox
    Rancerox Posts: 28 Member
    This is what worked for me; your experience may differ.

    I completed the 24-day Challenge in March of this year. I started at 300 lbs and ended at 275. I didn't take measurements, but I did drop from a 46" waist in pants to a 42" (currently at 248 with a 40"). I think the average is 12 lbs and 8". It really depends on your body type.

    As for what I did:

    - Drink lots of water. I always had a water bottle with me and usually drank 1+ gallon a day. It's pretty easy once you get used to it

    - Be prepared to use the bathroom. A lot. Especially Day 1 and Day 8. A lot. After the Cleanse portion, things return to normal

    - I would prepare my lunch for the next day, as soon as I got home from work. This cut down on prep-time in the morning (I'm so not a morning person) and I could ensure I had all I needed to fit my meal plan

    - Eat when you are hungry. I kept lots of fruit and vegetables in the house and those were my snacks. I didn't worry if I had too many fruits or vegetables (is that even a thing?) or if my carbs / sugars / whatever, went over my desired amount. If the weight / inches are coming off and you feel good and healthy; it's working

    - Even though I'm a pretty static eater, as in I could eat oatmeal every morning for the rest of my life, don't be afraid to try new and healthy recipes. My wife really took control of this aspect and discovered all kinds of new ways to prepare healthy foods. It worked out great

    - Look online for different types of carbs and proteins so you don't get bored eating the same thing over and over

    - Eat when you are hungry. Yeah, I said it again. Between the water and healthy snacks, I was able to stay on the "diet" for the entire duration without eating anything that I should stay away from. The supplements will help with some appetite control

    - Exercise. Definitely some sort of resistance (weight) training to help keep you from burning muscle instead of fat. I also did cardio on my non-lifting days. While this greatly assists in losing weight, it is mainly there to help you look and feel healthier. It keeps you motivated, gives you a healthy mind and body, and raises your endurance to continue a healthy lifestyle

    - As always, this is a lifestyle change. While I still eat and enjoy pizza (man, do I enjoy pizza), ice cream, sweets, and other so-called "bad" foods (which really aren't), I no longer have the desire for them I once did. I really enjoy eating healthy and exercising. This is how I want to live my life from now on

    A few things I wish I had done prior to the challenge:
    - Taken measurements other than weight
    - Weighed myself more than once a week
    - Taken Before pictures

    Once I completed the program, I continued to eat healthy and exercise. I still take some of the supplements but I am probably done with them after this batch is gone. Most of stuff in them, I get through the food I eat.

    Good luck to you and hope you achieve the results you are looking for.
  • lisamarielopez1
    lisamarielopez1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I have been pretty flustered with the amount of negative posts regarding Advocare, so I am TRULY happy to have found this one!! I just started on Monday and am down 6lbs as of this morning (Thursday). I would also really love to have FR from any of you so that maybe we can all help each other out! Maybe start a group so that we can discuss without the negativity? Just an idea.

    Congrats to everyone! :) I've enjoyed reading all of your comments!