

  • When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on. :wink: Thomas Jefferson
  • Remember this..............you can't lose 100 lbs. Never, won't happen........................BUT..........you CAN lose ONE lb. That is doeable for anybody, jusy lose one. (Then, what you did to lose that pound?........do it again)....................and then again. We can't lose a hundred lbs, but we can lose one. Then…
  • If you can dream it, you can do it. Walt Disney
  • Because of their size, parents may be difficult to discipline properly. P. J. O'Rourke
  • I run..........from the voices in my head (some days they are louder than others)....
  • Amy: On a little card, which I carry with me all the time is written: " Nothing tastes as good as not looking like this anymore" I look at that card just before I eat anything, if it goes in my mouth, I read the card first.
    in Help Needed Comment by Xav8tor May 2011
  • I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something. Jackie Mason (1934 - )
  • To feel that I made a difference while I was here. To be missed, at least for a while after I am not. To be comfortable for who/what I am, not what I wish I had been. And at the end, to be called out sliding into Home Plate, not caught looking.
  • If I have to explain mine, you wouldn't understand anyway.:wink:
  • In order to have gained two pounds overnight, ;you would have to have consumed 7000 calories more than you burned for the time period. (3500 calories equals one pound of body mass).........................Highly unlikely during any single 24 hr period, not sure it could even be done. Give the scale a rest for a couple of…
  • Success can't be judged by how we respond to victories, but rather, how we respond to failures. You are about to discover, how much "adult" you have inside, I sense an epiphany is just around the next corner.
  • I have done three of those with my son, fly to Pearl and then spend the last week of the West Pac with him......you will love it. Unbelieveable experience.
  • I only eat out at places that are in the database, so I can always pick out something and know exatly what I am getting. Also, I take my own bottle of fat free salad dressing, in case they don't have any (which is often). I always order the food "dry", no dressing, mayo, whatever (hence bringing my own…
    in eating out Comment by Xav8tor March 2011
  • While in High School, I worked at Knott's Berry Farm, as a train robber. :glasses:
  • I sometimes feel, that on some level, likely subconscious, they want to see you fail. Who knows why, maybe they have tried and failed, or know someone else who has. Maybe it's envy, for a commitment they don't have and wish for. I have to tell myself, repeatedly, that this is for ME, what others think or say, is their…
  • Apple, Potato, Or Onion? Fascinating Fact: Apples, potatoes, and onions all taste the same when eaten with your nose plugged. As a child we had a science class in which we were blindfolded, had our noses plugged, and given an apple or onion to eat – we were not told which of the two we would be given. Not one person was…
  • American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad in first class. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television. McDonalds calls frequent buyers of their food heavy users. Americans ate eight million more orders of french fries and almost six million more hamburgers this…
  • A typical American eats 28 pigs in his/her lifetime. Americans eat 20.7 pounds of candy per person annually. The Dutch eat three times as much. Americans spend approximately $25 billion each year on beer. Americans spent an estimated $267 billion dining out in 1993. An etiquette writer of the 1840's advised, "Ladies may…
  • A "healthy" loss rate, is usually considered 2 lbs/ week, on "average". If you loose 1 lb this week, 2 next week, and six the following, you are "averaging" 3 lbs,/ week, over a three week period. The longer you maintain the "healthy" lifestyle of eating and exercise, the longer the period of time for computing your…
  • Wow. Until reading all these posts, I have never thought I could ever get off the "meds". At least knowing someone has, reinvigorates my motivation level...........
  • :glasses: O.K. thankz for the response, just wasn't sure, can't be too carefull anymore.
  • :blushing: Hope I am in the right place, just getting started with the plan. But I am a guy, seems like this may be for females only? Is so let me know, I'll move on.