

  • the only times I really stopped were to fold a load of laundry and dig thru the linen closet. huh. im really fat so I guess maybe that's why? (5'6" 250 lbs, how embarrassing!)
  • I log everything right after I eat it then set my timer for an hour or two. when the timer goes off I can eat something else (but usually when the timers gone off ive forgotten about food and im doing something else and not interested in eating anymore) pay attention to my belly. am I actually hungry? or just bored? I have…
  • if you really like surprise pooping its great!
  • I got this one, love it!
  • Stevia. Not the dry granulated kind, but the kind that comes in liquid form. lots of flavors available, a few drops is plenty to sweeten things up and a bottle lasts a long long time.
  • if I deny myself stuff, I obsess over it and crave it. then its only a matter of time till I give in a eat it. but then I eat a bunch of it because its SO GOOD and I haven't allowed myself any in months. then im out of ketosis, I feel like a failure, so I eat whatever for a few days, then its been a month and ive gained 5…
  • I do, and I drink as much water as I can stand.
  • a friend of mine was taking them last year. she had tons of energy, cleaned constantly, worked constantly but couldn't sleep and just didn't eat because nothing tasted good. she got a lot done and lost 40 or 50 lbs, I was way jealous. my doctor wouldn't prescribe them to me :( when she lost enough weight, her doctor called…
  • my friend and i are both fatasses, but we always joke that we don't think we are. my mind, i still see myself as i was before i had kids, small and cute. i can see that im fat when i look in the mirror, but i had gotten so used to it that i really didn't think i looked THAT bad. but then someone posts a pic on facebook or…
  • "I feel like women often blame weight gain on BC, but the culprit is usually age or pregnancy. Your body just changes. A good indicator is to look at your older siblings, mother, etc and see how they carried their weight over the years. " I don't think this is true at all. I had it put in six weeks after my daughter was…
  • I hated Mirena with the fire of 10,000 suns. I gained weight, had constant cramps, constant spotting, super heavy periods, night sweats, bloating, and I was SO damn crabby. I gave it 5 months, couldn't take it anymore and got it out. I started feeling better right away.
  • ive had weird periods when im losing weight, but ive also had weird periods when im pregnant.
  • I was busy running errands sunday and all I had was a slice of toast for breakfast, so I met my husband for dinner. I pigged out on muscles, shrimp skewers with coconut curry sauce and an amazing quinoa portobello veggie burger, which probably wouldn't have been toooooo horrible, but then I had 3 super sugary cocktails…
  • I totally feel you! my husband works out of town a lot and I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old, the former is pretty feral. lol. when its stress city (like today, had to take them both grocery shopping grrrrrrr.....) I send them to bed a little early, then I take a hot shower or bath, do my nails, maybe buy something…
  • this is fabulous! thanks so much for posting. I thought I was doing everything right, measuring everything, logging EVERYTHING, and eating 100-300 under my goal, juuuuust in case... im losing an average of 2 lbs a week, but I am quite over weight and I really feel like I should be losing closer to 3. ordered my scale…
  • the last time I liked my body I was a size 10, but a size 8 would be better!
  • im doing the same thing too, 100 by 2015, whole foods diet. 3 lbs down only 97 more to go!
  • I made some yum ice cream the other night. about 1 - 1 1/2 cups of yogurt, 3 or 4 frozen bananas, 1 teaspoon or so of cinnamon, and a little splash of maple syrup tossed into a blender. so good!