Losing It

I'm so stressed and angry and I want to bury myself in my pantry and eat away every single one of these feelings.
My husband is being unreasonable after I learn he won't be home for months now.
My toddler has made it his new mission to make me ask him 10+ times to do ANYTHING.

I've done so well the last 2 days ha my longest streak lately. Any suggestions to halt this speeding train of emotional eating?


  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    Is it feasible to put your son in a stroller and angrily walk around the neighborhood to let off steam? I know it's way too cold where I am for that. . .but maybe you're luckier.
  • HeatherGTaylor
    HeatherGTaylor Posts: 48 Member
    It's almost his bedtime. Thanks for the suggestion though, I'd be doing laundry or dishes or something if it was during the day, or looking forward to lunch haha.
  • NKoz82
    NKoz82 Posts: 25 Member
    punching bag works well and if you don't have one I have been known to punch the heck out of my couch until I burn the energy off.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Is stuffing your face going to make a difference to your toddler, or get your husband to come home sooner?
    Don't think so - so go for a walk, go watch a movie with said toddler or go play something with him.....
    Good luck - don't make your circumstances worse yourself.....
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    Is there a friend you can call just to talk? Maybe pace around the house on the phone so your body is doing something but avoid the kitchen?
  • seasonsanna
    I totally feel you! my husband works out of town a lot and I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old, the former is pretty feral. lol.
    when its stress city (like today, had to take them both grocery shopping grrrrrrr.....) I send them to bed a little early, then I take a hot shower or bath, do my nails, maybe buy something online, have a little wine or a shot (if it fits!), or promise myself a small thrift store shopping spree the next day. I pretty much just give myself stuff. it helps a lot!!!
  • marymt86
    Okay its late, your son is in bed and anger mixed with boredom is about to drive you to eat just about anything in your kitchen. JUST STOP NOW. Get out of the kitchen, go take a bath, go grab a book, or grab some free weights and get a little workout in. Food won't help. You know it, I Know it, and just about everybody on MFP knows it because majority of us have been there! I hope you're evening goes better, stay strong.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    My husband is gone way more than he's home. My children are wild! I used to cope by stuffing my face after I wrestled them to bed. But no more! Bedtime is now at 8:00. No exceptions. Not even on weekends. They need their sleep and I need my sanity. Punch your couch, scream in your pillow, go online and find a tae-bo workout.....Do anything but stuff your face!!!
  • HeatherGTaylor
    HeatherGTaylor Posts: 48 Member
    I want to thank everyone who posted on my thread. You guys saved me. This was a huge hurdle I always fell down on and tonight was really bad. Just posting and reading everyone's support made that urge seem small and weak, something I can over come.

    *plus I tried punching the couch. Felt really silly and my toddler looked at me like I was losing it but it took that edge off that would have driven me straight into the kitchen :)
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I'm so stressed and angry and I want to bury myself in my pantry and eat away every single one of these feelings.
    My husband is being unreasonable after I learn he won't be home for months now.
    My toddler has made it his new mission to make me ask him 10+ times to do ANYTHING.

    I've done so well the last 2 days ha my longest streak lately. Any suggestions to halt this speeding train of emotional eating?

    Trying to get the kids to mind us, It was the running joke in our house that "mom never gets to three" .. one .. two ... two and a half .. two and three quarters ..

    We got the kids attention by using .. "I'm going to count to ONE ... " (and then follow through. never make an idle threat. kids learn fast)
  • andersontrio3
    Losing it? I LOST it. I completely failed AGAIN today. I just crammed a handful of Hershey kisses down my throat, a fourth bag of nacho cheese Doritos and a pouch of chocolate chip pop tarts. I am so stressed out with life right now. I go to the gym to burn off stress (which I love going to the gym) but when I come home my mindset shifts to crap-mode. I am so stressed with life threatening events going on with my husband that are out of my control and I am ready to explode (yes I am a control freak). I am binge eating and I know it but feel out of control and can't stop it.

    Sorry for hijacking your thread. I just needed to vent. Tomorrow is a new day right? That is if I am blessed to wake up that is.
  • zeppelin101
    Losing it? I LOST it. I completely failed AGAIN today. I just crammed a handful of Hershey kisses down my throat, a fourth bag of nacho cheese Doritos and a pouch of chocolate chip pop tarts. I am so stressed out with life right now. I go to the gym to burn off stress (which I love going to the gym) but when I come home my mindset shifts to crap-mode. I am so stressed with life threatening events going on with my husband that are out of my control and I am ready to explode (yes I am a control freak). I am binge eating and I know it but feel out of control and can't stop it.

    Can I ask you why you even have Hershey Kisses and Doritos in the house when you're trying to lose weight? Have something a little less dense in calories.
  • melissamarah
    melissamarah Posts: 168 Member
    I've been there a million times. I've been a professional nanny for 5 years, and years of teaching. Kids are fabulous, but sometimes they get to you. Send me a friend request!
  • HeatherGTaylor
    HeatherGTaylor Posts: 48 Member

    "Trying to get the kids to mind us, It was the running joke in our house that "mom never gets to three" .. one .. two ... two and a half .. two and three quarters ..

    We got the kids attention by using .. "I'm going to count to ONE ... " (and then follow through. never make an idle threat. kids learn fast)"

    Haha that's what causes the stress with my toddler. I know I'm going to be the bad guy for every little thing these days. Just feels that I ask nice, ask sternly, threaten, execute punishment...repeat. It was just the added stress from my partner that sent me into "let's give up and eat what I want".

    But I didn't! And I'm heading to bed with calories to spare and no "extra" snacking to create false happy feelings.
    You guys rock!
  • andersontrio3
    You can ask but I don't have to tell :)

    Honestly, I don't live in the house alone. I have a family and just because I am dieting doesn't mean the whole house is. The kisses were left over from a dessert I made at Christmas.