lamiller82 Member


  • I make something similar to the mousse listed above... but mine tastes like a wendy's frosty. I make homemade whip cream from HWC and some vanilla extract, then add in some (previously prepared) SF Chocolate pudding, in basically a 1:1 ratio of pudding to HWC.... toss in the freezer for about an hour, and its so YUM. If…
  • IME, doc wanted me to try this WOE as a response/treatment of IR. I think your OP put the cart in front of the horse...
  • Honestly... I eat at my desk after school has started, so I normally have either a Atkins bar or a Quest bar.
  • Thanks for the advice, everyone. My sodium is I think okay... and I was already suspecting it just being a medication thing. Luckily I'm back to the endo one week from today... we'll readjust and try again.
  • Here's a strange one for you... I had to buy smaller shoes. My old boots are a size 10 and were too big on me this winter. My new winter boots are a size 9. My normal school shoes are danskos, and they fall off of me now.
  • I'm one of those cooks that doesn't measure anything... but I can tell you what I put in. shredded chicken (white or dark... whatever's on sale. I slow cook it, drain the broth for other recipes, then shred back into the crock. You could use rotisserie. ) canned chopped green chilies minced garlic cayenne pepper cumin…
  • Had one of my older (and smaller) sweaters on yesterday (which is in itself an NSV), because they haven't turned the heat on in the building yet :# . One of my students who has had me in class every day for three months now: "Miss Miller... have you lost weight?"
  • I applaud not only your progress, but the confidence it takes to post the photos. I can't even make myself take them, much less release them to the internet.
  • I don't know if you count chili as a soup... but I make white chicken chili (without the beans). It's a cheesy high protein delight, with just the right amount of spice and heat.
  • I was having a similar conversation with myself this weekend, contemplating how to bring it up with my students. Why do we as an American culture so quickly jump to the assumption of "lazy" instead of "sick"? This applies to both weight loss and mental health. Someone with depression is often written off as a lazy slacker…
  • November Goals Staying under 40g carbs daily. went over on Friday... but it mostly in buttered popcorn. Staying above 750 calories/ day. Only one low day this week. Success. Logging and measuring. o:) o:) Getting proper rest. (in bed by 11 every night) Pre-cook for evening meals. Made white chili and a brisket this weekend…
  • LOL... I seriously needed the giggles from this thread this morning. I, too, am in need of some vitamin D of the BF variety. Instead... I will go back to slow cooking my food for the week (brisket and white chili), marathoning Charmed, and grading Algebra tests. On the original note: That's why I don't set numeric goals…
  • Haha... nah. I don't make fried food because I don't like cleaning up the mess of the splattered grease everywhere (even when I use the fry daddy...) and my house smelling like a frier. I have nothing against the food, just don't want to make them myself. :) Oven fries maybe.
  • Not sure I get the same benefits... but I eat it on wilted spinach.
  • I don't know... but now I'm hungry for fried mushrooms... and I don't make fried food!
  • If anything I struggle to get enough calories... I only have so much appetite for meat and cheese.
  • If you get the actual print out for the lab report, it should have reference ranges on it. My tests from last week: Total Range 125-200; mine 156 HDL > 46; mine: 36 Tri < 150; mine 111 LDL < 130; mine 98 Chol/HDC ratio: range < 5.0; mine 4.3 I have suffered from High Cholesterol since my teenage years; but since starting…
  • November Goals Staying under 40g carbs daily. 2nd: 40/40 :| 3rd: 37/40 :) Staying above 750 calories/ day. 2nd: 1050 o:) 3rd: 670 :( Logging and measuring. o:) o:) Getting proper rest. (in bed by 11 every night) :) :) Pre-cook for evening meals... struggling with this one. Additional Weekly Goals Rest to heal incision…
  • Depending on where your LC line is... 100 cal packs of Skinny Pop. Sugar Free Jello. Sugar Free chocolate pudding. Artic Zero brownie "icecream".
  • November Goals Staying under 40g carbs daily. Day 1: 14/40 o:) Staying above 750 calories/ day. Day 1: 766 o:) Logging and measuring o:) Getting proper rest. (in bed by 11 every night) :# (In bed, but not asleep... step in the right direction) Pre-cook for evening meals. Rotisserie chicken leftovers. Additional Weekly…
  • I have what I feel is a very silly question about going full carnivore. How do you manage the constipation that results? I've tried going carni a week at a time, but I always end up adding in a few vegetables or high-fiber tortillas for fiber because I get backed up otherwise.
  • They are running additional blood work to figure out the anemia issue and another follow-up thyroid panel to see where the exhaustion is coming from. I am a bit of a pickle fiend as it is... however I am always on the dehydrated end of the spectrum, because as a teacher, I don't get regular potty breaks.
  • November Goals Staying under 40g carbs daily. Staying above 750 calories/ day. Logging and measuring Getting proper rest. (in bed by 11 every night) Pre-cook for evening meals. Additional Weekly Goals Rest to heal incision site. Follow-up pathology with dermatologist. Follow-up blood work on anemia. Follow-up blood work on…
  • Has anyone tried this as "crackers"? My family is big on cheese balls during the holiday, and I was contemplating replacing some of the crackers with this crust.
  • Anything for a little extra motivation... these next two months are chaos between family dinners and work insanity, plus middle school basketball games twice a week. I like the No Nonsense theme, too.
  • Not concerned about the shapewear itself making changes... just trying to keep things in place while I'm moving about my daily routine. I'm up and down, sitting, bending over desks, waving my arms... Teaching HS Mathematics.
  • There is a factor that is missing in the original argument and most that I have read within. That is the connection between stress and obesity. Being in poverty is stressful, especially if you are fighting to get out and not relying on government supplementation. It is difficult to find the energy to shop smartly, cook…
  • Just doing math in my head, I came up with this. Don't know if it's right, but the math seems to add up. Burn 1.5 lb. / week 750 calories deficit per day (3500 calories = 1 lb/week = 500cal/day/lb) Exercise calories 300 calories (created deficit) This is 1050 deficit built according to MFP's figures. Add that to the 1770…