LindaHGreen Member


  • Hi Laura, Congratulations on making such a terrific effort to improve yourself! I felt the same way when I started - a little more than a year ago and I've recommended the site to so many friends. It really works for me and I wish you the same success! Linda Mary
  • I'd like to be your friend. We can keep each other motivated. Linda
  • Yes, I am over 50 and have had the same problem for several years; exercise, good diet, no weight gain and no weight loss. I take several meds, including synthroid, and it doesn't help. I've changed my approach and I'm making slow but steady progress. I exercise HARD 5 - 6 days a week and I track everything I put in my…
  • For what its worth, here are my responses: 1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember? No 2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms? N/A 3 Did you interact with these students? N/A 4 Do you know if they were…
  • I do tap water with a squeeze of lemon or orange. Also fizzy water with about a tablespoon of cranberry juice -- very satisfying!
  • Good job! Take one day at a time, set yourself up to make it easy to do that 30 minutes every day, remember to stretch out your legs after you walk -- it will help you not get sore. Drinks lots of water.
  • Hello! I've been saying I need to lose weight for years. Now I am really trying to do it! I have a goal -- to have lost 30 pounds before my daughter's wedding June 30. Let's be friends and help each other succeed! Linda
  • Hello! I've been saying I need to lose weight for years. Now I am really trying to do it! I have a goal -- to have lost 30 pounds before my daughter's wedding June 30. Let's be friends and help each other succeed! Linda
  • Welcome! I just joined last week, so we're starting at about the same time. I love it too!
  • I try to work out 5 - 6 days a week. I belong to a gym, and use their ellipicial, go to the core strength and abs classes, and do water aerobic classes. I think the combination keeps me from getting too sore. At home, I use my weights and exercise ball and the treadmill. My instructor helps me determine when it's time to…
  • Hi Sara! I just joined myfitnesspal, but I've been exercising since last August. I'd like to participate in your challenge. Add me as a friend and I'll join your team. Linda
  • I just started tracking today, and found the same thing. I'm going to do the resistance work, and work out with free weights, but I'm pretty sure I'm burning calories and I'd like to track these efforts too!