C25k, Sit-Ups, Push-Ups, oh my!



  • amaline
    amaline Posts: 84
    This is perfect!

    I am starting Week 6 of Couch 2 5 Km today and was just thinking I need to add something else in as well.

    I'm going to do the test for the pushups and situps challenge tonight. I'll check in with you guys after!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Welcome PrincessSaraMar & amaline! I will begin week 4 tomorrow evening......let us know how you guys are doing.
  • I am going to be starting the sit-up challenge tonight. But I plan on starting C25k tomorrow because I need to get some gorilla tape for our treadmill, b/c part of the belt is starting to come apart, so I want to get that repaired before I use it again.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Just got done with Day1/Week4. Wasn't sure how in the heck I was going to manage a 5 minute run/jog after my first 3 minute one - I was dying! But, then I reminded myself that this isn't about speed, it's just about completing it. So, I did the 5 minute one jogging fairly slowly, but I DID it and I didn't collapse! I was really working myself up for it and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Thanks goodness! Push-ups are still hard, but I worked through those too. Feeling good!

    How is everyone else doing?
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm in, I'll be starting the 200 sit ups day 1 of week 1 on Monday, I like the Monday Wednesday Friday schedule.. did the initial test today.. very sad outcome lol.. But hopefully that will change!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm in, I'll be starting the 200 sit ups day 1 of week 1 on Monday, I like the Monday Wednesday Friday schedule.. did the initial test today.. very sad outcome lol.. But hopefully that will change!

    Great to have you on board Jessica! I have to say that the sit-up portion of the circuit is definately the one that I dread the least :wink:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Hi all! Can I join? I started the sit up challenge this week. Did the initial test and day 1 yesterday. I don't really feel it yet, but I did do some ab stretches about a week ago that really got me sore, so maybe I'm not as sore because of that. Dunno.

    I am going to do day 2 either tonight or tomorrow and would like to get day 3 of week 1 in this week as well. I will start week 2 next monday and go M-W-F for this thing.

    Someone mentioned a 200 squat challenge. Does this exist? This would be something else I'd like to look into.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Hi all! Can I join? I started the sit up challenge this week. Did the initial test and day 1 yesterday. I don't really feel it yet, but I did do some ab stretches about a week ago that really got me sore, so maybe I'm not as sore because of that. Dunno.

    I am going to do day 2 either tonight or tomorrow and would like to get day 3 of week 1 in this week as well. I will start week 2 next monday and go M-W-F for this thing.

    Someone mentioned a 200 squat challenge. Does this exist? This would be something else I'd like to look into.

    Welcome Shannon!

    There is a squat challenge also, I believe Katie (ktrichards87) is doing it. I didn't know it existed until she told me about it, but I'm going to wait on that one until I get these other three out of the way.

    I'm doing Day2/Week4 tonight. Keep it up everyone!!
  • LindaHGreen
    LindaHGreen Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Sara!
    I just joined myfitnesspal, but I've been exercising since last August. I'd like to participate in your challenge. Add me as a friend and I'll join your team.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I did look around at that website and seen the sqaut one. I'm not sure my knee could handle it. I go to the dr in the morning so I might ask her about my knee and if there's any help for it or I should just stay away from those types of exercises.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Welcome Linda!

    I finished Day2/Week4 tonight.....the push-ups are sooo rough for me! The running was rough too.....sit-ups were fine though. I think I may do this week over again once it's up - maybe move on with the sit-ups and do the running and push-ups again. The last day for week5 on C25k is to run for 20 minutes straight :noway: . I just don't see that happening next week - maybe the week after. :wink:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Supposed to go to the Wings game tonight. Last minute plans. So, I may not be able to get my sit ups in unless I can squeeze them out before we go. My kids love to jump on my stomach when I lay on the floor, but if I'm doing sit ups at least the muscles should be clenched and it might not hurt. We'll see.

    No squats for me. My knee can't handle them. Doc said I might have ligament damage. Ummm, my knee still functions so she said to do exercises to strengthen my thigh muscles. That's about all. No squats for me though.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    I can't wait to start the sit ups challenge. My hubby's gonna join me, we'll do it Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Hoping to start working on my not so lovely after baby abs!!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    I'm way behind you, but I'm doing all three, too!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm way behind you, but I'm doing all three, too!

    Awesome! Doesn't matter where we are in the circuit - as long as we're doing something! Keep with it! :flowerforyou:
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Well this motivated me to get off the couch and do my pushups and situps. I'm on week 3 for crunches, and did SEVENTY in my exhaustion round, which is the most situps I've done since I stopped doing martial arts. Started week 2 for situps and did 25 in my exhaustion round - yay! And then, thinking about where I'm going to do my day two walk/jog tomorrow, I realized... I came home for the weekend and left my sneakers at school! :sad: I hate running but I love the way I feel after a good workout. I guess I'll just have to do it Sunday once I head back. :grumble:
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    Well this motivated me to get off the couch and do my pushups and situps. I'm on week 3 for crunches, and did SEVENTY in my exhaustion round, which is the most situps I've done since I stopped doing martial arts. Started week 2 for situps and did 25 in my exhaustion round - yay! And then, thinking about where I'm going to do my day two walk/jog tomorrow, I realized... I came home for the weekend and left my sneakers at school! :sad: I hate running but I love the way I feel after a good workout. I guess I'll just have to do it Sunday once I head back. :grumble:

    Wow you go super woman!! that's awesome!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Finished week4 today - the sit-ups were a piece of cake, I finished the running but was huffing and puffing and the push-ups, well, I'm struggling still with those. I'm definately doing week4 again. At least the C25k & push-ups part. I'll hit week4 again on Tuesday.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Finished week 2 for pushups, maxed out at 30, started week 4 for situps, maxed out at 80. Unfortunately I got back too late to run yesterday, but I'm back on track tomorrow. (Honest! I feel accountable to you guys, I don't want to mess it up!)
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member

    Just did day 1, week 1 of the sit ups challenge. Hubby did it with me.. as soon as my abs get a little stronger I feel this getting a little competitive, lol, and that's OK!.. hubby maxed at 18, me only at 8. But it's the first day, so I'm sure we'll do much better Wednesday!! I'm thinking when I'm done with this challenge I'll try the squats, then possibly the pull ups, I've never been able to do one.. it'd be pretty cool!

    Way to go Sara and Sunsh1ne!!
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