C25k, Sit-Ups, Push-Ups, oh my!



  • Dive_Girl
    Dive_Girl Posts: 247 Member
    Is it too late to join this team? I am a beginner runner. Did the run walk thing last September until I built up to being a full time runner but I desperately need to cross train.
  • rvkirk
    rvkirk Posts: 37
    I ran a 5 k in sept but hurt my knee and haven't really run since. Down loaded the couch to 10k app yesterday and going to try that out, hopefully my knee will be ok. My husband us a personnel trainers and has offered to teach me to run properly! Now 100 push ups sounds hard, can do about 10 very girly ones. Will try though:)
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Welcome all the newbies! It's never too late to join us - the more the merrier!
  • one_hot_momma
    I've been slacking on the pushups/situps/squats. I have run everyday this week though. I will get on it today. I'm hoping by resting my muscles I will be able to do more. Running has been invigorating though! Lost 4 pounds since starting. LOVING it!!! You guys are doing the situps on the ball? I was wondering about that. I think I will start using my ball too. It seems easier with it but I feel a better burn after! <3
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    AH I'm a day behind again, gotta get back on track tonight... at least with the sit ups challenge it's pretty versatisle with the days!! Keep it up everyone yall are doin great!!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Where did everyone go? I was on hiatus for a few days because I went to visit my sweetheart over the long weekend, and doing calisthenics on the floor is not exactly attractive.

    The gym at school FINALLY reopened this week, so I don't have to run outside any more. I did C25K W2D2 yesterday, and it was SO NICE to be running without my cooldowns being cold-downs. Today I did pushups W3D3 and situps W5D2, maxed out at 40 and 120. I feel fantastic! And you know it's good when your roommate looks at you doing pushups and says "You know, you look... squished. Theres a lot less of you this way and this way," while gesturing for hips and belly. :laugh:
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Still gone? Hm.

    Wrapped up c25k week 2 yesterday - still loving the treadmill, but my left knee is giving me guff. Did pushups w4d1 today, maxed out at 42; situps week 5 wrapup ( :noway: ) and I maxed at 150! Anyone else still working?
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm still here......although on a hiatus :blushing:

    I've been feeling under the weather since last week - some days I have symptoms of a sinus/ear infection, other days I'm fine. I really need to buck up and just get back at it though. If all goes as planned I will get on the elliptical tonight for 30-45 minutes and then jump back into the c25k/sit-up/push-up circuit tomorrow. I know you're loving running on the treadmill Sunsh1ne, but I'm so OVER the treadmill. I can't wait until I can go outside and run.....the weather is really starting to get to me. Was looking promising this weekend that I might be able to actually go outside and run, but alas, today it is raining snow and we're supposed to get (at minimum) a foot. Oh well, I've got 7 weeks till vacation and need to get my rear in gear!

    Happy running!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Argh! I went to the campus doc about my knee, and she says it's an inflamed ligament. I'm on orders to take Motrin for the pain, ice it every night, and, worst of all, rest it, for at least a week. :sad: I don't want to rest, I'm one pound from my first minigoal! Oh, well. =(
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Argh! I went to the campus doc about my knee, and she says it's an inflamed ligament. I'm on orders to take Motrin for the pain, ice it every night, and, worst of all, rest it, for at least a week. :sad: I don't want to rest, I'm one pound from my first minigoal! Oh, well. =(

    What a bummer! At least you went and had it checked out before it turned serious. Just watch your calories and take it easy. You never know what might happen - the scale works in mysterious ways :wink:

    Hope it heals soon!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    awe, hang in there sunsh1ne!!! Just take it easy and give your knee the rest it needs.

    I did D1W4 today of the sit ups... maxed at 50 in set 5, feelin good, did a total of 158 sit ups!
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    I just found this and thought I would try it out. I am already on the C25K, started week 3 today. i have done my first test on both sit-ups and push-ups so I will start that one in a couple of days. Lets see where this takes me.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Welcome David, good luck!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Off the running for the next three weeks, but I did my exhaustion test for situps week 6 - an even 100!!! I'm so excited! When I did my exhaustion test in January, I could only do 40. Also did w4d2 for pushups - 49 on my exhaustion round. I feel amazing, in spite of my knee.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Welcome Dave!

    Well, I'm afraid I too am going to have to put C25k on hold for a little while. I've had constant knee problems since I was about 14 and they have really been acting up lately :frown:. So, my plan is to work on the treadmill, doing a 5k and try to better my time each time. I'm hoping that by the time it's thawed and warm outside my knees will be stronger and I can re-start the C25k outside.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Oh, no! Come over here and join me on the bench, Sara. We have trashy magazines and low-fat hot chocolate. :drinker:

    I did pushup w4d3 today... uh-oh, here comes another exhaustion test, and I just don't feel like I've made enough progress this time around. I did make it to 60 pushups on my exhaustion round, though.

    Also did w6d2 of the situps, and with that deadline looming I pushed myself really hard and did 160 for my exhaustion round! I don't think I'll make 200 by Tuesday, but I feel like I'm doing my personal best. I don't know I've ever done this many pushups in my life before - it feels good!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Oh, no! Come over here and join me on the bench, Sara. We have trashy magazines and low-fat hot chocolate. :drinker:

    You had me at trashy :wink:

    I did a 5k on the treadmill on Saturday.....jogged a little bit, but had a fast paced walk for the majority. My knee didn't seem to give me too much trouble so I think I will do that again this evening. Finally got back on board with the sit-ups and plan to finish the challenge either this week or next. Push-ups on the other hand.......well, to be honest, they scare me! I need to suck it up and just get back into those too.....I'm such a weakling! :ohwell:
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Pushups are only as scary as you make them. It's not like you have to do them marine style. I probably don't bend my arms deeply enough, and if I'm tired and want to quit near the end of the set, I drop to my knees (rather than quitting) But I'm still gaining a lot of muscle.

    Speaking of which, I did my week4 exhaustion test today - an even 50! I'm halfway there, and way up from 11 when I did my first exhaustion test!

    And I did the LAST DAY of the situps program and I feel amazing because I did 212 in my exhaustion round! I was so excited I hopped up and demanded my roommates high-five me.

    My knee is doing better so I'm going to try the stationary bike tomorrow and see if I can handle it.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    wow way to go sunsh1ne!! also glad to hear yoru knee is feeling better!

    I did W4D2 of the sit ups yesterday and got 70 in the final set for a total of 198 sit ups, wahoo!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    I passed! I did my final situps test today and I thought, considering last week's 160 test, that I'd fail - but I didn't just pass, I did 250!!!!