New to Fitness Pal

Hi Everyone: I just discovered this website and was really amazed. I read about it in Family Circle Magazine. This is a great way to track everything I eat, and monitor my calorie intake. I'm really excited and have already told several friends about it. Seems like we are all struggling to lose weight, especially after the holidays, so this website couldn't come at a better time for me.


  • LindaHGreen
    LindaHGreen Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome! I just joined last week, so we're starting at about the same time. I love it too!
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    Weclome!! I just joined this site on Jan. 17th and I have found it to be very helpful..I advised you to use all the tools that this site have..It has been a true blessing that I found this site also and have made some AWSOME wieght loss friends on here...It is so nice having other that are her for you and you are there support also..I truley belive that support is a big key to helping a person lose weight..I wish you the best of luck on obtaining your weight loss goal...