sodakat Member


  • I posted this to my feed but it's too good not to share here too. Thanks to an email from I looked at my profile there and realized that the picture I posted last summer, which is my only picture on that website, is one I photoshopped to include my weight so I could put it in my picture folder here on MFP! I…
  • For a few days, or a week if you wish, just eat normally but log everything you eat, making sure your logging is accurate. To be accurate you will need to weigh your solid foods and measure your liquids, plus you will need to select the correct entry in the database, not the one you "hope" is right because the calories are…
  • Today I went through some stuff I had stacked in my closet, separating potential consignment clothing from things going to charity shops. It was the weirdest thing: a pair of pants that I clearly remember looked very small when I got them from my daughter 18 months ago, now look very big, to me. They are in fact huge on…
  • Seems like I finally have the daily walking gene again! LOL. Not as long/far as I want but at least I'm doing it. Such a long winter. It took me 4 months to lose 10 pounds. Yikes. I sure would like to lose a pound a week again, for a few months. Walking really helps me lose. So, I probably won't make my 5 pound goal this…
  • You did not gain weight from eating that crumble. More than likely you have a bit of water weight today and within a couple days you'll be down. With such a small deficit of only 200-300 calories a day, you will have to weigh and log very accurately. Don't guess at all. Be sure the entries you pick in the database don't…
  • I don't know your mom's experience with weight loss and setting exercise goals, but maybe she is looking at this from a different perspective. She might be seeing the big picture and not remembering how it feels when you finally make a change (you don't want to take any chances on messing up because you are so happy…
  • x What kind was that? I thought I should bake Christmas cookies I didn't like, but couldn't think of any.
  • I'm gonna guess a spoon would do.
  • My focus has switched to long-term, instead of how today went. After using MFP more than a year now, I know that I will continue to lose weight, will eventually reach my goal, and will maintain. 6 months ago I'm not sure I would have made that exact statement. So for me, the time it's taking to lose the 100 pounds I'm…
  • I had no idea, @bonniepwest‌ that they even MADE pogo sticks that would carry an adult weight! I love the idea of using a pogo stick!!!
  • You are so cute!!! Congratulations on your fabulous loss!
  • Maybe it would help if you tell yourself you can have "it" tomorrow. Whatever "it" is that you want. Because you really can. Knowing you can have "it" might help. Just put it off a bit if possible. Maybe you won't want "it" then. But if you do, well then eat some. Then log it. Then continue.
  • Hope you figure this out. Nothing wrong with eating stuff like that now and then. Just log it. Really, how many calories will it be? Probably not all that many. No need to feel defeated. Plus, even if you go over a few hundred calories on any particular day, that doesn't mean you've blown it. More than likely you are still…
  • My cousin's wife once told me she had a new job working at the libary. I confess I used to ask her to tell me again where she worked, when we were around other people, just to hear her say libary. I imagined her cataloging books or some such thing and just had to wonder. Turns out she cleaned after hours.
  • As far as the original question posed in the OP, I think the reason iHop's egg breakfast is so calorie laden, without meat, is it includes 2 or 3 pancakes or hashbrowns and "buttered" toast. iHop lists a single egg, on the side, as 130 calories. I'm going to assume this includes the fat its cooked in. So 2 eggs would be…
  • Web only for editing unfortunately.
  • Yes! I so agree with you. But, when people ask me "how" I'm losing weight, the majority are very disappointed I'm not doing some woo-woo plan and generally those who ask for details end up getting glassy-eyed after just a couple sentences of my details about MFP. So, I don't say too much anymore unless someone is seriously…
  • Being able to climb in our vehicles with the steering wheel in the "down" position after my husband drives instead of having to move it up to accommodate my belly and legs is a surprising result of weight loss! I also drive school bus and now have my steering wheel set in the lowest position there also, because it's more…
  • I attend a small local weight loss group on Wednesday evenings. This is the 6th week and I've lost maybe 2 1/2 pounds. It's picking up again finally I think, but it was slow going for me really since around the first of the year. Most of the women started "dieting" when the group was formed, so there were some big losses…
  • Are you saying you've lost 40 pounds again and this time it came off your boobs and thighs, or are you saying you've just started losing again and feel like it's coming off boobs and thighs? Your ticker shows only 6 pounds lost. It will eventually come off everywhere you have fat, if you stay in a deficit, including your…
  • Yes you can edit. Add your original starting weight by going to the Check In page then Edit Entries. On the page that comes up, scroll down to Add New Entry. Here is where you can put your original weight and the date. Or you can just edit your starting weight, near the top of that page. You have to do this on the Web, not…
  • I second the supportive bra option, but instead of a sports bra I recommend getting a good regular bra with a band that is tight enough to give support and cups large enough to fit. The band, not the straps should carry the weight. Take a look at Fit Fully Yours brand, the Maxine style. It goes up to a "J" cup in U.S.…
  • Can you swim? Regardless, you will lose weight without exercising, especially if you are heavy to begin with (obese or overweight categories) as long as your calorie deficit is adequate. As you get closer to goal, or sometimes just because you've been eating at a deficit for so long, it can get harder to lose without…
  • This happened to me in February. One overage and I was set back 2 months. It's gone now but took work. It's tough when you only lose a couple pounds a month, maximum because there isn't much wiggle room.
  • Treat yourself to some second hand clothes that fit, Betty. Consignment stores featuring plus sizes have good clothing at great prices . It's fun wearing new clothes that fit your smaller body. You don't have to break the bank to do it. And FWIW you shouldn't worry about not having large clothes if you gain and need them…
  • That is HUGE! I totally understand the milestones. I'm 4 pounds from being overweight instead of obese and it's taking an immense effort to get there. I expect no less of a "struggle" to go from overweight to normal. But it is sooooo worth it.
  • Gorgonzola blue, right now.
  • Have to ask the questions you forgot to include answers for in your intro: Do you use a food scale to weigh your foods? Do you log accurately, always finding the correct entry in the database? How big a deficit are you creating each day? Do you give yourself cheat meals/days or weekends off? If you are losing ANY amount on…
  • I don't think that eating "more" protein will slow weight loss. How quickly you lose will be dependent on how big your calorie deficit is, which is achieved by eating less and/or moving more. It doesn't matter what you are eating to meet this deficit. But, some foods do cause water retention, and sometimes strenuous…
  • I'm going to take a guess that you started a strenuous exercise routine the same time you started counting calories and the water retention caused by the new exercises are masking the couple pound weight loss you've probably achieved. Stick with it a few weeks and you will see a loss. If you get really frustrated because…