

  • Congrats! I just realized today is my 1 year also and I'm down 45 lbs since this time last year. You rock! Keep up the good work. Funny how this was hard work a year ago, now its just a bout of our routine.
  • 1 cup = 8 ounces, so 2 ounces is approximately 1/4 cup. You may want to invest in a food scale if you are trying to eat/measure food by weight. :ohwell:
  • Evil, evil sciatica! Accupuncture was a great help. I had a total of 3 treatments, the last in June 2011, and have had no pain shooting through my behind and down my leg since then. [rapidly knocking on wood] Now I do wii yoga a few times a week to keep things stretched out. :smile: :smile:
  • 1200 is before exercise and I do eat back some of my exercise calories. I guess it doesn't bother me because I don't eat a lot of calorie dense foods on a regular basis. I love salads, fruits and vegetables. I eat lean meats like chicken, fish, shrimps, lean pork and lean beef. I do eggs, low fat cheeses, almond milk and…
  • MFP gave me 1200 because I'm 5'2 and wanted to lose 1.5 lbs a week. I'm sure it would give me more if I were taller or male. My understanding is there is some customization based on age, height, starting weight, etc.
  • This ^. There is no need to "cheat" if you have some of what you like in moderation.
  • Size small dress and leggings!:love:
  • If the GI issue are too much to take ask your doctor about extended release metformin if you're not already on that one.
  • Have you tried a diabetes cookbook? I bought one when I was diagnosed with the same thing earlier this year:frown: . It's called "The Ultimate Book of Diabetic Cooking" by Bridget Jones. There is a section in the intro about Glycemic Index ans a decent list of GI values. The dishes are really tasty, it gives the calories…
  • That is what they teach in diabetes education classes, specifically carb counting classes. If your meal contains at least 5 grams of fiber you subtract 1/2 of the fiber from your carbs.
  • Hi Amandaneedshelp. I get what you're going through, I was diagnosed with PCOS in March of this year. Welcome.
  • I "try" for every other day :tongue: . I average 4 days per week.
    in Yoga Comment by sqtolliver July 2011
  • I started on Metformin March 2011 for PCOS with insulin resistance. I'm on the Extended Release version because the regular one caused too many GI issues. I only took it once a day for the first 5 days then moved up to twice a day as prescribed. You will likely have GI issues if you take it after a carb heavy meal (example…
  • I do Wii Yoga 4 times a week.
    in Yoga Comment by sqtolliver July 2011
  • More cysts. If I wasn't already on BC pills my gyno (who diagnosed me in march 2011) would have put me on. If you read the side effects of Metformin one of them is that it can cause changes in your menstrual cycle (promote ovulation) and increase the risk of becoming pregnant. The ovarian cysts are the result of follicles…
  • No misunderstanding. I'm saying that you can't cheat on a balanced diet. A balanced diet is about moderation. All the crazy forbidden food lists and restrictive diets have destroyed the principle of having a healthy relationship with food. Lots of people who are trying to lose weight do not have the opportunity to see a…
  • I don't consider having a cookie, some ice cream or pizza for dinner one night cheating. My dietitian told me that I can eat anything I want in moderation. She specifically told me not to do, sugar-free, fat-free, no-carb/low-carb stuff. That was a huge surprise and relief when I was diagnosed with PCOS and insulin…
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS about 2 1/2 months ago. I had blood work done 3 years ago when I was feeling tired and just not right and was told my testosterone levels were slightly elevated and was put on Metformin to "help me use my glucose better". The side effects where so bad I quit. I was tracking my food before I was…
  • I agree and that's what my dietitian told me. Good luck. :smile:
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