Hi! I have Pcos and need support.

I hope there are others on this site that have pcos too. I mean its not something I wish upon anyone but I would love to talk to people that know what I am going through with weight loss.
I am not sure how this site works yet, I hope its easy to understand and I figure it out asap. Cant wait to chat with people that are going throught the same things I am.


  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    My mother tells me I hace PCOS and i refuse to believe her.
    LOL, but yes. I do have PCOS. And i would love to talk, seeing as you know how much it sucks D:
  • sqtolliver
    sqtolliver Posts: 20
    Hi Amandaneedshelp. I get what you're going through, I was diagnosed with PCOS in March of this year. Welcome.
  • KaylaBlu2019
    KaylaBlu2019 Posts: 118 Member
    Hello and welcome!

    You will find there are many women on here with PCOS, myself included. This is a great resource to really get your eating under control and exercising working into your daily life for a healthier you. There are so many success stories lingering around on this site of women with PCOS and infertility that is caused by the PCOS that have lost the weight, overcome the obstacle, and even gotten pregnant free of any medical induced conception!

    I've had PCOS for 5 years now, and over the last year I've lost 30 lbs. My journey may not be as fast as some people's, but its alive and kickin and yours will be too if you put the time and effort into without torturing yourself!

    One thing I make sure to do is never use PCOS as an excuse as to why the scale didn't move. If I do use PCOS as an excuse to why I didn't lose weight, suddenly eating bad and not exercising has no consequences and that's simply not true!

    SO again, WELCOME and good luck and we're all here for you on this journey!
  • cmheeren
    cmheeren Posts: 1
    I haven't been diagnosed with it yet but every girl on my moms side of the family has it so my chances are very good! I see what it does to my mom and my aunt who is a physical trainer and I just want to do what I can now to try and get everything under control in-case I do am diagnosed with it.
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    Hey, I have PCOS as well. It sucks, because the cramps can get so bad, that I can't move. It feels like being stabbed in the stomach repeatedly, and with each stabbing comes the throbbing, and I don't know anyone else who has PCOS so nobody ever understands. Luckily, I'm on medication for it now, which really helps. Unfortunately, I may have been diagnosed a bit too late as I may be infertile at this point due to the severity of my PCOS. My doctors always shoe me away and chalk everything up to my weight, they never take me seriously until it's too late. Anyway, I'm on metformin and birth control and it's helpful. I mean, I still get the pain and the cramps, but I can function. The workouts are hard to get through, because it's more than lethargy and finding the motivation, it's pushing through the pain. But I can do it now. It's tough, but you can do it! Sometimes you'll see unexplained weight gain and you may not always lose the weight you would have hoped you lost, but you are burning that fat. Don't worry so much about what the scale says, everything you do counts. We tend to fluctuate more than most women but never let it discourage you. Just keep trying and pushing. Measuring for inches can be a bit more reliable. Best of luck to you!!!
  • Heather19850
    I was just diagnosed myself. I have looked up almost everything I can about it online. I'm coming to terms with it though and I know not to beat myself up if I'm not losing as much as I'd like. I also started doing a low GI diet to help stabilize my sugar and I've read about alot of people having success losing with PCOS on this diet.
  • beginswithb
    beginswithb Posts: 132
    Hiya and welcome!

    I was diagnosed with PCOS about six years ago. It's terrible, I agree. People don't realize just how MUCH of your life it affects. It seems neverending.

    Anyhow! I've been on MFP since June 15 and have lost 11.5 pounds so far. I stopped taking Metformin when I stopped TTC (stupid move, I know. I'm going to go back to it, I promise!) but it really helps to see how many calories/carbs/etc I am taking in. Just by being more aware of my eating and exercise habits has been enough of a boost for my body! I have 68 more pounds to go but I am confident that it can happen, PCOS be damned. :P

    Feel free to add me! Good luck!
