BizzyBee62 Member


  • Hi, 7 days smoke free today! Survived Hell Week :)
  • Thankyou all for your answers, I will look for the brands you mentioned in the local markets here. Have a great day.. Jodi
  • That is a great idea! I love mushrooms so it would just be an added bonus! Thankyou:)
  • Hi, I live in Idaho....the Famous Potato of course I'am a little bias about potatoes!! LOL I think baked potatoes themselves are good for you but all the toppings are not! I like to use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray or light sour cream and salso. Potatoes are high in potassium, B6, and vitamin…
  • Hi, My biggest downfull...not planning ahead and having to grab food on the go!! And chocolate... Great topic, love the posts!! Jodi
  • HI, Skinny people eat the same things overweight people do...only alot less:) Jodi
  • I'am so happy I posted! Thankyou all so much for the helpful advice:) Maybe a combination of will power and having a low calorie treat will help! Thankyou again, Jodi
  • Hi, It doesn't matter how long the road is, only that you are willing to make the journey to your final destination:o) You are doing a wonderful job and your enthusiasm is contagious!! Blessing to you! Jodi Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Hi, Another fibromite!!!:smile: I was diagnosed in 1995 with fibro, I also have Hashimoto's and a year ago I was diagnosed with Sjorgren's (autoimmune disease), I have alot of pain and major fatigue and some days are pretty miserable. I have never found one thing that worked for me, the main thing is too get good sleep,…
  • I have the best job...I'am a bookkeeper for our family business, office is at home and I set the hours! Plus I get the added benefit of sleeping with the boss:) (My husband and I are co-owners, I let him think he is my boss:o) Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • This is definately one of my biggest reasons for gaining weight. I'am a mindless eater, I just dive into whatever I eat and don't pay any attention to how many calories I have consumed, it is such a bad habit and one that I'am really working on breaking. I know from myself that eating late makes me feel horrible the next…