randompatch Member


  • I hear that plateau's are most often the result of your metabolism stabilizing or getting used to your current diet. I listen to Fat-2-Fit radio and they would suggest going over your recommended caloric intake for a week and then going back to your reduced calorie plan. It seems weird to suggest, but that's what they…
  • I pickle almost everything! A simple pickling mix is simply vinegar, salt, touch of sugar, herbs/spices. I do a simple pickling for the refrigerator, but I think its similar to canning. cucumbers ~ carrots ~ green tomatoes ~ peppers ~ cauliflower ~ green beans ~ onions ~ garlic ~ you name it! YUM YUM YUM!
  • Is that all you eat? Yikes! That doesn't sound very well-balanced to me. I love cabbage too, but I can't say I would ever do that to myself. May I ask why you want to lose weight fast? I'm a believer In "slow and steady wins the race".
  • I would recommend putting the scale away for the first month and focus on being that thinner person you see yourself becoming. Don't torture yourself with excessive exercise or drastically cutting your calories because its really stressful on your body (and who wants to live with constant torture?). Ease into it to help…
  • I'm glad I'm not the only poppy person. I have issues with my lower back (leg presses on the floor, without weights or a machine) and my neck/shoulders (even with motions as simple as jumping jacks). It feels weird . . . slightly jarring . . . but not *painful*. I'm thinking about visiting a chiropractor. Has anyone has…
  • My measurements are nearly identical to your originals ~ I can do this too!!! Thanks for the boost!
  • That's fantastic!! You look beautiful ~
  • same here ~ EVERY WEEKEND ~ but I still think about what I'm eating. I also spend a lot of time outside on the weekends, so I'm never sure how to enter my exercise either. But I know I'm still being active and eating good-for-me foods. This site is excellent support for our journeys, but you can give yourself moral support…
  • I have to count my tea as water, otherwise I don't hit my 10 cup goal.
  • thanks for sharing this! I drink Traditional Medicinals brand tea and they have several that are zero calorie. I just found this tea link . ...http://www.myfitnesspal.com/nutrition-facts-calories/traditional-medicinals
  • I split my workouts about 50/50 between the gym and staying in. I use a Gazelle Elite and DVDs for at home workouts (Biggest Loser Cardio and Biggest Loser Power Sculpt) as well as outdoor physical activity on the weekends.