Absolutely; this is a given.
My guess is that people don't want that answer because it makes them feel guilty about their own behavior. There can't be actually be anyone out there who doesn't know that "calories in, calories out" determines weight trajectory, right?
I've done pretty well even though my food scale has been packed to move for a couple of months. But I will really be happy when I unpack it!
Oh, thanks for all these ideas! I will try them again.
I'll try the gel idea. Today it worked fine--I always run the pads under warm/hot running water before I put on the strap. My students may like the theory that I have no heart…..
About an hour. The lady across the street when I was little cooked them and I remember her cooking them for a long time, so I tried that. They also seemed much tougher than spinach, so I picked longer cooking time.
Cheri, yes I know spot reduction is not possible, which is why I've been doing cardio and full-body. Hopefully she can help me do it BETTER! I just don't know after one has been "pleated" whether there is much hope of looking better. All encouragement welcome!
Second the steel cut oats but with raisins. Also, raisin bread with a thin peanut butter layer and banana on top. Sometimes frozen waffles with fruit on top.
59 yo female, 133 lbs. Fat % currently 35 :(
You do not state your age, and in my case, it mattered a lot. In my twenties I often ran every day 4-5 miles and was fine unless I fell into a pothole or such. Now in my late 50s I try to run twice a week and use the elliptical on the other 4 days. Your body definitely can help you know what it needs if you listen to it.
I've been a lifetime member of weight watchers for almost 30 years and lost 70 pounds (currently 60 are still gone), although I have not been at goal consistently for all that time. Full disclosure, WW is not the only tool I've used over the years, but I first joined Weight Watchers in 1974. I guess the free fruit depends…
We did get a gym membership for a couple of years and learned that we would use the treadmill, then purchased one for home. HOWEVER, this was before the advent of the elliptical. Our new building has an exercise room and I'm sold on the elliptical--age and aging joints, plus I burn just as many calories as running on the…