

  • You're singing my song! I've found for me that it wasn't enough to cut down on the snacking. I used that as my emotional crutch and try as hard as I might to "cut down" I found it really difficult. I had to remove all the snack food, esp chocolate, from my apartment. When I get in a down space and it's late at night and…
  • I agree with most everyone else who said, "I would feel hurt by that." It would most definitely hurt my feelings, and has in the past when simular situations happened. Mixing friendships and money generally ends badly. That being said, I do see things a bit differently. While my feelings were hurt in the past from simular…
  • Many years ago I tried that one ab belt that electrocuted you. It made perfect sense to me at the time that it should work, it makes the muscles contract from the shock and you can wear it while you're watching TV, perfect! Yeah...not so much. Didn't do anything except hurt like hell, cause a rash, and leave tiny little…
  • Yikes! That's when you do something called "De-friend." Don't give them access to post on your wall if they don't know how to act like human beings, I don't care if they are your hubby's family. If you don't know how to act human, you don't get to be a part of my life, period end of the story. Don't care who you are are…
  • I agree with everyone, what an awesome job; however, I have to also agree, that while the before pic shirt is funny, the after pic hair is H-OT!! Definitely the Sas-A-Frass!
  • Hey Tim! Welcome aboard! I've only been at this for about two months now and already lost 8lbs! Healthy eatin' is definitely the way to go. Good luck and feel free to friend me.
  • In the interest of full disclosure and accountability, I just finished off a 52 minute walk that burned off that cupcake's calorie count. I even managed to squeeze out about 2 of those 52 minutes in a jog!! Yay me, and yay for that cupcake, it was soooo worth it! :drinker:
  • Every single time I've ever eaten a McNugget, and the times are few mind you, I always, always, always, always, get the one nugget in the whole store that has some kind of cartlidgey knuckle bone thing slap dab in the middle of it. Which is why I rarely eat McDonalds or chicken nuggets in general. Blick. In the interest of…
  • Ooops, sorry, forgot to mention that, hehe. I got the Eddy ones. The shoey part is mesh, nice and breathable. The accents are solid but light and the soles are extremely flexible. They have the feel of surf booties, but the solidity of sneakers. Very nice mix in my opinion.
  • I've currently got a pair of Merrell's that I do my walking in. They are very comfy and light, love them.
  • I've had one for many years and managed to achieve several things on the list. - Go to Italy - Finish writing a book - Write a play -Sell one of my paintings -Complete a college degree -Go to Disney World -Ride a roller coaster -Go to New Orleans (Done) -Find a dinosaur bone -Save someone's life -Own a home -Fall in love…
  • I think it's an artifact of the past to believe there's different pressure on men and women to maintain a certain body type. I think the difference is in what body type the pressure is out there to maintain, that part I believe is true, but I don't think it's true anymore that men are "allowed" to get away with the Archie…
  • GAAAAAAAHHHHH!! I can't believe you got one of the flying ones and still stood your ground enough to remove the picture!! Scream like a horror movie all you want, you're still braver than me, I would'a passed out dead on the floor, I really can't take the flying ones. *shudder* So then....when you get hubby Gabe his…
  • hehehehe. Sorry, don't mean to laugh, well actually I do, but still. I live on the coast in the south, we have tons and tons and tons of "water bugs." Nasty vile little creatures! Good news is, when your hubby flicked it off the wall, it landed on the counter. Why's that good news? Well, alot of times, those large roaches,…
  • Wow, Ok, I stand corrected, just looked again and found under Genres/Sports & Fitness a section called Workouts, lots more listed there just under Dance Workouts. Definitely gonna try some this weekend!
  • I just recently found under the "Special Interest" section in the instant streaming section. Go into the dance section there and you'll find a choice for Dance Workouts and there are several DVD's under that. I haven't used any myself yet, but planning to try one out this weekend.
  • I think it's awesome you had the courage to post this and I wish you awesome amounts of luck! I battled with anorexia from 18 years old to around 23. Spent those whole five years at 105 lbs, still thinking I was fat and wishing I could just get under 100. It's not an easy road to come back down from, but the fact that you…
  • Made quick and easy Chicken Cacciatore tonight. Took a boneless/skinless chicken breast, a sheet of aluminum foil, and 1/2 cup of Classico Triple Mushroom sauce. Poured the sauce over the chicken breast, wrapped it up in a little packet w/ the aluminum foil, and baked it in the oven at 450 for about 30 minutes. Very yummy…
  • Love any and all of the Annie's Naturals, current fav is the Tuscano Vinaigrette. Plus, just because it looks fun.... ****ake, ****ake, ****ake....weeeeee it was fun!! :tongue: :tongue:
  • For anyone planning to make this, I make a similar one using creamed spinach, well before MFP I did. I'm sure switching from creamed to regular spinach will make it lower on the calorie count. Just wanted to chime in about the combo of turkey and spinach being phenomenal! Try adding some chopped Leeks to the mix for a…
  • ROFL!! I instinctively jerked by elbows back just from reading this, almost spilled my morning coffee!! I seriously thought my mother was the only one with "Elbow Issues." :laugh:
  • Wow, LOVE this thread, just LOVE it ta pieces!! -Riding bikes w/o helmets and/or a friend on the handlebars -Crashing said bike and losing chunks of flesh but being more worried about getting in trouble for damaging the bike and/or cloths -Drinking out of the garden hose if you were outside and thirsty -Being forced to eat…
  • Welcome aboard! I've been here for about three weeks now and the first most immediate change I noticed was that when I started logging every piece of food I eat on my food diary, that caused me to be more conscious of the foods I choose to eat during the day. Reading the forums and commenting every now and then has also…
  • Interesting, I know that certainly applies to my eating behaviors, and most definately I'm an advertiser's dream, "Ooooo, that's new, looks yummy, and it says it's good for me, I think I'll eat 20!" Impulse buying of any kind of snack food on the end-cap displays in the supermarket was a horrible habit of mine. Getting…
  • Funny, I just posted a blog entry touching on this topic for myself. Must be something in the air today. ;) For myself, I think it's a combination of both issues. Weight and physical attraction as well as self-image/self-worth leaking out into the ether that others can "pick up on." I know that for the guys I'm attracted…
  • Right there with ya dude! Except I'm also middle aged now and well, I do still smoke, and wow my town has nowhere near a billion ppl....Ok, so I'm not really right there with ya, hey, gay and single too, that counts for something!! ;) As for when people ask me why I'm single, I just tell the truth. "Because I'm fat, middle…
  • Switched to real butter years ago, unfortunately that didn't help my weight because I ate everything drenched in it. The butter wasn't the problem, my eating habits were the problem. The reason I made the switch was because I was a heifer eating everything drenched in that artificial "butter spread." Neither one of them…
  • Not laughing or grossed out, fried bologna and spam sandwich was a fav of mine too. :( Reading these makes me remember more and more and more bad habits. Taco Bell - Two Chalupas, supreme with extra guacamole, plus a 7-layer burrito, side of cheesy potatoes, and a caramel apple empanada. Sonic - Two orders of Frito Pie…
  • I was the same way before starting here on MFP. I've had to force myself to eat breakfast, although I missed it today. :( I've found that spreading my meals out throughout the day has increased my metabolism and is helping my body learn to burn the calories I'm taking in, instead of holding on them. I've done a bit of…