Mc donalds !!!!



  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    I think that as you start eating healthier - more fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and NON-fried foods, your palate changes and you no longer want the kind of garbage that McDonald's serves. I think even the smell in that place is disgusting (I should probably add that I'm vegetarian)

    Yes, they have healthier options, but why put yourself in harm's way be even going into the restaurant.

    Going to McDonald's for a salad is like going to a *kitten* for a hug. (can't take credit for that little saying, but I thought it was funny! :))

    I agree with you and by the way your last sentence gave me a good laugh this morning. LOL! I have a 15 year old granddaughter who on her own made the decision not to eat any fast food. I'm so proud of her.
  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    Watch Supersize Me, I love that movie, but I do sometimes crave fast food, so I just get a Happy Meal.

    This is what is in chicken nuggets if you need to be grossed out:

    Aaaaaand I'm never eating chicken nuggets again.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member

    Going to McDonald's for a salad is like going to a *kitten* for a hug. (can't take credit for that little saying, but I thought it was funny! :))

  • If you never want to eat fast food in general again, watch food inc. It will not only show you how people justify eating it. (one woman said it was cheaper to feed her family of 4 so she could afford her her husbands diabetes meds) and what the industry is doing to the small farmer and the environment. All around its killing us one way or another. I just made a conscience descision to not be a part of it.
  • iarookie
    iarookie Posts: 140
    Do you know what "mechanically separated meat" is?? Check out YouTube for "How do they make chicken nuggets" ... here is one that isnt horrible.
  • The food is modified to get you addicted to eat. There is a-lot of bad things about fast food, but it's still something people are going to always use. I guess that's that's the scariest thing for me, fast-foods have the food made, not for nutritional quality, but to be addictive. To appeal to the costumers ( The kids have a big influence in this) Delicious food at low costs.

    It is unhealthy for a person to be an alcoholic, but for a person to have a drink from time to time. I personally, don't see any problem with controlled responsible drinking.

    Same thing here, Your meal didn't seem unreasonable, maybe bad nutritionally, but if you really enjoy that food, eating if from time to time, or slurping on it don't seem to bad.

    If you REALLY don't ever want to eat it again, watch super-size me. I love that movie. Or food INK.

    I personally won't ever eat it again. But I feel that it may be a blessing for those people who just cant afford food.
    It's cheap, and you will get enough calories easily.......But If it causes more health problems.. than that wont help with the money at all.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    I think that as you start eating healthier - more fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and NON-fried foods, your palate changes and you no longer want the kind of garbage that McDonald's serves. I think even the smell in that place is disgusting (I should probably add that I'm vegetarian)

    Yes, they have healthier options, but why put yourself in harm's way be even going into the restaurant.

    Going to McDonald's for a salad is like going to a *kitten* for a hug. (can't take credit for that little saying, but I thought it was funny! :))

    Love that last line lol
  • Going to McDonald's for a salad is like going to a *kitten* for a hug. (can't take credit for that little saying, but I thought it was funny! :))

    Hahahahahhaa. :P
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    Keep some snacks in your purse so that you don't have to eat that crap. I have only been eating better for a few weeks now, and I was stuck at Wendy's with my family a few weekends ago, and I was furious because there wasn't anything on the menu I could eat, and even the salads aren't great for you there. Sooo... lesson learned. You have to stay away from that junk, and when you do... you will start to really not like it.

    I used to LOVE Cadburry Creme Eggs for Easter. I let myself have one this weekend 150 calories. Um... it wasn't worth that. I was so mad I wasted that many cals on it. Just didn't do it for me. I'd rather have a cup of strawberries and fat free cool whip or some splenda for crying out loud.

    You'll get there. Get motivated, and stay away from that junk food Fast Food.
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    I usually ask for a plain grilled chicken breast sliced and I put it on top of their side salad. Mfp has the nutrition info for their chicken if you look it up. I avoid everything else if possible but if I am craving something like fries I steal a few from my fiance.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Processed, preservative, awful calories and carbs, not to mention a ridiculous amount of sodium.

    this about sums it up. lol.

    ill eat a mcdouble like twice a year. it's usually enough to remind me why I don't eat there.
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    Watch Supersize Me, I love that movie, but I do sometimes crave fast food, so I just get a Happy Meal.

    This is what is in chicken nuggets if you need to be grossed out:

    I have never liked chicken nugget, but that definately made me never ever want to eat one or feed them to anybody. EEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!

    Even though they might be able to put "0 g Trans Fat" that is only because it is less than 0.5 g - but take that 0.5 g and multiply it by how many servings there are.

    Trans Fat is horrible, it not only increases your LDL (bad cholesterol) but it also lowers your HDL (good cholesterol). An HDL level of less than 40 mg/dL (men) or 50 mg/dL (woman) increases heart disease risk. High levels of LDL is also going to increase the risk for heart disease (<70 mg/dL is optimal). It is just simply not worth it (not even counting the yucky stuff that is in it).

    Any good nutritionist will answer the following question, "How much trans fat is OK to consume?", in this manner: "Never!"
  • Every single time I've ever eaten a McNugget, and the times are few mind you, I always, always, always, always, get the one nugget in the whole store that has some kind of cartlidgey knuckle bone thing slap dab in the middle of it. Which is why I rarely eat McDonalds or chicken nuggets in general. Blick. In the interest of full disclosure; however, I did have a Wendy's Single and fries today for lunch. :( I know, still bad, still processed, still parts in that burger I would never eat off'a cow in real life, but at least it's thin enough that knuckle bone pieces can't lay in hiding to jump out at you.
  • TNH76
    TNH76 Posts: 47 Member
    chicken nuggets are ground up chicken "parts" and then i was told the meat is "DYED WHITE" to make it actually resemble chicken meat...GROSE right??? so when you bit into a hard white piece of SOMETHING-it could be like a bone or something nasty ='(

    That's gross! No more Chicken McNuggets for me. . . ever!
  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    Every single time I've ever eaten a McNugget, and the times are few mind you, I always, always, always, always, get the one nugget in the whole store that has some kind of cartlidgey knuckle bone thing slap dab in the middle of it. Which is why I rarely eat McDonalds or chicken nuggets in general. Blick. In the interest of full disclosure; however, I did have a Wendy's Single and fries today for lunch. :( I know, still bad, still processed, still parts in that burger I would never eat off'a cow in real life, but at least it's thin enough that knuckle bone pieces can't lay in hiding to jump out at you.

    I'm pretty sure that neither chickens or cows have knuckles, so that makes this doubly gross!
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Every single time I've ever eaten a McNugget, and the times are few mind you, I always, always, always, always, get the one nugget in the whole store that has some kind of cartlidgey knuckle bone thing slap dab in the middle of it. Which is why I rarely eat McDonalds or chicken nuggets in general. Blick. In the interest of full disclosure; however, I did have a Wendy's Single and fries today for lunch. :( I know, still bad, still processed, still parts in that burger I would never eat off'a cow in real life, but at least it's thin enough that knuckle bone pieces can't lay in hiding to jump out at you.

    I'm pretty sure that neither chickens or cows have knuckles, so that makes this doubly gross!

    Just google images for "chicken knuckle." That's all you need to know.
  • birdieandkenadi05
    birdieandkenadi05 Posts: 71 Member
    I think that as you start eating healthier - more fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and NON-fried foods, your palate changes and you no longer want the kind of garbage that McDonald's serves. I think even the smell in that place is disgusting (I should probably add that I'm vegetarian)

    Yes, they have healthier options, but why put yourself in harm's way be even going into the restaurant.

    Going to McDonald's for a salad is like going to a *kitten* for a hug. (can't take credit for that little saying, but I thought it was funny! :))
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