My parents tried to murder me.



  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Riding bikes with no helmets with a friend on the handlebars.

    Also I remember being pulled behind my friends bike wearing the adjustable metal roller skates with the metal wheels, having the butterfly screw come lose (because the vibration on the road was intense) and practically breaking my ankle.

    Fun times indeed :smile:
    Last year I was still mt bike riding with no helmet and sandals.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    Mine too! They made me shovel snow on snow days. Expected me to get good grades and did not reward me with anything when I did. I even got my *kitten* beat when on the rare occasion I answered back.

    Should of reported them to child protective services!
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    George Carlin on children:
  • sunshine269
    sunshine269 Posts: 8 Member
    My parents actually let me drink water out of the garden hose!! Can you believe it??!!!! LOL :bigsmile:
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I was 7 or 8 riding my little bike on a very busy street to ABC Liquor store with a note:

    "I give my permission to Joyce to purchase 2 packs of Pall Mall Red Cigarettes [mom's signature]"
    and THEY SOLD THEM TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: I could then buy a Chick-o-stick with the change ten cents! HAHAHAHAAA

    I also remember it was always a race to get grandpa his next Coors, if you got granpda the beer, you got to open it and have the first drink. :bigsmile: We were barely tall enough to open the fridge!!

    Man, at 43, I feel like an old timer! GOOD TIMES!!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I was 7 or 8 riding my little bike on a very busy street to ABC Liquor store with a note:

    "I give my permission to Joyce to purchase 2 packs of Pall Mall Red Cigarettes [mom's signature]"
    and THEY SOLD THEM TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: I could then buy a Chick-o-stick with the change ten cents! HAHAHAHAAA

    I also remember it was always a race to get grandpa his next Coors, if you got granpda the beer, you got to open it and have the first drink. :bigsmile: We were barely tall enough to open the fridge!!

    Man, at 43, I feel like an old timer! GOOD TIMES!!
    My parents helped my teething with rubbing brandy on my gums.

    When extremely thirsty at the park, we drank water directly out of the sprinklers (because 99% of the time the fountain was broken).
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    CrazySteve, you might relate to this- I remember staying the night with friends, I would be out of bed and dressed by six wondering where everyone else was. I had no idea some people slept past 6 o'clock.

    That and when I was at my friend's and he said "gimme a fork, mom" I about shat myself. My head spun around looking for the swift retribution. Parents asking their kids what they wanted to eat was foreign to me.

    There were perks though. My dad treated us like men. We drank beer, drove trucks and tractors starting at 11, and learned how to work. Finding people who work as hard as me and my brother is rare to impossible, but they're out there. We also learned that everything falls on your shoulders, don't expect others to pick up any slack. Still, my dad was an *kitten*, I can't lie.

    Here's another good one:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    love reading these. the good ol' days.
    i guess i am trying to kill my granddaughters. i make them walk from school to my house. it takes 10 minutes. while my neighbor drives to pick her son up.
    i was just talking to someone today about hanging out clothes to dry. he said people don't that anymore. well, i do.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    love reading these. the good ol' days.
    i guess i am trying to kill my granddaughters. i make them walk from school to my house. it takes 10 minutes. while my neighbor drives to pick her son up.
    i was just talking to someone today about hanging out clothes to dry. he said people don't that anymore. well, i do.

    Nothing beats sun dried bed sheets!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I was 7 or 8 riding my little bike on a very busy street to ABC Liquor store with a note:

    "I give my permission to Joyce to purchase 2 packs of Pall Mall Red Cigarettes [mom's signature]"
    and THEY SOLD THEM TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: I could then buy a Chick-o-stick with the change ten cents! HAHAHAHAAA

    I also remember it was always a race to get grandpa his next Coors, if you got granpda the beer, you got to open it and have the first drink. :bigsmile: We were barely tall enough to open the fridge!!

    Man, at 43, I feel like an old timer! GOOD TIMES!!
    My parents helped my teething with rubbing brandy on my gums.

    When extremely thirsty at the park, we drank water directly out of the sprinklers (because 99% of the time the fountain was broken).

    Oh I can do better than that. We didn't have indoor plumbing and for years we'd take our water bucket to the neighbor's and pump our water from their well. We finally got our own well and I can remember on occasion pumping up a frog. We'd just pour that bucket of water out and start again. That's true.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    OMG does anyone remember trick or treating all night BY OURSELVES! THOSE were good times haha
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Awww, the memories just keep flooding back. :laugh: Because we didn't have indoor plumbing, we used to take bathes in the old galvanized tub. Saturday night bathes started with the youngest to the oldest of six kids bathing in the same bath water. Lucky for me I wasn't the oldest. :laugh: I had three siblings younger than me. In the summer time, we draped blankets from the trees to the back of the house for privacy and took our bathes outside. Fun times.
  • trish1960
    trish1960 Posts: 39
    Sounds like we were neighbors. And they beat the crap out of me with anything they could pick up / hold on to.
  • trish1960
    trish1960 Posts: 39
    My mom still hangs clothes out to dry. I'm always afraid a bird will crap on them and then you have to start all over again.
  • trish1960
    trish1960 Posts: 39
    I remember using the out house when my grandmother didn't have an indoor bathroom.
  • sarahbear119
    sarahbear119 Posts: 80 Member
    My only traumatic experience was flipping a four wheeler when I was 14, and then my face getting all cut up before picture day. Also all of the yardwork...
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I remember using the out house when my grandmother didn't have an indoor bathroom.

    Yup, grew up using an outhouse. At night when it was dark and too scary to go all the way to the outhouse, if we only had to pee, we would squat down right behind the house or even beside the house and pee there instead. During the winter we also had a pot to pee in inside the house. When it got full, we'd take it out to the outhouse to empty it.

    What a fun thread this is. :bigsmile:
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    My car seat as an infant was a laundry basket. When I was a kid, roaming without a car seat, I didn't fear an accident, I feared my mom with a flyswatter.

    :laugh: :laugh: Mine was my mom with her wooden spoon, LOL

    I never saw my mom use that wooden spoon for cooking.

    Neither did I, LOL. She would just go to the drawer and I would start running, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    HAHAHAHA!!!! My mom used the wooden spoon on us too!! Or a hairbrush, whichever was closest to her at the time! :laugh:
  • Wow, LOVE this thread, just LOVE it ta pieces!!
    -Riding bikes w/o helmets and/or a friend on the handlebars
    -Crashing said bike and losing chunks of flesh but being more worried about getting in trouble for damaging the bike and/or cloths
    -Drinking out of the garden hose if you were outside and thirsty
    -Being forced to eat liver for dinner at least once a month :P
    -Riding in the open back of pickup truck, or hanging legs off the open end of the pickup truck
    -Thinking a garbage bag would make a great parachut and being encouraged by my mother to try it off the roof of the house
    -8:00pm bed time, even in the summer when the sun was still up. :(
    -Summer Vacation was picking weeds in the yard on Saturdays. :(
    -Playing Kickball in the street.
    -"Swimming" in any and all creeks, ponds, mud puddles.
    -Trip to the "Water park" was the sprinkler in the front yard.
    -Fancy "Rich" friends who had the Slip N Slide along with their sprinklers.
    -Being forced to ware plaid polyster bell bottoms.
    -Insisting the WHOLE family had to pile into the car in the middle of the summer at high noon to ride to the gas station and get in the gas lines during the 70's, when EVERY car had cheap black plastic seats that fused with your flesh in the summer heat.
    -Only going to the hospital if a bone was showing or a bandaid couldn't stop the bleeding.
    -Being told, after falling out of the back of the pickup while it was moving, "Quit playing around and act like you got some sense!"

    Yes, I most definately have turned into one of the "old people" remembering walking 5 miles backward up a hill in the snow barefoot.....oh, that's another one...

    -Mom's great idea, "Get your brother and go out barefoot in the snow, I bet you can't make it to the street and back!" Then she locked the door behind us laughing.
    -Sleding in the snow on cookie sheets because there was "no reason to spend money a sled, you're small enough for a cookie sheet."

    Oh, just let me stop now...
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    I was 7 or 8 riding my little bike on a very busy street to ABC Liquor store with a note:

    "I give my permission to Joyce to purchase 2 packs of Pall Mall Red Cigarettes [mom's signature]"
    and THEY SOLD THEM TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: I could then buy a Chick-o-stick with the change ten cents! HAHAHAHAAA

    I also remember it was always a race to get grandpa his next Coors, if you got granpda the beer, you got to open it and have the first drink. :bigsmile: We were barely tall enough to open the fridge!!

    Man, at 43, I feel like an old timer! GOOD TIMES!!

    YES!!!!!!! I used to do this for my grandma! We got to buy candy cigarettes with the leftover change! I don't even think they sell candy cigarettes anymore.....
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