My parents tried to murder me.



  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    lol....yup that sounds about right....i was just talking to someone the other day about not wearing seat belts when we were little :tongue:
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I remember being packed in the back of my parents' hatchback, all four of us kids, without seatbelts OR car seats. We also lived by a highway, and we'd play out there without supervision for hours at a time. I think my mom and dad had it in for us. But, then, with four rowdy kids, who can blame them?

    Still, somehow we made it out of childhood alive.

    My brother DID break his arm sledding off the garage roof, but that's another story. Stupid is stupid, and that was stupid.

    I think it's time we develop kid-sized hamster balls wrapped in kevlar. I mean, how protected ARE our children?
  • joycemhall
    joycemhall Posts: 164 Member
    we used to stand up in the back of the truck bed while Dad drove down the gravel roads, or we'd sit on the tailgate & try to drag out feet. We ran all over the countryside with the snakes & coyotes and never thought twice about playing in the pasture. If the bull acted like he was gonna take us, we'd jump in a washed out ditch til he left. When Mom wanted us to come home, she'd holler out the back door for us & we'd straggle home eventually. Out of 7 kids, we all survived, and only had 1 snake bite LOL
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I may be alone in this, but I loved riding my bike with no helmet, walking home from school w/o my mom, sitting in the front seat of the car, riding my bike to the store to spend my allowance, and riding the bus to the mall when I was about 11. I knew to be respectful of people, not to talk back to my elders, to behave away from the house, because other people would call your mom on you. I wish my kids would have been able to experience that kind of "freedom". Now our kids live with us well in to their 20's and expect a handout. I guess I am getting old. lol!
  • samantharae121205
    So I was watching a YouTube video where these guys fall out of a truck, and for some reason it reminded me of my childhood.

    Pretty sure my parents didn't like me... I mean, I ate raw cookie doe, rare beef, we played lawn darts, had no idea what a seat belt was, rode in the bed of a pick up, went boating without like preservers, they made me push now the whole yard. I think I was the only 8 year old around that could drive a mule team. I had to cut tobacco until I puked, haul hay, shoot pigs in the head, strangle chickens to death. I ate mercury fish from the lake. There was a loaded M1 carbine in the kitchen, WITH OUT A TRIGGER LOCK! They wouldn't let me watch TV after 8 o'clock, I got a rope for Christmas one year. No matter bow hot, or cold, or rainy it was I had to go outside and play.

    Yup. They was trying to off me for sure.

    just b/c you didnt get every thing you wanted as a child and did things you didnt want to do doesnt mean your parents tried to murder you or disliked you!! what child doesnt like raw cookie doe!! and who the hell wore seatbelts that long ago!?!?. all those things your complainging about are called CHORES which every child should have (maybe not soo many but tht was then and this is now) no TV after 8 sounds good to me. 9 was my bedtime. (lights from a tv/comp trigger your brain tht its NOT bedtime and wont be soon) stop feeling sorry for yourself and be happy you had parents tht raised you. BECAUSE NO MATTER HOW BAD YOU THINK YOU HAD IT, THERES ALWAYS SOMEONE WHO HAD IT WORSE!!. k.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    haha... a rope for Christmas. That's awesome.

    You think your parents were bad? Not only did my parents not make me wear a seat belt, but they had me STAND UP in the center of the front bench seat so I didn't puke in the car. If we would have wrecked, I would have been the first to go. Yeah, they were definitely out to get me. :tongue:
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    My car seat as an infant was a laundry basket. When I was a kid, roaming without a car seat, I didn't fear an accident, I feared my mom with a flyswatter.
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    Sometimes it makes me sad that my kids can't have SOME of the experiences I had. There's no way I would like them to experience all of it. :wink:

    I grew up out in the boonies and had to walk 3 miles down a dirt road with my brother to get to our bus stop. Some days we would stop and swim in the creek on the way home, cut through the fields and look for snakes, or who knows what. Nobody ever knew where we were or what was going on.

    By the time I was in high school we live in another small town, but this one had paved roads. I had a boy walk me home from school and my mother had 3 phone calls before we made it home telling her all about it.

    So in small towns either nobody knows your business, or EVERYBODY knows your business. :noway:

    That was just the way of life. And look, we turned out "relatively" normal.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    My car seat as an infant was a laundry basket. When I was a kid, roaming without a car seat, I didn't fear an accident, I feared my mom with a flyswatter.

    You had a car seat? Wow, your parents must have spoiled you rotten.
  • samantharae121205
    I may be alone in this, but I loved riding my bike with no helmet, walking home from school w/o my mom, sitting in the front seat of the car, riding my bike to the store to spend my allowance, and riding the bus to the mall when I was about 11. I knew to be respectful of people, not to talk back to my elders, to behave away from the house, because other people would call your mom on you. I wish my kids would have been able to experience that kind of "freedom". Now our kids live with us well in to their 20's and expect a handout. I guess I am getting old. lol!

    thank you!! :) i believe i wouldnt be the strong independant women i am today if it wasnt for the way i was raised. of course i didnt like it (they were rules, lol. no one likes rule) but never would i talk down on my parents. this post kinda upset me.
  • joycemhall
    joycemhall Posts: 164 Member
    LOL@ fly swatter! We had to cut out own switches out of an oak tree. If they weren't big enough, she'd make us go get a bigger one
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    LOL...I was driving a tractor when I was 7 and I learned how to drive the stick shift pick up truck as soon as I could reach the pedals. I didn't even know that cars were supposed to have seatbelts until I took drivers ed (which was required by the state for me to get my DL even tho I already had been driving for almost 6 years!!)
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Ha!! Me too!! I walked alone, in bare feet and a bathing suit from my house to the YMCA. I ate snow cones, then went straight into the pool. I rode my bike all over the neighborhood without helmet or knee pads. And I love the comment about crawling between the back and the "way back" in the station wagon. Yup! Been there done that and went all the way from Arizona to Indiana in the back seat with no seatbelts!! I also did my own laundry by the time I was 10 and caught, cleaned, cooked and ate my own fish on camping trips!! Oh and we played all over the neighborhood without cell phones to check in with our parents and when the street lights came on we knew it was time to wander towards home. :-D
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Sounds familiar.
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    My car seat as an infant was a laundry basket. When I was a kid, roaming without a car seat, I didn't fear an accident, I feared my mom with a flyswatter.

    :laugh: :laugh: Mine was my mom with her wooden spoon, LOL
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    LOL...I was driving a tractor when I was 7 and I learned how to drive the stick shift pick up truck as soon as I could reach the pedals. I didn't even know that cars were supposed to have seatbelts until I took drivers ed (which was required by the state for me to get my DL even tho I already had been driving for almost 6 years!!)

    Yep, that was the life--before we had this super-anal political correctness stuff pushed on us!
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    I may be alone in this, but I loved riding my bike with no helmet, walking home from school w/o my mom, sitting in the front seat of the car, riding my bike to the store to spend my allowance, and riding the bus to the mall when I was about 11. I knew to be respectful of people, not to talk back to my elders, to behave away from the house, because other people would call your mom on you. I wish my kids would have been able to experience that kind of "freedom". Now our kids live with us well in to their 20's and expect a handout. I guess I am getting old. lol!

    thank you!! :) i believe i wouldnt be the strong independant women i am today if it wasnt for the way i was raised. of course i didnt like it (they were rules, lol. no one likes rule) but never would i talk down on my parents. this post kinda upset me.

    I think you misunderstood the original post.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Haha! I have a picture of myself holding a live possum my Dad and his brothers cought when I was 3! It was jumping out of my arms scratching me up! We were left home alone while my Mom worked because my Hyper ADD brother ran off all babysitters. He would wrestle me in serious sibling fights before he climbed up on the roof to chill (at 6-8 yrs old). My Dad was asleep because he worked midnights, which made it okay. Right? And I used to hang out the window at the gas station smelling the leaded gas! Both parents chain smoked in the car with windows rolled up, though, when the car was moving. Every single winter, the whole entire winter I was really sick with asthma, ear infections, you name it. My eardrums are scared so that i have a hearing loss! Yet they piled wool blankets on me (allergy) let the dog lay down with me (allergy) and kept me inside (smoking and mold) until summer where I learned I loved being outdoors where I felt like I could breath, and thought I had clostrophobia inside (cause I was not dying outside). My Mom was always on a diet so we had very little fruits, dairy, and only "diet" food. While my Dad was from the south and insisted all food was fried with a grease gravy topping and a side of only fatty things.
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I may be alone in this, but I loved riding my bike with no helmet, walking home from school w/o my mom, sitting in the front seat of the car, riding my bike to the store to spend my allowance, and riding the bus to the mall when I was about 11. I knew to be respectful of people, not to talk back to my elders, to behave away from the house, because other people would call your mom on you. I wish my kids would have been able to experience that kind of "freedom". Now our kids live with us well in to their 20's and expect a handout. I guess I am getting old. lol!

    thank you!! :) i believe i wouldnt be the strong independant women i am today if it wasnt for the way i was raised. of course i didnt like it (they were rules, lol. no one likes rule) but never would i talk down on my parents. this post kinda upset me.

    I think you misunderstood the original post.

    I got it, but this is my take on it! :)
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Okay, maybe I'm wrong but I totally took this post as the original poster being funny & NOT literally accusing their parents of trying to murder them!!! Geez!!!! It's sure gave me some laughs this morning and in no way has upset me!!! :flowerforyou: