My parents tried to murder me.



  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    My car seat as an infant was a laundry basket. When I was a kid, roaming without a car seat, I didn't fear an accident, I feared my mom with a flyswatter.

    :laugh: :laugh: Mine was my mom with her wooden spoon, LOL

    I never saw my mom use that wooden spoon for cooking.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I hear ya! My parents made us ride in the back of the truck too. And we played in the weeds, the tops of trees, jumped off our (one story) house, played in my uncle's pig pen and pastures, and grain silos, our coal house, all kinds of dirty, filthy places and never heard of hand sanitizers. It's a complete miracle I reached the age of 57. And not only that, my mean mother, had the nerve to make me eat food I hated. HOMINY!!! I knew that stuff was going to kill me some day and my mom would be so sorry. Or I would freeze to death (in Missouri) on the way out to the coal house to get coal at night and when I didn't come back eventually she would come looking for me and find me frozen solid. And the school was just as bad. Why when I was in grade school (in a little tiny town in northern Missouri) if one of us got a spanking at school. (yup, that was allowed) we would have gotten another spanking at home! WHAT! My mother would have sided with the teacher!! And soap in the mouth for cussing! We could have been poisened by having to injest Ivory soap! And Bibles in the school!! We not only had Bibles in the school but we were forced to go door to door and sell Bible pictures. I actually won a King James version Bible one year for being forced to sell the most Bible pictures. Talk about child labor laws being broken! As I recall, I don't think it occurred to anyone to be offended by it. Where was the ACLU back then when we needed them? Oh I could go on and on but I have to get down on my knees right now and thank God for giving me the mean parents He did. Ooops, I hope I don't get this thread locked because someone gets offended for using God's name here.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I think it makes people tougher when they get older. Everyone is a bunch of pansies now. I too had to always play. I went sledriding down a hill that is now "forbidden" heck we dropped water on it to make it icy. I rode my bike down huge hills, flipped over the handle bars and got told to "not cry" ahhh back in the day :laugh:
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Just have to add to this because my co-worker who is a new mom was just talking about taking her baby to the doctor (YES, the Doctor) to get his fingernails clipped and how she has a hard time keeping his little mittens on in his car seat because she does not want him to scratch his face (he's 4 months old). Makes me think of the stories my husband tells of him and his cousins when they were little if any one of them got sick with chicken pocks or mumps (really?? he tells it that way!) or anything contagious they'd all have to go and bunk with them so they'd all get sick at once and "get it over with"!! Yup, guess his parents tried and amazingly did not succeed in murdering him too!!
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    I love the subtle "kids today have it to easy today" rants. It is such fresh ground to plow. Here are a couple of my favorite quotes on the subject. It is such fresh ground to plow

    "What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?" (Socrates 3rd century BC)

    "I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint" (Hesiod, 8th century BC).
  • joycemhall
    joycemhall Posts: 164 Member
    That possum comment made me remember I had a pet possum when I was in 4th grade. I took it to school for show and tell.

    And 3 of us kids slept upstairs where there was no heat. We slept under piles of blankets & there was ice on the insides of the windows
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    My car seat as an infant was a laundry basket. When I was a kid, roaming without a car seat, I didn't fear an accident, I feared my mom with a flyswatter.

    :laugh: :laugh: Mine was my mom with her wooden spoon, LOL

    I never saw my mom use that wooden spoon for cooking.

    Neither did I, LOL. She would just go to the drawer and I would start running, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Wow, reading these posts almost makes me want to cancel our daycare contract and force my kids to ride the bus home and fend for themselves in the afternoons... how bad can it be?
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    My car seat as an infant was a laundry basket. When I was a kid, roaming without a car seat, I didn't fear an accident, I feared my mom with a flyswatter.

    My mom ALWAYS had a wooden spoon with her!! In the car, in her purse... you name it. and then there was her shoe...
    When I was about 8, I was in charge of waking my 3 yr old brother up, getting him dressed for the babysitter, WALK him to the babysitter while I went to school. Picked him up on my way home from school, started dinner, wash the dishes that were in the sink (by hand! *gasp*) and do a load of laundry before my mom got home. Often if she worked overtime (she did it as often as poss- to get extra money) I would have to feed him and sometimes bathe him and put him to bed. My older brother (14) played sports and had a girlfriend so he was hardly home....
    WTF??!! Can you IMAGINE if we did that now??!!

    I remember we used to take road trips in our station wagon with family friends: 2 moms, 8 (yes 8) kids, a GIANT slobbery st. bernard and all of our camping gear... and NO air!! Windows down.. We'd drive like that for 6-8 hours.... I have NO idea how we survived those days!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I'm loving these stories! Awesome!

    I can remember exactly what my dad said when he took the rope away, " Your momma always dropping things" I think that may have been a reference to brain damage.

    We had this idiotic game called superman. We would tie our ankles together and run through the woods. The first one to fall won. Or maybe lost? I don't remember.
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    So I was watching a YouTube video where these guys fall out of a truck, and for some reason it reminded me of my childhood.

    Pretty sure my parents didn't like me... I mean, I ate raw cookie doe, rare beef, we played lawn darts, had no idea what a seat belt was, rode in the bed of a pick up, went boating without like preservers, they made me push now the whole yard. I think I was the only 8 year old around that could drive a mule team. I had to cut tobacco until I puked, haul hay, shoot pigs in the head, strangle chickens to death. I ate mercury fish from the lake. There was a loaded M1 carbine in the kitchen, WITH OUT A TRIGGER LOCK! They wouldn't let me watch TV after 8 o'clock, I got a rope for Christmas one year. No matter bow hot, or cold, or rainy it was I had to go outside and play.

    Yup. They was trying to off me for sure.

    just b/c you didnt get every thing you wanted as a child and did things you didnt want to do doesnt mean your parents tried to murder you or disliked you!! what child doesnt like raw cookie doe!! and who the hell wore seatbelts that long ago!?!?. all those things your complainging about are called CHORES which every child should have (maybe not soo many but tht was then and this is now) no TV after 8 sounds good to me. 9 was my bedtime. (lights from a tv/comp trigger your brain tht its NOT bedtime and wont be soon) stop feeling sorry for yourself and be happy you had parents tht raised you. BECAUSE NO MATTER HOW BAD YOU THINK YOU HAD IT, THERES ALWAYS SOMEONE WHO HAD IT WORSE!!. k.

    Dear Samantharae121: It's humor (a.k.a sarcasm). He's not seriously implying that his parents mistreated him.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    My car seat as an infant was a laundry basket. When I was a kid, roaming without a car seat, I didn't fear an accident, I feared my mom with a flyswatter.

    My mom ALWAYS had a wooden spoon with her!! In the car, in her purse... you name it. and then there was her shoe...
    When I was about 8, I was in charge of waking my 3 yr old brother up, getting him dressed for the babysitter, WALK him to the babysitter while I went to school. Picked him up on my way home from school, started dinner, wash the dishes that were in the sink (by hand! *gasp*) and do a load of laundry before my mom got home. Often if she worked overtime (she did it as often as poss- to get extra money) I would have to feed him and sometimes bathe him and put him to bed. My older brother (14) played sports and had a girlfriend so he was hardly home....
    WTF??!! Can you IMAGINE if we did that now??!!

    I remember we used to take road trips in our station wagon with family friends: 2 moms, 8 (yes 8) kids, a GIANT slobbery st. bernard and all of our camping gear... and NO air!! Windows down.. We'd drive like that for 6-8 hours.... I have NO idea how we survived those days!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    The station wagon was an amazing playground on long family trips (I was an only child so I had it all to myself). Only time it was a curse was when it was the vehicle they wanted you to use on dates (hinting that the seats folded down pretty much nixed that idea though). naughty.gif
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    OH! And what about the 4th of July fireworks??!! Remember the sparklers on the wires??? How many of you have scars on your feet because when we ran around barefoot while playing with them we stepped on a hot one that was left (thrown) on the ground??!!
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I love these stories of "back in the day"!!
    I remember putting on my bathing suit at night when I was 5-6 yrs old, and running up and down the street in the middle of a summer thunderstorm! Every time the thunder would clap, my brother and I would race back to the covered porch where my parents sat and watched us. I got looked at like I was crazy by my hubby when I suggested our kids go run in the rain. Apparently he was sheltered as a child. :ohwell:
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    So I was watching a YouTube video where these guys fall out of a truck, and for some reason it reminded me of my childhood.

    Pretty sure my parents didn't like me... I mean, I ate raw cookie doe, rare beef, we played lawn darts, had no idea what a seat belt was, rode in the bed of a pick up, went boating without like preservers, they made me push now the whole yard. I think I was the only 8 year old around that could drive a mule team. I had to cut tobacco until I puked, haul hay, shoot pigs in the head, strangle chickens to death. I ate mercury fish from the lake. There was a loaded M1 carbine in the kitchen, WITH OUT A TRIGGER LOCK! They wouldn't let me watch TV after 8 o'clock, I got a rope for Christmas one year. No matter bow hot, or cold, or rainy it was I had to go outside and play.

    Yup. They was trying to off me for sure.

    just b/c you didnt get every thing you wanted as a child and did things you didnt want to do doesnt mean your parents tried to murder you or disliked you!! what child doesnt like raw cookie doe!! and who the hell wore seatbelts that long ago!?!?. all those things your complainging about are called CHORES which every child should have (maybe not soo many but tht was then and this is now) no TV after 8 sounds good to me. 9 was my bedtime. (lights from a tv/comp trigger your brain tht its NOT bedtime and wont be soon) stop feeling sorry for yourself and be happy you had parents tht raised you. BECAUSE NO MATTER HOW BAD YOU THINK YOU HAD IT, THERES ALWAYS SOMEONE WHO HAD IT WORSE!!. k.

    Dear Samantharae121: It's humor (a.k.a sarcasm). He's not seriously implying that his parents mistreated him.
    Wow missed that post. Picard.gif

    makes me want to slapcry.gif

    Umm Samantharae121 that last smilie was strictly in humor...I don't really want to slap you. ok maybe a little. leghumper.gif
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    We had fireworks on 4th of july, too. The whole month leading up to it we would walk to the store (alone and barely old enough) buy these things, then set them off in our own back yards unsupervised! I was forever trying to save the dogs who kept trying to sniff them as the kids lit them. One kid (I cannot make this up) notoriously put one in his mouth, lit it, and blew up his lips! That never stopped us with our roman candles at 8-9 yrs old!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    We also sunbathed with baby oil on midday in Mississippi.
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    We also sunbathed with baby oil on midday in Mississippi.

    :laugh: :laugh: My friends and I did that all the time.
  • CorydonCutie
    CorydonCutie Posts: 185 Member
    Are you my long lost brother??
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Options minister tried to drown me when I was 5.

    Know you know why I am an atheist. firedevil.gif
