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My parents tried to murder me.



  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Pfft...my minister tried to drown me when I was 5.

    Know you know why I am an atheist. firedevil.gif

    This that is funny. It was during my baptism. eek3.gif
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    OH! And what about the 4th of July fireworks??!! Remember the sparklers on the wires??? How many of you have scars on your feet because when we ran around barefoot while playing with them we stepped on a hot one that was left (thrown) on the ground??!!

    Ha! Ha! I have scars from last year!
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    thanks for this! sometimes I think kids these days are too sheltered. I recall a story my parents tell from when I was a baby on a trip out of state they put a matress on top of all the luggage in the back seat & that's where I slept the whole trip. it was like a little matress hammock.

    I don't use hand sanitizer. if my kids want to eat food off the floor at home, I let them - in fact I make them if they purposely drop the food. they play outside with sticks, rocks, etc... and have to use their imaginations!

    I don't think kids are too sheltered, I think that our society has made it more acceptable for horrific crimes against our children. Parents have to "shelter" our kids because now your neighbor could be a sex offender and he's part of a club that hunts your child on the internet. We as a culture do not teach children manners and accoutability and we wonder why they are growing up as criminals. We allow our young girls to dress half naked and teach them that sex is the only way to show their self worth!! With a lack of education and lack of morals floating around, it's no wonder...

    You used to come home from school and do your homework, spend the evenings around the table with your family and the weekends at church...shoot you even had a Dad (that you feared) in the home when you went to bed. Now that is a joke and our kids suffer...OK enough of my rant... and yes I am a single Mother and I fight like hell everyday to raise my kids like the good ol' days... <just saying>

    ...but I do find these memories hilarious and I love this post...I have a laundry list of my own. Like eating Halloween candy before it was checked and going dirt bike riding without helmets, or how about trying beer at like 6...WTH??!! LOLOL
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    I may be alone in this, but I loved riding my bike with no helmet, walking home from school w/o my mom, sitting in the front seat of the car, riding my bike to the store to spend my allowance, and riding the bus to the mall when I was about 11. I knew to be respectful of people, not to talk back to my elders, to behave away from the house, because other people would call your mom on you. I wish my kids would have been able to experience that kind of "freedom". Now our kids live with us well in to their 20's and expect a handout. I guess I am getting old. lol!

    thank you!! :) i believe i wouldnt be the strong independant women i am today if it wasnt for the way i was raised. of course i didnt like it (they were rules, lol. no one likes rule) but never would i talk down on my parents. this post kinda upset me.

    I think you misunderstood the original post.

    I got it, but this is my take on it! :)

    Sorry, but I meant to direct that toward the person who replied to you :flowerforyou:
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I may be alone in this, but I loved riding my bike with no helmet, walking home from school w/o my mom, sitting in the front seat of the car, riding my bike to the store to spend my allowance, and riding the bus to the mall when I was about 11. I knew to be respectful of people, not to talk back to my elders, to behave away from the house, because other people would call your mom on you. I wish my kids would have been able to experience that kind of "freedom". Now our kids live with us well in to their 20's and expect a handout. I guess I am getting old. lol!

    I wish the same...
  • jmzhale
    jmzhale Posts: 186
    Wow, nearly everyone of these posts appy to me, from pet possums to riding in the back of the truck to cutting tobacco. My dad actually RAN OVER ME with a breaking plow, had me chasing fish over to him in a shallow pond while he shot them, and hit me in the arm with an axe. I can remember when I was about 9 or 10 me and some friends actually taking a chainsaw and an axe to the woods to cut down trees to make a fort.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Wow, nearly everyone of these posts appy to me, from pet possums to riding in the back of the truck to cutting tobacco. My dad actually RAN OVER ME with a breaking plow, had me chasing fish over to him in a shallow pond while he shot them, and hit me in the arm with an axe. I can remember when I was about 9 or 10 me and some friends actually taking a chainsaw and an axe to the woods to cut down trees to make a fort.

    It was great, wasn't it?

    The only time I ever heard my dad curse was when he buried a hatched in his leg. He told me the only time it was ok to curse was when you were getting shot, or on fire.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I remember a couple times I really did almost die. Once I climbed a tree as far up as I could go then started swaying back and forth to see how far I could sway. All of a sudden the limb broke and I was left hanging upside down. Luckily for me it was a young healthy tree and the limb didn't break completely off. I have no idea how I got down but I must have been holding on for dear life because I don't think I fell out of the tree. I don't remember anything after the limb breaking.

    The other time was when I was riding down a really steep hill on the bicycle really fast and trying to go even faster with my little sister on the back. All of a sudden the bike started wobbling and I started to ask my little sister if she was doing it when all of a sudden we toppled and went sliding down the hill. Fortunately for us we lived in a tiny town and there wasn't a lot of traffic. After we quit sliding, I picked up the wrecked bike and my llittle sister and we started wallking hom. I had torn a chunk out of my knee and unknown at the time lost my glasses. I was bawling all the way home more because I just knew my mom was going to kill me for wrecking the bike and for hurting my little sister. I kept asking her if she was okay because I knew I was a dead girl as soon as I got home and my mom saw what had happened. Fortunately fate was smiling on me because Mom was more concerned about me and my sister being ok that what condition the bike was in. My brother when back to the scene of the accident and found my glasses, (fortunately they hadn't gotten run over) and said there were berries all up and down the road. We had picked berries at our uncle's farm. For years and years I had a big purple lump on my knee from that accident. Very gradually over the years it finally shrunk and faded until it's gone.

    Yup, I'm lucky to be alive. :laugh:
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    What an awesome post!!! To add my own -- I remember fighting my 3 brothers for the window seat -- you know -- the ledge under the back window :)

    I remember being gone all day -- rain or shine -- warm or cold -- we just played and wandered. Rode our bikes everywhere. Ate whole hot dogs while running in the back yard. I was always outside in thunderstorms -- stomping thru mud puddles --counting to see how far away the storm was.

    Our local pool was right next to a cemetary. My mom would park and we would run to the water spout and soak ourselves then tell the pool guards that our stamp washed off. She would sit in the car or run errands while we went swimming. Mind you -- I was 8 -- the next brother was 6 and the next was 4 -- the youngest was 2 but he stayed with mom.

    And to the poster who was upset -- I honestly don't think the OP meant any disrespect. It may seem a lame comparison -- but how many times during a work out do we say "Jillian's trying to kill me" or whatever machine or program or trainer you have. yes the world is a dangerous place -- it always has been. Our job as parents is to try and protect our children from harm. I think most people here meant this all "tongue in cheek". And they all realize that there are parents out there that literally and intentionally harm and kill their children. This was not meant to disrespect those victims in any way :)
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    @jacquejl- Thanks, I'm not the type to get rubbed the wrong way, I love to share! :flowerforyou:
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I love this thread, guys. Everything about it.

    I used to climb trees, play baseball in the street, hop my bike off curbs without a helmet on, ride in the back of a pickup, and generally get hurt a lot.
    Totally worth it.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I like to think of our survival as natural selection. We survived thus able to carry on humanity.

    Now that ANY kid can survive into adulthood...
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    So I was watching a YouTube video where these guys fall out of a truck, and for some reason it reminded me of my childhood.

    Pretty sure my parents didn't like me... I mean, I ate raw cookie doe, rare beef, we played lawn darts, had no idea what a seat belt was, rode in the bed of a pick up, went boating without like preservers, they made me push now the whole yard. I think I was the only 8 year old around that could drive a mule team. I had to cut tobacco until I puked, haul hay, shoot pigs in the head, strangle chickens to death. I ate mercury fish from the lake. There was a loaded M1 carbine in the kitchen, WITH OUT A TRIGGER LOCK! They wouldn't let me watch TV after 8 o'clock, I got a rope for Christmas one year. No matter bow hot, or cold, or rainy it was I had to go outside and play.

    Yup. They was trying to off me for sure.

    I had to clean 8 stalls every morning, then feed 30 horses and take a shower and get to the school bus by 7:00. If I missed it I'd have to get my dad up which is worse than walking 12 miles. I did quite a bit of what you listed plus clean every orifice on a horse and buck 20 ton of hay by myself because my brother had hay fever. No playing outside ever. TV? Hahahaahahahahahahahaha.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    CrazySteve, you might relate to this- I remember staying the night with friends, I would be out of bed and dressed by six wondering where everyone else was. I had no idea some people slept past 6 o'clock.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I love these stories of "back in the day"!!
    I remember putting on my bathing suit at night when I was 5-6 yrs old, and running up and down the street in the middle of a summer thunderstorm! Every time the thunder would clap, my brother and I would race back to the covered porch where my parents sat and watched us. I got looked at like I was crazy by my hubby when I suggested our kids go run in the rain. Apparently he was sheltered as a child. :ohwell:

    Oh I remember doing that. We loved playing in the rain! And during tornado season, Mom would let us go running up the hill to the other end of the block while it was storming and raining and then she would get worried because we took too long coming back. :laugh: We didn't have tornado sirens in our tiny town so she and our neighbor would watch the skies and listen to the radio to know if we needed to go inside and take cover or not. We didn't have a basement so under the kitchen table was our shelter. Awww, those were the good ole days.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I went out and washed my hair in a thunderstorm once...just cuz it sounded like fun

    and theres always this
    me and my lil bro ...back when i was skinny no less
  • lmao
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    So I was watching a YouTube video where these guys fall out of a truck, and for some reason it reminded me of my childhood.

    Pretty sure my parents didn't like me... I mean, I ate raw cookie doe, rare beef, we played lawn darts, had no idea what a seat belt was, rode in the bed of a pick up, went boating without like preservers, they made me push now the whole yard. I think I was the only 8 year old around that could drive a mule team. I had to cut tobacco until I puked, haul hay, shoot pigs in the head, strangle chickens to death. I ate mercury fish from the lake. There was a loaded M1 carbine in the kitchen, WITH OUT A TRIGGER LOCK! They wouldn't let me watch TV after 8 o'clock, I got a rope for Christmas one year. No matter bow hot, or cold, or rainy it was I had to go outside and play.

    Yup. They was trying to off me for sure.

    just b/c you didnt get every thing you wanted as a child and did things you didnt want to do doesnt mean your parents tried to murder you or disliked you!! what child doesnt like raw cookie doe!! and who the hell wore seatbelts that long ago!?!?. all those things your complainging about are called CHORES which every child should have (maybe not soo many but tht was then and this is now) no TV after 8 sounds good to me. 9 was my bedtime. (lights from a tv/comp trigger your brain tht its NOT bedtime and wont be soon) stop feeling sorry for yourself and be happy you had parents tht raised you. BECAUSE NO MATTER HOW BAD YOU THINK YOU HAD IT, THERES ALWAYS SOMEONE WHO HAD IT WORSE!!. k.

    Uhmmm....someone doesn't understand sarcasm. God forbid they ever read Johnathan Swift. They might actually try to eat a baby.
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,330 Member
    Riding bikes with no helmets with a friend on the handlebars.

    Also I remember being pulled behind my friends bike wearing the adjustable metal roller skates with the metal wheels, having the butterfly screw come lose (because the vibration on the road was intense) and practically breaking my ankle.

    Fun times indeed :smile:
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Yep, did a lot of those things! Those were fun times. Living on the edge...until the law stepped in. haha

    I remember my brother and I taking turns climbing up in the back window area of the car. We'd wait for Dad to slam on the brakes that sent us flying!!
    No one thought of the danger...just the fun and giggles. :)
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    I remember being so excited when my first friend was old enough to get an old beat up truck...

    We would tie a rope from the hitch to the handle on a metal trash can lid. Then we'd take turns sitting on the lid while he torn through the field, with no helmets.

    Whoever held on longest got bragging rights that week. I think we quite possibly all received concussions - but wouldn't dare tell our parents...
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Riding bikes with no helmets with a friend on the handlebars.

    Also I remember being pulled behind my friends bike wearing the adjustable metal roller skates with the metal wheels, having the butterfly screw come lose (because the vibration on the road was intense) and practically breaking my ankle.

    Fun times indeed :smile:
    Last year I was still mt bike riding with no helmet and sandals.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    Mine too! They made me shovel snow on snow days. Expected me to get good grades and did not reward me with anything when I did. I even got my *kitten* beat when on the rare occasion I answered back.

    Should of reported them to child protective services!
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    George Carlin on children:

  • sunshine269
    sunshine269 Posts: 8 Member
    My parents actually let me drink water out of the garden hose!! Can you believe it??!!!! LOL :bigsmile:
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I was 7 or 8 riding my little bike on a very busy street to ABC Liquor store with a note:

    "I give my permission to Joyce to purchase 2 packs of Pall Mall Red Cigarettes [mom's signature]"
    and THEY SOLD THEM TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: I could then buy a Chick-o-stick with the change ten cents! HAHAHAHAAA

    I also remember it was always a race to get grandpa his next Coors, if you got granpda the beer, you got to open it and have the first drink. :bigsmile: We were barely tall enough to open the fridge!!

    Man, at 43, I feel like an old timer! GOOD TIMES!!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I was 7 or 8 riding my little bike on a very busy street to ABC Liquor store with a note:

    "I give my permission to Joyce to purchase 2 packs of Pall Mall Red Cigarettes [mom's signature]"
    and THEY SOLD THEM TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: I could then buy a Chick-o-stick with the change ten cents! HAHAHAHAAA

    I also remember it was always a race to get grandpa his next Coors, if you got granpda the beer, you got to open it and have the first drink. :bigsmile: We were barely tall enough to open the fridge!!

    Man, at 43, I feel like an old timer! GOOD TIMES!!
    My parents helped my teething with rubbing brandy on my gums.

    When extremely thirsty at the park, we drank water directly out of the sprinklers (because 99% of the time the fountain was broken).
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    CrazySteve, you might relate to this- I remember staying the night with friends, I would be out of bed and dressed by six wondering where everyone else was. I had no idea some people slept past 6 o'clock.

    That and when I was at my friend's and he said "gimme a fork, mom" I about shat myself. My head spun around looking for the swift retribution. Parents asking their kids what they wanted to eat was foreign to me.

    There were perks though. My dad treated us like men. We drank beer, drove trucks and tractors starting at 11, and learned how to work. Finding people who work as hard as me and my brother is rare to impossible, but they're out there. We also learned that everything falls on your shoulders, don't expect others to pick up any slack. Still, my dad was an *kitten*, I can't lie.

    Here's another good one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnmMNdiCz_s
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    love reading these. the good ol' days.
    i guess i am trying to kill my granddaughters. i make them walk from school to my house. it takes 10 minutes. while my neighbor drives to pick her son up.
    i was just talking to someone today about hanging out clothes to dry. he said people don't that anymore. well, i do.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    love reading these. the good ol' days.
    i guess i am trying to kill my granddaughters. i make them walk from school to my house. it takes 10 minutes. while my neighbor drives to pick her son up.
    i was just talking to someone today about hanging out clothes to dry. he said people don't that anymore. well, i do.

    Nothing beats sun dried bed sheets!
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