I just got called 'prego'. Super cool.

Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
By my wonderful sister in law. -dripping with sarcasm-

I don't give a damn if it was a joke or not, I'm already upset about my (non)weightloss adventures and I've already cried here at work.

Way to add insult to injury, from someone in my FAMILY. Then again, I can't ever expect anything other than that from the inlaws.


  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I'd be a little upset too.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm sorry! Family can be the worst critics... Don't let it get to you tho.. she's just jealous that your doing something healthy while she's not!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    I am sorry that happened to you! Not right at all! Just keep you head up and keep up with your weightloss adventure! You have my support!
  • asheia
    asheia Posts: 7
    That's really mean. I'm so sorry she said that to you. It really is spiteful and in no way an acceptable joke.

    Tuck away the anger and hurt and use the energy at the gym.
  • mossmommy
    mossmommy Posts: 63
    Just use it as motivation! I was down 20 lbs and got asked when I was due by a lady in a store. Really?!? I was all pumped because I thought I was looking good, apparently I was just looking like I was expecting. You've just got to take all that negative and turn it into your positive. Work out, get angry, use that energy, and whatever you do don't let it defeat you. More of a reason to lose and shove it in her face, right?! :happy:
  • CMH24
    CMH24 Posts: 101 Member
    I think the only way to get it to stop is to be blunt with them and not take it. If they think it's funny AND they think YOU think it's funny, they will keep that "joke" going! Tell them it isn't funny, because it isn't! You are BEAUTIFUL, just know that :)
  • im so sorry this happened to you.. i know how that feels. joke or not that hurts!! your beautiful just always remember that! Use this as motivation not something that slows you down. stay strong and i know youll get to your goal!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Thank you everyone. You guys managed to take some of the sting of it away. Happy thoughts needed now. lol.
  • Ezada
    Ezada Posts: 207 Member
    *Sends you happy vibes*
    I hate when people make comments like that, especially family. My mother made it a point yesterday (when I posted on my FB that I was at the gym for 25min) that she came home, ate an ice cream bar and napped. My mother is naturally skinny so that just added insult to injury. Thanks Mom for that.

    So to get my spirits back up a friend and I got on MFP and looked up success stories, pointed at peoples after photos and said "That is going to be me"

    You can do this! Have faith in yourself and don't let the haters get you down. <3
  • My3Rayz
    My3Rayz Posts: 373
    :explode: I'm sorry but I would have to slap her or call her ugly or dumb or something equally mean!!

    J/K (sort of). Don't let it get you down, just keep doing what you're doing and work on some nasty zingers to get her back :wink:
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    I got my Ex caught between me and the wife of the CFO at one job because she asked me when I was due. . .left that xmas party in hysterical tears . .some people are just rude.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Uh wow. She's a b****.
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    Your sister in law is a B#$#@ You should of punched her in the throat. That is all.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Losing weight is tough, but it's a LOT harder to fix someone who is truly ugly on the inside.
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    Some people are so rude!!! I had a male customer tell me "oh looks like you're putting on weight!" I was so pissed. Just keep your head up high, and keep working towards your goal, and then rub it in her face :laugh:
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    This is the second time I've been called prego-looking. The first time was gossip behind my back about a year ago from, take a guess, ANOTHER in law! If I didn't love my husband so much.. oh mannn.

    This time hurt so much worse. She called me that in a PUBLIC facebook comment to my status, so now everyone can see.
    So many cuss words are floating through my head right now, ha.
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    you SIL is a real *kitten*!!! don't mind her. family can be harsh at times... Your weight loss journey is for you, yourself and you only, if you want to do it then it's for YOU and not for others... don't mind her, she's just jealous of something that you have and that she has not... Please don't cry,, you can do this if you are motivated enough and keep it up
  • TonyTrinch
    TonyTrinch Posts: 48
    This is the second time I've been called prego-looking. The first time was gossip behind my back about a year ago from, take a guess, ANOTHER in law! If I didn't love my husband so much.. oh mannn.

    This time hurt so much worse. She called me that in a PUBLIC facebook comment to my status, so now everyone can see.
    So many cuss words are floating through my head right now, ha.

    Yikes! That's when you do something called "De-friend." Don't give them access to post on your wall if they don't know how to act like human beings, I don't care if they are your hubby's family. If you don't know how to act human, you don't get to be a part of my life, period end of the story. Don't care who you are are how we're connected.

    You commented earlier, "That's just how my in-laws are" or something to that effect. That's great, I think it's important to understand who and how folks are and not set myself up by expecting different from them; however, I also think it's important not to stop there and excuse their horrible behavior because "that's who they are." I liked the "punch them in the neck" comment someone else made, let's make that the new "that's who SHE is" when they refer to you! :D
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    My sister in law would resort to that kind of nastiness also. You have every right to feel upset about it. BUT . . . I know what kind of revenge I would be seeking.

    I am sorry that your journey has not been as fast moving as you would like. Try to up the ante a little if you can. I am surprised at how making just a few small changes can make a difference.

    I hope you can quickly put your SIL's unkind words behind you and get back in the game.

    Good luck!
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