Shop Craigslist I have gotten over 1000lbs for under $500. Their is no real reason to invest in Rogue equipment unless you are doing high volume Olympic lifting. For the most part find some stuff locally to get started and then if everybody is using it then start to invest in better equipment. Here is an example of…
The people that say don't curl in the squat rack.
wendler 5/3/1 Why the gender specific post Bodybuilding is bodybuilding. Just get strong and look good doing it :tongue:
Work will win when wishing won’t.
I train because stronger people are harder to kill. :devil: I train for pure pleasure to break those personal records. I train because the weight room doesn't lie or cheat. I train because it is simple you either can or you can't.
It is an attempt to make being fat a disease and not a choice.
Yeah I have that too especially after a cardio session or a marathon weight training session. I don't think it is anything to worry about unless you like the fat.
Black Coffee
Their is nothing you can do it is genetics be proud of what you got if they aren't flabby be happy.
I had a nice conversation with a doctor about my BMI by the classification I am obese due to my height and size but after a long discussion with the doctor he stated their would be no way for me to obtain a normal BMI because of actual muscle mass. So the BMI system is flawed stick with body fat %
If he has a herniated disk Squats are out also he said he has time issues. 2 sets are working sets 70% of ORM. You should always do 1 to 2 warmup sets prior to going heavy
I actually started off with this and I have had really solid strength gains. Here is a good 3 day split working Mon, Wed, Fri or whatever works for you. Legs • Leg Presses: 3 Sets x 12 Reps • Leg Curls: 2 Sets x 12 Reps • Standing Calf Raises: 2 Sets x 12 Reps (Calf raise on Leg press Machine Chest/Shoulders • Flat Barbell…
Depends if you have the wii fit on carpet the digital scale would be more accurate. Either way pick one and stick with it
Check out Machine Gun Kelly Here is a link to a free copy of his mixtape Lace Up check out song number 7 Fantasy Oh and he just got signed to Bad Boy Records
CHEAT it will help you keep your sanity.
Quote button pushed A bump keeps the thread relevant Reply is a reply What I want to know is what is an NSV
You shouldn't be sore immediately following your workout but the next day you should be. Up your weight and lower your rep range and do around 3 sets for each exercise.
The day after someone talks to me in the gym I have a shirt that I wear to discourage conversations again it might be rude but it is MY time and it is precious. The shirt reads Shut Up And Train
Animalpak vitamins/minerals, ZMA, Cellucor C4 pre workout
That is not correct either the MFP formula that is used seperates lifestyle and exercise to get a more precise caloric value.
This is bad advice MFP is set up to be at a caloric deficit even if you remain sedentary. If you do not eat your excercise calories you will most likely put yourself in starvation mode.
For Hip Hop fans Machine Gun Kelly Lace Up album is fast paced and keeps you going also it's a free download.
- their is a daily workout on their site
I am looking at Minneapolis, MN - 08/27/2011
30 minutes for 249 calories I am 5'11 221lbs
Eat them back here is a link you should checkout