

  • I have no clue BUT the same thing happens with me. I weighed less when I DIDN'T work out. I generally eat the same way which is fairly healthy! The only thing I can think of is our muscles possibly swell and maybe working out everyday isnt always the best for our bodies.....
  • You know I am in girl- Let start today and by next Friday have lost and kept off 1 lb! We can start small then finish BIG!
  • I've tried them all and honestly save your money. they are all crap! Maybe try drinking some tea...try I just bought the carmel slender...
  • Just make sure your body doesnt go into starvation mode by having a huge deficit in calories.... you dont want it to hold onto the food thinking it's not going to be refueled. Stupid I know, but thats how our lovely bodies work...
  • I say swtich gyms! I had that same problem at a gym right around the block from I changed gyms and LOVE going! Try finding one with classes. It changes up the monotomy (I hope I spelled that right) and keeps you motivated and looking forward to going! And like abbie38 said turn up that iPod and block everyone…
  • I read a magazine article on it in the Fitness magazine. People swear by it...I'd rather drink the galss of wine ;o) But I went on the website and I'm not entirely sure I would take it...but then again I think I've tried everything there is under the sun!
  • Spaghetti Squash is awesome if you are missing noodles, and next to no carbs! Also I just bought the Sninny DIsh by Bethenny Frankle and honestly there are a ton of recipes with a ton of alterations to make something so simple healthy and enjoyable! I recommend it!
  • Gosh, I'm not sure how long it will last. I know I had problems a year or so ago and it took months for them to find a BC that worked well with my body. Def contact your doctor. BUT a food that helps with excess water is melon, primarily cantelope! Give it try, hope it helps!
  • Hey! Congrats on the loss! I just started on here last Friday, and like you have become addicted!