How to beat the "Birth Control Bloat?"

Had my IUD removed last week and started Ortho Cyclen on Sunday. Eating healthy, mild exercise (can't do much with the new dizziness and nausea, lol), and eating my exercise calories. Weighing-in at the same time and under the same conditions, I've gained over 3lbs in 2 days. Measurement-wise, ganed a half inch each at my waist and bust. Hips haven't changed.

What can I eat/do/ANYTHING to beat the bloating? I'd jog, but sometimes just sitting in a chair makes me want to vomit. Low-intensity activities that actually help? Foods to stick to or avoid? This is my first experience with the pill--I had my IUD for about 3 years--and I'm so dizzy/cranky/bloated, I could spit. Ladies who've experienced this transition, when will it be over?!?!? :sad:


  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    Have you called your doctor about these issues? It could be that you are getting the wrong amount of hormones for what your body needs. Also are you drinking enough water?
  • crystal013
    Gosh, I'm not sure how long it will last. I know I had problems a year or so ago and it took months for them to find a BC that worked well with my body. Def contact your doctor. BUT a food that helps with excess water is melon, primarily cantelope! Give it try, hope it helps!
  • nurseandi
    Yuck, that sounds horrible. If this is going to be a monthly thing i would def. find something that works better for you, especially considering that OCP is suppose to HELP to a degree with these sort of things. Also if you ask your GYN for samples first before they write you out an Rx rather than wasting you money etc, to try it out. I take Loestrin 24, it's great and i recommend it to a lot of patients.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    I forgot to mention! I have endometriosis, CFICS, Vertigo, non-aura migraines, anemia, low blood pressure, and am a cancer survivor, so Ortho Cyclen (whoops! that's what I'm actually on, not Evra) is the only pill that's safe for me. (Yeah, it's a miracle I'm healthy, lol!) Excessive dizziness, nausea, etc. are common for women with any of my conditions and my doc said to expect it to last from the first week to the first 2 months. I'm even getting morning sickness and mood swings: yuck! I can deal with the symptoms, though. Chemo was sooooo much worse. This is pittance.

    I see my fiance in 10 days and I'd prefer not to be carrying 5lbs of bloat. Anything you've found to stop or reduce the swell?

    @crystal013: melon sounds delish, btw. I think I'll have to pick some up on the way home!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I've started BC a couple of times and the nausea usually lasts a couple of months for me (sorry). It gets better after a week or 2, but there's always some point in the day when I'd start feeling morning sickish during the first few months-- usually in the evening. I've never taken it while I was trying to lose weight, but I imagine the bloating will subside when your body adjusts to the new level of hormones. And I'm sure that varies from person to person.

    This is the reason I'm refusing to take BC right now. :sick: Not sure I could eat or exercise enough on BC to keep up with what I'm trying to do here. My bf has gotten over it for the most part (I've been off of it for a year now). :wink: