

  • I like how I feel when I am done. Which should not be confused with I like cardio- but I do like the way I feel after.
  • I did not eat the cookies left out on the staff room table today.
  • ITA!!!! Drinking a diet soda right now...
  • How about popcorn or pretzels? Little bags of nuts or dried fruits? Beef jerky? Also you can get some baby carrots or bell pepper strips and package them up in little baggies to eat on the go.
  • Awesome! WTG! Its hard to resist the work snacks!
  • I started C25K at the end of last May and finished in August. When I started I could barely run the 60 seconds required at the beginning. I can now run for 30 minutes straight. This is the first time in my life I have ever been able to do this. I started C25K before I even began dieting. I have now lost around 15 pounds…
  • Right now I have nike running shoes. Before that I had nike cross trainers. I am/was happy with both. I began running in my cross trainers but I have to say I like the running shoes so much better for running.
  • I've got all kinds of stretch marks, from being fat and from having kids. I have a 4 inch long purple scar where they took my appendix out when I nearly died. I have a continuous glucose monitor that hooks into my skin and makes a new hole every six days when I have to move it. I have an insulin pump that is continuously…
  • I only record once a week (on sat or sunday). But I weigh every morning. Just to see cause I cant ignore the scale, lol
  • When I first became diabetic there were some foods I put on the "I no longer eat this" list. Rice- too much of a sugar spike for something I only marginally like Hard Candy/Gummy candy- too high of a sugar spike Regular Soda-will kill me, LOL Sugar cereals- this one was hard, even regular "healthy" cereal gives me a sharp…
  • My mom had a scary health emergency that was directly related to her weight. As I sat there crying over it, I thought to myself- Wow this is what you are going to put your daughter through. And then I just decided, no more excuses. That was 30 days and 10 pounds ago.
  • I enjoyed Super Size Me but I enjoyed Fat Head (kind of an answer to Super Size Me) even more.
  • My mom had the gastric bypass. At the time she was over 300 pounds, in her 50's and in very poor health (all weight related). It worked beautifully. Luckily no complications. She had it over 7 years ago. I will say though it was not a miracle cure all. She did lose over 100 pounds but she is still battling her weight to…
  • Hi Christine, Sticking to it is always the hard part. I have been going strong for about 25 days now. I have lost almost 10 pounds (my counter says 5 cause I joined MFP then dropped out, gained 5 more pounds, then restarted) Anyhow, I have found log everything (even if you go over), exercise to help earn yourself some…
  • I used my gym's day care when my kiddos were younger. Before I had money for the gym, I loaded up the double stroller and went walking. Do you have a wii? You could play wii sports with them. Run races with the kids in the back yard. Exercise dvds after the kids go to bed. Weight training with resistance bands. Do you have…
  • If I feel really hungry- popcorn. Relatively low cal, lots of fiber, fills up the tummy. I also like celery (esp. if I have some calories for a little low fat dip), bagel thin with low fat cream cheese, fruit (esp. watermelon).
  • How about a bagel thin with low fat cream cheese? I do breakfast burritos but I am not sure how long it takes me... I would say 5-10 minutes. Scramble egg (or just egg white), add sprinkle of cheese, chopped bell pepper. Place in small warmed flour tortilla with a tablespoon of your favorite salsa. Yummy and filling.…
  • I am a type 1 diabetic (insulin dependent, not cureable) but some things I have found while controlling my disease: -not all carbs are the same- if I eat cereal (whether its Kashi Lean or Captain Crunch) I get a sugar spike, if I eat white rice I get a sugar spike. However there are plenty of other carbs where I eat the…
  • Your gym bag is a lot like mine. I carry Glucose tabs everywhere but especially to the gym.
  • I have type one. I have put on over 45 pounds since being diagnosed (in my early 20's). Its been a struggle trying to get it off. I use a pump and like another poster is saying you have to adjust your basal rate and your insulin at meals because too much insulin just makes the fat hold on more and also leads to those low…
  • Thats really awesome! All that hard work paying off!
  • Is there any chance you could be diabetic or pre diabetic? Perhaps with the cutting of the meat you have upped the carbs, which in turn (if you are diabetic or pre diabetic) could up your blood sugar? One of the main symptoms of diabetes is this overwhelming feeling of tiredness. Another symptom is extreme thirst. If thats…