Newbie struggling

Hello :)
I started 3 weeks ago, have lost a little weight, but I strongly suspect I will see a gain tomorrow. Did not do well this past week, esp this weekend.
So I am from Newfoundland Canada. I have 4 beautiful children that drive me crazy yet keep me sane - if that makes any sense, hahaha. My biggest challenge is my work! I have a small business that I run from home- making chocolate lollipops for all occassions. And my weakness of course being chocolate- it really wasn't a good business for me. I struggle with it daily. My hope is to build a strong support network here as I have always found I lost more weight when I had support. SO I would love some new friends :)
Obviously this will work if I stick to it- it makes perfect sense. My struggle of course is sticking to it! Help! lol


  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    if youy gain, you gain, that happens, a lot. You have to just say, sometimes several times a day, I'm not eating that!!!! Its not worth it. Someone said something years ago that as stuck with me, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" And I say that everyday several times a day. Some days I win that, some days I lose that. But everyday starts out new, at a new point. You may have to walk in the same footsteps today, which is fine, but tomorrow you will be making new steps. hang in there you CAN do it, even with chocolate in front of you.:smile:
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    You can do this! Someone just told me.. it is called Life :) we will struggle.. we will have good days and bad. If you gain.. then you did. But, remember.. you are watching this. It is important.. you know what is happening and it matters to you. All good things. You aren't ignoring what is happening with your body. You are strong! You are strong!
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    I think the most awesome thing about MFP is that there are daily logs that allow you to see everything you are putting into your body and what exercise you are doing that are printable. If you gain, you can look back over the last couple of weeks and see where you might have made mistakes.

    You are human, you are going to make mistakes. We all do. The most important thing is that you don't allow one day or one week to bring you down forget why you are here to begin with. It has helped me to journal about this journey. On bad days I can also look back and see why I'm here to begin with. I have also started a small, unassuming decorated box that looks like part of the decor, but is really a box where I have written down my NSV's and goals and hopes and dreams and the reasons WHY i'm doing this, so that I can go through those without having to read (what can be) long journal entries to uncover those. I think of that box as my cliff notes for this journey. :)

    There have been many times where I have wanted to give up, but being on MFP and making some amazing friends, the likes of which I could NOT do this without, has really helped me through the darker times.

    PS - I totally get the kid thing. I am a single mom to a wonderful little 5 year old boy that drives me BONKERS, but I'd rather be crazy in love than to have never had the opportunity to be his mommy. <3
  • eddiegirll
    Hi. I think if you choose to work on your lollipops about the same time you have a sandwich or salad for lunch. Just an idea, like have a cup of tea instead of being tempted to take some of your profits from your business, lol. I suppose you will be your best or worst friend, like you may not have the control to change until your ready, does that make since to you? I know you will do it when your ready as I have went through chocolate phases where I felt I just had to have chocolate, and I went overboard. I had no limits or they were very hard to make. So I am better off not having all that dark chocolate around that I thought I must have. I am doing much better without it around. Talk to you again sometime.
  • autumnridge
    autumnridge Posts: 97 Member
    What a great opportunity to work on a low carb, low fat, low calorie lollipop and create a new line of chocolate treats for people trying to change their lifestyle! I think it could seem as if you are doing self sabotage with the profession you have chosen. I understand about the kids and your sanity. I had three and some days it seemed as if all I did was run behind them cleaning up messes. But, you know what? Those years between the first child in 1968 and 1991 when the last one graduated from highschool seem to have gone by terribly fast. The most enjoyable aspect is now I am a grandmother to 7 and I can spoil them, smile when they come, and smile when they go home to their parents and I'm worn out! My greatest regret is that I didn't get my weight down and felt too inhibited to do many things with them when they were young. As my weight declines, my confidence goes up. Keep working at it till you get it right! Good luck!
  • LarChris
    Thanks so much for your replies :) I try keeping weight watchers chocolates, or the 100 calorie bars around, so I nibble on those instead of my own full calorie chocolate. But my control is weak! I find this site helps- when I log the food I eat, I'm more accountable for the extra calories. And I'm less likely to take that bite. I force myself to weigh and log it- even if I think it's bad- because I need to acknowledge it either way, so I can get back on track! So tomorrow will be weigh in day no matter what, lol!
  • JLee1892
    JLee1892 Posts: 19 Member
    If you are really craving the chocolate give yourself a little bit of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is actually really good for you. Its a great source of antioxidants! Of course its good for you in moderation. I find its a little better to give into a small craving before it gets out of control!
  • derbylea
    Hi Christine,
    Sticking to it is always the hard part. I have been going strong for about 25 days now. I have lost almost 10 pounds (my counter says 5 cause I joined MFP then dropped out, gained 5 more pounds, then restarted) Anyhow, I have found log everything (even if you go over), exercise to help earn yourself some wiggle room on the days you are struggling. If you fall off, get right back on again. Tonight we had pizza (my kids were begging) and I got to eat two pieces because I went jogging this morning. You can even make a little chocolate fit in if you work at it!