

  • I wish I was running everyday and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I wish I knew what "healthy" looked like in my fridge. I wish my feet didn't hurt so much for walking an hour and I wish...I could start and maintain this great habit of eating healthy and excercicing without craving pizza and ice cream. Today is my day #1…
  • Very interesting everything that you have written, thank you so much for such great comments...I guess I aren't doing so bad after all. It's easy to get down after you see such a slow progress, but in the long run, when we look back is when we can appreciate what a big hoop it really has been. Keep pushing forward you…
  • KayLgee, an average day for me would be coffee, w 2% milk, brown sugar; a bagel and fat free cream cheese for breakfast. I LOVE bananas, so I would have one almost daily as a snack. Yogurt, almonds, cheddar cheese stick or a protein bar for snack (usually within the 100-120 cal. range) Lunch is usually 1 cup of rice with…
  • I have to do that!!! i have not measured myself, yet I can feel my pants getting loose around my gluts and thighs, so I must be doing something right. And as far as amounts on my daily go, I have increased it to 1300 not including the extra for exercise and I am feeling much better and amazingly so...I am eating so well…
  • Wow thanks!!! That makes me feel much better...I really want to keep going, but I want it fast and it's not going to happen...-_-
  • It's 1210 to be exact and that was what MFP calculated for me based on my daily movements (sedentary) and 4 days a weeks Tae Bo...
  • What does that mean?? Am I supposed to eat them at whatever time before bed???
  • I know...I keep reminding myself it's supper healthy, but I am super overweight and have to loose about 80 pounds, hopefully by next February. Anyways, I don't eat y calories when I eat them because although I LOVE Tae Bo, I don't do it everyday and I don't always know which day I will do it because of my schedule, plus…
  • I starter looking at the pictures and then I saw the last one when suddenly my jaw dropped when I saw the one for today. Amazing!! Super hard work is paying off good, keep it up!! I have one thing to comment regarding my weight loss if I may...I find it to go so slow, its driving me crazy!!! I am a single parent that works…
  • Awesome, thanks!!! Keep up the good work:))
  • Exactly!!! All I am trying to do is to learn how to eat portionwise and choose better. I am trying not to deprive myself because in the end I might just eat an entire ice cream bowl...not cool! Im just so very happy to see that I am not doing it wrong and that it isn't such a bad idea to fit it in my budget...after all, if…
  • That is truly amazing and it answered my question regarding the amount pounds average one will loose and average time...I find it to be so slow, it's frustrating at times. My biggest thing is that I am not a veggie lover AT ALL and so I stay within my daily intake, but I always include a 100 calorie cookie pack or…
  • I am eating 1400 calories a day and I am 5'6 229 pounds. I exercise at least 5 days a weeks for 45 minutes (Tae Bo), but since I started doing the "one day treat" thing I have not craved at all. I also started snacking again (forgot to) so that I am constantly like eating healthy stuff within my daily intake. Last week I…
  • Everything I shouldn't Rockama72,lol... don't sweet stuff. Ice cream,,you name it. The problem is that 300 everyday for a week can do some damage overall. I do feel better this week, like I don't have that urge to binge on food, so don't know if maybe I was hormonal, who knows! Anyways,I will…
  • Maybe I am.... I do buy the 100 calorie snacks and stuff, but only because I don't want to feel like on a diet. Other than that I eat pretty normal...I eat what I cook, but I measure everything, so I shouldn't fall of the wagon with cravings, cause I am not in an extreme diet. Could you explain a bit more about the wrong…
  • Omgosh, thanks for such awesome replies. I haven't measured myself at all, but I did think I was going crazy cause I do feel my pants loose around my thighs, but since the scale has not moved in weeks, well I didn't think it was possible for me to be thinner in those areas. I've been doing Tae Bo for 2 weeks now and only…